Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

In The Heat Of The Night.....

In The Heat Of The Night (sequel series to “Here Lies” one-shot by TeamCullen)


Life hasn't been the same since Bill and Tom died. God I feel like a bastard. Simone hates me, Tokio Hotel fans want me dead. To top it all so GLORIOUSLY off, note the sarcasm, Georg and Gustav haven't been seen since the worst day of my life: July 14th 2008. I will forever hate those two selfish cunts you call twins. I mean....WHAT REASON DID THEY HAVE TO KILL THEMSELVES? No matter. I haven't seen Simone, Gordon, Georg or Gustav since that day. It's July 31st and I've been wandering Germany, looking for answers. Thinking....thinking of why BIll and Tom killed themselves. Well I kinda get Tom's reason but BILL!?! God FUCK YOU. "Oh great. Lightning and rain. Cooooo-ooh-ool. Not. Blow me, lord." I have no idea where I'm going. I don't CARE. I want my life back. I want Jess DEAD. That bitch- *gasps* I.MUST.CURSE.HER. At the speed of light and dark combined, and magically knowing the way to Jess's house for some reason.... god KILL me. Use your almighty powers and fucking rip my heart out LITERALLY. PLEASE. Oh fuck it. I'll kill myself.


"Georg, we should probably find Lydia. She's out looking for piles of our blood." I can see the fury and sadness in Georg's voice and his face. "Let her come." He responds. "Ha.Ha.WE'RE AS GOOD AS D-E-A-D." High heel cowgirl boots click. "Damn straight. UP! IMMEDIATELY!" I feel a sharp pain in my head and Georg passes out.



I can tell Georg and said Gustav are frightened beyond their natural limits. "You guys fucking DESERVE to be frightened right now. How DARE you not contact our mom and disappear on us!?! SHE'S A DAMN ALCOHOLIC SMOKER thanks to you and Jess....whom I still have to kick the ass off by the way...but that bitch aint the point." They give me a look of great shock. "Yeah. I said it. Bill....*sniffles* he killed himself because Jess said that he couldn't have it all. Then Tom found his b-*cries* then everything else followed. Then Simone started drinking and isolating herself. Those motherfucking hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS HAVE A FUCKING ANTI-SUICIDE SONG ON WHICH BILL SANG AND TOM PLAYED GUITAR! GAH! If it weren't for Bill's captivating, mesmerizing voice I'd be WITH THEM only in HELL!" Gustav's about to speak. "Do suicide notes usually have strange markings?" My mouth drops. "D-Depends. What's the Mark you speak of?" "A crucifixion." My heart stops. "Mother of GOD!!!!!!!!" Georg catches me as I faint. "They AREN'T dead!!!!!!!!!!! They could be stuck in between!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH! AN EPIPHANY HAS OCCURRED! XD" Usually, I'd have tried catching my breath but realized they actually were dead. "Wow I got over-excited. They are gone. God Damn it Jess I will go against ALL of the Amendments and kick your weak-ass corpse to the lowest depths of Dante's Inferno and BACK!" Off to Jess's house at the speed of light. Georg and Gustav trail behind me.


I haven't been the same since Billy died. OMG that changed everything. My shrines have memorials and I made a website: An Angel Lost. I love it...don't get the hate comments though. My door breaks down and I turn around to see "LYDIA!?! WTF ARE Y-" "YOU LOUSY, SCUM-SUCKING, SHIT-EATING, CUM-LOVING SKANK FROM HELLL! YOU KILLED BILL!" She punches me, my nose is bleeding and I'm on the floor. "There was no justice. Now I'm gonna deal it out. Nice.And.Painfully. Ready to fight girl?" Secretly, I've been DYING for this moment. "You know it."


Lydia: *punches*

Jess: *blocks* *kicks*

Lydia: *evades* *pretends to faint*

Jess: 45 seconds!?

Lydia: *kicks Jess to the head*

Jess: *falls unconscious*

Lydia: You're mine BITCH*

(House of God:

Maria: Oh MY GOD. BILL!!!!! TOM!!!!!

*Ff 2 milliseconds*

B.& Tom: What- DAYUM! Lydia beat the scheisse out of her!

*Lydia: *holds Jessie’s bleeding head*


Lydia: I just want to let you know this one thing J.J: If you ever set a CLAW at their graves or so much as CONTACT any of his...well..CONTACTS I will fucking rip out your reproductive system, with gloves, and my BARE hand. Understood?

Jess:(painfully nods)

Lydia: Good. By the way, blood is nice at this time of the year. Especially yours, One-Who'll-Enter-Purgatory. *Drops now unconscious body to living room floor* *

Bill: SHIT!


Maria: I KNOW! Ly knows how to fight. Those mob freaks haven't messed with her in God, *cross thing on body; amen, lord in heaven* knows how long!

Bill: MOB!?!

Maria: She never told you? She used to get assaulted by random attackers in black alleys at night by random rapist stranger freaks. Once she actually got kidnapped and fought back out of COMPLETE and TOTAL uncontrolled blood fury. :)

Tom: How.Do.You.Know.All.Of.This.AND.WE.D-I-D-N-'T!?!

Maria: Sisters gotta watch her blood relative.

Bill & Tom: WHAT!?! She said she was an only child!

Maria: She lied.

Bill: *fuses*

Maria: *sighs* I died trying to rescue her from an incredibly freaky stalker…orange eyes, distorted face and fang- Oh.My.God. My sister is the slayer!!!!

Bill & Tom: o.0

Maria: *gasps* You don’t know the legend!?! One girl chosen to roam the Earth constantly hunting down demons and vampires of ALL kinds. She’s not supposed to tell anybody. The Apocalypse/Armageddon and the only one who stands a chance against the armies of Hell is my DAMN SISTER LYDIA. *wipes fake tear* Girl’s got the moves and brains. Haha! XD)

“Well Jessie, it’s been fun whooping your ass Lydia Raven style, A.K.A TRUE fighter chick style. You screw with the Kaulitz family you mess with me. Deal with it.” She’s not moving so I leave a note. Stealing her black nail polish and running out the door, I try to find the nearest tattoo parlor. Ah-HA! *Am ran Tattoos*. PERFECT.


The inside of the shop is amazing. It has that haunting punk/gothic/metal atmosphere I love so much to it. J Not to mention the entire kick-ASS tattoo design pictures. Hehehe. “I’m getting Fighter Chick tattooed on my right arm and Riot Blade on my left wrist, and possibly a withered old black rose on both my shoulders. Tee he. Damn I love tattoo parlors in Germany.” A girl with multi-colored dread-locks, apparently named Lena due to the parlor’s nametag, walks up to me and holds out her wrist/arm band covered right arm out. We shake hands. “Hi there miss…..” “Lydia Raven.” Her eyes bulge out. “THE Lydia Raven!?! Dude you’re famous! Well…..not the good kind. People say you killed Bill and Tom. But I don’t think th- oh god. I’m so sorry I brought that up. Stupid, stupid Lena. Haha. Anyways, come up to the register and I’ll sign you up for how many tattoos?” With a smile, I respond with a warm and happy tone. “Four.” “DAMN. Four first time tattoos!?! Shit girl. Haha. What are they and where do you want ‘em? I’ll be your tattoo artist, obviously. YAY!” “YAY!” We both laugh our overly giggly asses off to the entire shop. “Okay so let me get everything set up and I’ll come and get you in like 5 minutes okay?” “Sure.” She nods and goes to a back room. Taking a seat in one of the GORGEOUS, COMFY fluffy chairs in the shop, I begin to reflect why the twins died. Bill wanted all the fame in the world. His girlfriend, PUKE NASTY SHIT-HEAD JESSIE, was exasperated and crashed his world with the words: “You can’t have it all.” Thus resulting in Bill’s suicide. THEN resulting in Tom’s suicide. “Jess I swear on the Holy Lord in Heaven. I will avenge the twins and get my vengeance on vampire kind.” Whispering in a ghostly tone so no one would hear me EXCEPT for other people with my ability: The Slayer. I have been training since the young age of 11, when my super-strength was showcased in a play fight match in 5th grade. “Lydia Raven we’re ready for you now!” Lena’s happy voice shouts through the room. Damn. She’s got one HELL of a pair of lungs and vocal cords to match. “Be right there!” With a quick run to the back room door, I meet the smiling face of Lena and some strange man in a hoodie. “Let’s get going shall we? First we’re gonna tattoo Fighter Chick on your right arm, then Riot Blade on your left wrist, then the roses on your shoulders. Sound good?” “Sounds AWESOME.” Giggling, she leads me to the tattooing room. Still with that old man there….with cross medallions and mini-arrows. Okaay. “Lydia, you may lift up your sleeve and lay on the table here.” Lena gives the cloth-covered table a tap. I obey and lift up my sleeve. “What design would my newest buddy like? Haha.” God I love this girl so much. Haha. “Olde English font with Black, Red and Purple colors.” Her mouth drops open. “Clev-er and AWE-SOME. Girl, I think we gonna be good friends. XD” She fills the ink jet with black, red and purple ink and her other friend type person makes the black outline on my arm. “Tee hee! It tickles intensely….can I laugh my ass off now?” “Riot, go right ahead. I laughed like you want to right now when I got my Angellore tattoo and Battlelore’s band name and logo tattooed on my arms and left wrist. J” She laughs. “Great. Cause- GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAQHAHAHAHAHAHA-*coughs*-AHAHAHA!” After 15 minutes of keeping my arm still and straight, Georg finishes up the tattoo design. “Cool! I can’t wait for the paint job…..think you can put in a big red cross and an Ankh symbol on my hands? NOT my palms? I’ll pay extra.” “Of course! First SIX tattoos…*fake cries*” “WAIT A MINUTE. Your name is GEORG? Would your last name happen to be LISTING?!” “Yu- LYDIA! Um…eh…hey…there.” “HEY THERE!?! HEY THERE!>! YOU LOUSY NO GOOD SON OF A GERMAN BLOODED MOTHER FUCKER!” Lena looks confused. “This bitch was like a son to Bill and Tom’s parents, of course their birth mother DOY, and ABANDONED Simone during her grieving!!!!!!!!!” She looks mega-pissed. “Bull-shit!” “BULL-TRUE LENA! HE ABANDONED THEM!” After Lena quickly, but still neatly, colors in my tattoo and does the silver/gray/red colored crucifix on my hand, I give Lena $50 and my number so we can talk. Then I run the flipping HELL out of Amhran Tattoos.

Why did Bill have to die?

Why did TOM have to die? THAT crossed the already dead line.

A life-time issue has been settled.

I…loved Tom Kaulitz.

And I was too much of a self-centered fucked up, emo, homicidal, bitch to realize it and tell him. But I couldn’t have saved him.

Only Bill. Only Bill could’ve kept Tom here.

Heh. Cassie liked Bill.

And vice versa. But his feeling for Cassie faded with that BITCH Jessie.

His relationship with J.J Hell spawn went down the drain. But he didn’t do anything.

Those two are the modern day Romeo & Juliet.

And Cassie hasn’t spoken to me since July 14th. Or….anytime before that. She knows about it now but I worry about her.

Can I save Cassie’s life, or will I fail miserably?

It’s a question I dare not consider at this time.

Or ANY time in the near future.

”Tom I loved you. Tell Bill Cassie always thinks of him. We’ll miss your funny selves.”

“See you in Heaven’s House, my loves.” With one last look at the raining sky, I turn around and go back to my house. “Time to Bring The Pain to vampire kind.” Deciding on black fingernail polish, two red/purple arm-warmers and my Cruciamentum necklace and my “In Memory Of…” thumbhole hoodie I designed for the Kaulitz twins, I pack my bag with the essentials: stakes, holy water gun, vials, copy of The Bible, cross necklace, wristbands, sunglasses and cell phone. “But just in case, I think I’ll put…..ahh. My beloved mini crossbow. Maria used you well. God bless her soul and the rest of my bloodline. *puts crossbow into belt loop*” Taking and putting on a long black jacket and putting my backpack on, I jump out of the window to begin a journey of redemption. And pure fucking punishment….or at least vengeance. I think I hear footsteps behind me. Looking out of the corner of my eye I see two men cloaked in black, with their hands in their pockets and big bulges in their pants. “oh Shit.” They take me into an alley and start ripping off my jacket. I whip out my crossbow and shoot at their legs repeatedly, re-sheathe it, put on my jacket and run away.



After closing up the shop, and locking it with the 18 locks of all sorts on the doors and windows and activating the rock hard metal security bars blocking all entry, Georg and I begin to walk to our apartment. “I’m surprised you haven’t yelled at me yet, Lena. Haha.” Stopping in front of our apartment, I turn around and begin to scream. “YOU SON OF A BITCH. I never KNEW anybody could be so cruel as to abandon SIMONE in her grieving! GAH! I should kick your f*cking ass! In fact….” I punch him in the jaw and break a few of his teeth, letting out my infamous demonic growl. It’s not ACTUALLY demonic but I can sound like that. Hehe. I love my abilities. “WHAT THE FUCK!?” “You deserve it! You wanted a comfortable life. Bill wanted ALL THE FAME IN THE FRICKEN WORLD! Gustav wanted to travel and Tom!?! Merciless hell. Tom wanted to love! AND YOU TWO FUCKS LEFT AT THE WORST TIME.” He drops his mouth open. “Jesus Christ! How do you know this!?!” “I have my ways, Georg Listing. I SO totally have my ways. Now get the fuck inside. I’m going out when the rain clears up and the weather gets better.” Sighing in frustration, he unlocks the door and lets me in.

Why did Bill kill himself? Why did TOM go? I don’t care about Bill in that way. He was cool. But TOM!?! Too fucking far.

There Was No Justice.


“God damn it man! Let me go!” Kicking my current attempted kidnapper in the private area and again to the head I run away. “I fucking hate Loitsche. And I HATE GERMANY. Mother of mercy I’ve GOT to get out of here and eliminate what was once the great Tokio Hotel from my mind! Maybe…maybe that’s best.” Bullshit. 100% true bullshit. “*screams*”

*House of God:

Tom: Lydia the slayer…..who would’ve thought….

Bill: Tom?

Tom: Yea?

Bill: Kindly shut the fuck up. J

Tom: Harsh much?

Bill: I wanted to be famous. It was my biggest dream. Then I was told I couldn’t be. I cut off ties with everything and everyone around me and my focus on fame was my world.

Tom: Then you went apeshit and killed yourself. NOW I’M HERE.

Bill: This is my fault because?

Tom: NOBODY WE KNOW CAN LIVE WITHOUT YOU. I sure as hell could NOT if I tried.

Bill: Bullshit

Tom: BullTRUE!


Bill & Tom: Fine. *to each other* bitch

Maria: *sighs* Boys. No wonder my sister is having trouble. XD

Tom: With what?!

Bill & Maria: 0.o

Tom: Alright alright! Damn. Just curious.

Maria: ….why?

Tom: I JUST WAS!!!!!!!!!!

Bill: I think somebody has a little crush on Lydia! FINALLY! HE ADMITS HIS CRUSH ON HER AFTER WE DIE! WHAT THE HELL TOM!

Tom: *punches Bill*

Maria: *knees Tom between the legs*

Tom: *kneeling in pain*

Maria: Serves you two faggots right.*


“Loitsche. I fucking hate your fucking guts and every fucking person in this fucking hell hole.” After whipping on my favorite ass-kicking outfit (black In Elysium hoodie with thumbholes, red tank-top with Inside The Hollow in black Olde English, black/purple striped arm-warmer, red eye shadow, black fingernail polish, plain black cloth fingerless gloves, undershorts, knee-length black pocketed pants, knee-length black white striped socks, boots) and packing my bag to go to the cemetery to visit my grandma’s grave (it’s got all my fighting stuff just in case….THINGS pop out and try to…oh I don’t know….SLAUGHTER me!) and pay my respects to the dumbshit Kaulitz twins.


“I still can’t believe you’re gone gramma. It’s been 3 days already. I haven’t found the killer yet due to other problems but I promise you with my very soul I will find the one that put you in your grave and fucking kill the asshole on sight and on contact. I VOW to accomplish this task.” Leaving a red rose bouquet in that little holder thing for flowers by her headstone, I decide to sing a Latin prayer of peace.

“Dico mihi quare, vos have absentis, permissum mihi teneo, quare you've left , iam lux lucis est absentis , quod obscurum has adveho , pacis exsisto vobis in domus of deus. EGO teneo vos dont memor mihi, EGO teneo vos don't vere tutela, tamen vos teneo quam EGO requiro vos sic whenever EGO can I'll statua of vita vobis hic per meus pars.” “I love you, Grandma Rose. I will avenge you.” I kneel upon her headstone for 5 minutes straight. “Now for the two scumbags.” I walk over to the Kaulitz twins’ graves. “Guys…*sighs* I really have NO words for you right now. I don’t think I ever will. All I know is that you fucked up your parent’s lives unfairly, your fans hate me and want to KILL me. Bill you did a stupid FUCKED UP thing. You had absolutely NO reason to commit suicide. AT ALL. And Tom? Fuck you. That’s all until I meet my fate and die to join you up there in battle. God damn I can’t believe I thought I LOVED you Tom! GAH! I hate playboys and womanizers such as yourself so I was pretty much SCREWED from the beginning. Now I gotta go train for The Final War, okay? Buh fuckin’ bye! BTW Tom, I don’t get over love so easily. You may still be in a very slim chance of luck.” I walk away with my bag of red wine. I tend to drink stuff I HATE to calm me down…don’t ask. I don’t know either. Red wine sucks CRAP.


Lydia doesn’t know what she did to me when she asked if I liked Bill. I DID! But now this slayer stuff is taking away time from our friendship! Why did I have to be called!?! “Bill! I’D FUCKING WHOOP YOU’RE @$$ TO HELL IF YOU WEREN’T DEAD ALREADY! YOU TWO FUCKS BROKE LYDIA FOREVER AND I WOULD KILL YOU AGAIN.” Silent streams of tears slide down my cheeks. And a tide of emotions and feelings flood over me: Anger, sadness, confused, sick, broken, depressed- A VARIETY. I loved Bill and now he’s go- CASSANDRA SOPHIA RAYNE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY!?! “Cassie!!!!” I hear a familiar voice calling me, and obviously turn around to see my former sister-like friend. “LYDIA!?! MOTHER OF GOD!” In a split second, I throw my arms around her and begin crying. “Shh. It’s okay. I’m here now and I’ll never let you fall no matter what happens to me. I VOW to protect you, Cassandra Sophia Rayne. By my life or death, I will be here.” Her voice is wobbly. “Lydia I can’t ask you to try and save me. I can’t ask anything nowadays.”

“You loved Bill, Cassie. I can understand. My boyfriend was killed and my throat was bloodshot, along with my eyes when he fell…IN FRONT OF ME. My parents hated him and me. Hell they hated me from the start, those alcoholic bitches. :/” Lydia looks down at the ground, and her gorgeous black/red highlighted hair falls in front of her face. She looks back up. “Lydia this is totally random and all…but you look fucking AMAZING in black/red hair!” She chuckles, and puts a strand of red behind her ear. “Thanks. Your black/electric blue doesn’t look half bad either! XD In fact, you look kick-ASS!” We both laugh. “I missed you Cassie!” She whispers. “Let’s go to my place!” She smiles. “God it feels amazing having my identical rocker goddess of a sister back! :D!” She lets her mouth drop. “I’m your sister!?!” Le gasp! “Lydia Raven you’ve been there for me as long as I can fucking remember! If that aint sisterhood, what the hell is nowadays!?!” She laughs. We do our secret little rock handshake we made up 2 years ago. “Great to see you again, Shaiya! Great to see you again!” “Likewise, Storm. Likewise. :D”