Somebody to Hold

Somebody To Hold
By: VioletShadows01


Violet Donohue. In the past seventeen years of her life, she was used to the life she lived. To her, the fact that her mother was hardly home was normal. To her, the fact that her mother spoke to her as if they were business partners, was normal. To Violet, the fact that her mother never touched her, let alone ever embrace her, wasn't anything new to her.

Violet wasn't a depressed girl. She grew accustomed to the idea of never being touched, the only exception being her childhood best friend, David. Because to Violet, to never be touched, meant to never be hurt. To never be embraced, meant she would never have a broken heart.

What happens when Violet and her mother have to move and she ends up going to school at Huntington Beach High?

Untold secrets become revealed as she meets a group of strange teens.

But will the lies shatter her world?

Or open a door to a new path to take?

Rating: R (just in case)- Language, Crude Humor, Minor Violence and Minor Sexual Content

Pairings: Violet/Matt (Shadows), Lauren/Brain (Syn), Dani/Zack (Vengeance), Lacey/Johnny (Christ), Leana/Jimmy (Rev)

Disclaimer: I don't own them, because God only knows that I would not be sitting here writing this out...I'm sure you people have an idea of what just MIGHT be happening.

I would also like to state that I am NOT a a7x girlfriend hater. I think the girls are awesome, beautiful women and deserve the life they have. ^_^
