Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

The Demons Of The Dark


"Save us from despair into our darkest hour, regain our honour and our valor, here within from our solemn hour! OPEN THE CURTAINS REVEAL THE UNSEEN! We wish to slay the unseen, we wish to see the unseen!" We've been repeating this incantation for the last 4 straight minutes. NO joke. "Lydia! LOOK! Rippling smoke! Our ritual worked. Now we need to make up a kill immediate demons everywhere around you spell...ready Gabs?"

"Damn right." Gabby said, chuckling at her newest nickname of GABS. "Deep within the flame resides, open the heart to the lands of dead heart divine, release the magic from our hearts, we fight with the power of a million souls intertwined with one, combust onto them the hottest of flames, engulf the demons in our presence to the deepest sanctuaries of hell and never allow their painful return to our mortal realm!" Dayum. Considering Gabby made that spell up on the "*demonic shrieks*"

"Okay their invisibility shields failed. Now what?" Smirking, I take out my leather-handled wooden stake. "Let ME handle this, guys." So I slowly open the door and make myself noticed by the vampires so totally bigger than I am. "Well well well. If it isn't the weak ass excuse of a Slayer-wannabee novice trying to kill us. Oh wow are w-w-w-w-w-w-w-we s-s-s-s-so scared! xD" Hearing their evil inhuman laugh just sickens me. "Um can I just tell you one thing?" Before anyone responds, I'm flying in the air generating multiple flying wooden stakes at the vampires' chests, causing them all to shriek, burn and turn to piles of undead corpse dust, signalling to me that they are dead forever. "Well. That was abnormally easy as fuck. Damn. If that's what we have to fight in the big battle...damn. It might JUST be easy as Hell to win!"

Ok um yeah I just saw my sister kill the ever-lasting shit out of THREE vampires...FIVE TIMES HER FREAKIN' SIZE!!! "Lydia how the flying fuck did you do that?!" My sister laughs at my tone of voice and explains that it was unexpected even for her. "In fact I had no idea I could even TELEPORT!!! Hey at least the Dream Killers are slaughtered mercilessly right? Am I right? haha. Alright um I WOULD USUALLY say go to sleep but seeing as how we were nearly killed by DREAM ASSASSINS, I'm not so sure...what should we do?"

"Erm....we could drink a shitload of coffee, mountain dew, iced tea, pepsi and ice water to keep ourselves awake AND we can train for the fight. Which is, as Maryangela warned, in...a week." Everyone's eyes flare up. "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING FUCK!?! A WEEK!?! WHAT THE FUCK!?! A FUCKING GODDAMN FUCKING WEEK?! IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE, BECAUSE I DO NOT FIND IT FUCKING FUNNY! DAMN!" I laugh at the amount of times Lydia said Fuck and/or Fucking. "Damn Lydia. You sure love the F-bomb. xD Haha. But seriously. We have to train NON-frickin-STOP! Next Friday....we fight. We kill all demons and evil in sight." Tears begin to fall down Lydia's face and I rush to her side, throwing my arms around her waist. "We can survive Lydia. We can and we will. In fact....we were thinking spending the first 5 hours of fighting killing them in..MAGICALLY slaying them. Then the close combat kicks in. Or whatever. Your call, B-Blade."

"I sneak up on the Leader of Their Armies and battle him, killing any FUCK stupid enough to cross me. While Cassie here assumes leadership. This happens a couple hours after fighting, as I need to get warmed up."

Oh fuck no. I have to lead an ARMY of several hundred witches, slayers and ANGELS!?

"Lydia Maria Juliana Raven Blade are you out of your damn mind?! I can't even lead an army in one of those online strategy game things half the time that I adore so fucking much, let alone an ACTUAL army!" Lydia chuckles her infamous-among-our-circle-of-friends laugh, patting my shoulder. "Fine then. Who shall assume leadership?" Ayden raises her hand before anyone else could. "Blood-Fall is honoured by all limits to assist in war...we will assume leadership while the Blade Sisters take out the leading general and cut off their resources. Sound good?"

"Genius plan, Aide! But one problem...HOW THE FUCKING FUCK do we take down a centuries old demonic warring fighting soldier-type immortal general!?!"

"That's an easy one." Anthony exclaims. "You find the source of his power, the source of his life and DESTROY the ever-lasting shit out of it. Then you can fight him like you'd kill a regular demon and/or vampire and/or anything spawned from Hell. But be extra, EXTRA careful guys. Many past Slayers have attempted to kill this mystery guy and it is NOT an easy task. In fact....I'm sure Maryangela would have a difficult time killing him and she's already dead for fuck's sake. So yeah. The girls, Black Fire, the Angels, Maryangela and I will stall the demons/vampires/whatever's from you. We distract them and bam. You make your way to the leader, inconspicuously. Unless by some magicky way he knows, this shouldn't fail if it does? Find the source and go absolutely APE-shit on the destruction method. Kill the leader, the army goes into havoc and fights maniacally."

"Bill! Lydia's going off to fight!" I exclaim angrily, wiping away my tears. Bill looks up at me also with tear-stained eyes and messy make-up. "Cassie too. Apparently, the two have just been appointed the job of killing the source of their enemies warriors...meaning....they are the most important slayers. GOD why did I have to kill myself!? I am SO fucking stupid."

Haha. "I feel the same but I don't want to live my life without my little brother. Heh. Be kind of lonely..." Bill sits by me and rests his head on my shoulder. "When the battle ends we should go down anyways....Lydia and Cassie alive or not. I wonder what Gustav and Georg are doing." "Me too, brother. Me too. Heh. Wonder if Lydia would take me back..."

"Tom we grew up with the girls! Knowing Lydia Blade and her liking a guy? Um ja she goes for it. And puh-lease. It's YOU she wants. SO obvious! But you had a girlfriend that she found out about a year before we died when you and Sara were together...eww by the way. Lydia's perfect for you and no one else. She kind of dresses like BOTH of us. Wears band shirts like me, wears over-sized clothes like yourself. So DUH. Of course she wants you back...she may deny that now and holy shit how the fuck did that leave my mouth!?!"

I laugh and pat my twin on the head. Suddenly, footsteps are heard rushing towards us. "The Apocalypse! A WEEK! Lydia...Cassie...Leads in War....oh my god! My daughters are fighting and they are the two LEADERS!!" Oh god. The girl I'm in love with is fighting in a war that may take her life and we can never be together EVER. ".....Mein god."

"Well, girls....this is it. The Big Bang. One last hurrah? hehehe. BLACK FIRE!"





"Alright my girls. Take me over to the Kaulitz residence to apologize and say my goodbye."


"You ready Lydie?" Cassie asks, also nervous to show up upon the Kaulitz stairs. "Yeah. Let's go." Cassie and I walk towards Simone's front door and knock strongly. Gordon opens and embraces us. "Dear GOD Lydia! PLEASE forgive me! I didn't mean it! It's just...they kind of freaked me out with all the tattoo overloads and the fighting styles!" Oh god. Haha. I love this man. "Gordon it's fine. Anyways, I came to say a fond farewell. It's been a week of hard training and resulted partying and the battle of our lives is upon us. I'm sorry to say that there's a VERY big chance of either me or Cassie here dying." Sensing the pain in my voice, Cassie takes over the speech.

"We just wanted to say, AGAIN, we're sorry for the loss of Tom and Bill. They were amazing men for damn sure and you two did a phenomenal-f**king job raising them. We miss the twins but not as much as you do seeing as how they are your CHILDREN." Tears form in Gordon's eyes and he invites us in. "Bring your fighter friends in. Seeing as how they're going to help save our world, they deserve a welcome invitation. You two girls want something to eat or/and drink?"

"Um actually...I'd kill, LITERALLY, I would kill for some infamous Kaulitz iced tea please." I respond, causing Cassie and Black Fire to laugh. "Black Fire. Come on in!"

"W-w-well it was nice meeting you... Ayden?" Nodding my head, Gordon wraps his arms around my waist. "Good luck Black-Fire and Blood-Fall. Now if only Simone would get the hell down her-" Gordon's cut off by his wife standing by Lydia's side. "I'm right here..Lydia I apologize...I know this is incredibly hard on you having to fight such things." Aww. Mother/Daughter moment. "It's alright, 2nd mommy Simone. I kind of basically insulted your family and I'll never forgive myself for this..we all love you and Gordon and will fight to our hearts limits...which means from now until those FUCKS are dead in HELL."

"Hey...Aide! You alright?" Cassie whispers in my ear unexpectedly, scaring me a bit. "Haha. Ja I'm fine. I'm just nervous as fuck. Aren't you?" "Ehh. I'll freak out when Lydia and I have to eliminate the source of the undead powers and kill their generals then the main general. THAT is when I freak out. But knowing that Maryangela is on our side with the Angels, Blood-Fall and master Telekinetics Black-Fire are with us...we can either win or come DAMN clsoe then suddenly lose. I hope it's the fir-"

"Cassandria Marie Blade! We can and will beat them all. Together. BlackFire, Black Rose, Huntress, Dark Angels and Blood-Fall are no more. Super-Storm is all of our powers combined. We fight as SuperStorm." Having finished my sentiment, Cassie embraces me then it's time to leave for Meridia Decena: Land of Hell War. "G-oh GOD I can't even talk! Lydia we lo-" Simone's crying so hard she can't even speak. "We'll be back."

......I love you Tom Kaulitz Trumper. I love You. I love you and ONLY you.
♠ ♠ ♠
The fight comes in about....3 chapters. :D
*FF like 5-10 minutes*

Ja I lied. It comes in like two chapters. :D

*FF 4 minutes*

Fuck it. The fighting begins this chapter! :D

The girls and Lydia spent a week together and are expertly trained Slayers, as Maryangela has trained them with the help of her Angels warriors. Now they are more than ready to begin fighting in a world created for battle: Meridia Decena. :)

P.S: I have a sequel in mind for this story: "Not Everything's Meant To Be Broken This Way"

Holy fuck the length of this one amazes me to no end! I love this story. :D