Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

Hell Or High Water


The girls and I are in our secret warehouse hideout, putting on our weapon belts. I just put on my boots with two holders for daggers, jacket with pockets for holy water bottles, a belt with six loops (3 on each side) for six stakes with silver handles and a mini cross bow.

Cassie's gotten herself 5 bottles of holy water in her packet pouch, a pistol with holy water bullets (bullets are frozen), a scythe with a wooden tip for staking and lastly some wristbands that extend/retract skinny, pointed sticks for weapons to use for stealth. They can also shoot out a stake or two (she told me) and that she would use them when we fought the Leader.

Ayden isn't really armed with much stuff but mein Gott she's got a lot of it! She has several stakes with soft grips on them (5 I think) in her bag (the two stakes are attached to her arm warmers so she can get a firm grip), a pistol with a crossbow attached on top and a holy water grenade or two.

The other girls have different killing styles but they can ALL kick ass with their fists and feet. I just hope that we can use this equipment and rarely have to use our hands and/or feet for combat. "I'm ready!" The girls follow Aydin and Cassie outside to the hallway, with Cassie stepping back waiting for me. I'm looking at the vanity mirror I brought to this little hide out one last time. 'No way will I let you be damned for eterni-' "LYDIA!" Oops! "Sorry, C. What happens now? Oh ja and we should probably put super long jackets on to hide these Gifts of Death! Hehe." Cassie chuckles, throwing me a black jacket extending to my heels. She explains we're all wearing the same thing. I hear screams and roaring in the distance. "SHIT!" Cassie and I break through the window and notice two people being bitten in the neck. "Cass it's time! Get the girls and let's beat some ass, girl!" While Cassie runs back inside the warehouse, I backflip my way to the vampires still feeding on the two mortals.

"Hi there! :) Name's Lydia and I'll be whooping your ass in a second or so! :D Hahee!" Staking one, I punch the other in the face. "GET out of here! NOW! Somewhere safe!" The man and woman look at me like I'm psychotic but obey. "Oh shit. A hole's opening up. Not good. At.All." Something grips my hand, causing me to shoot a stake through its arm. "Nice try vampie. You just finalized a deathwish. Killer? ME!!" I punch a few teeth out, staking the crap out of this vampire FEMALE. "See ya in Hell, hun. Oh wait no I won't. Because I will fucking slaughter every last vampire in the Galaxies no matter what it takes." She dusts and I shoot another one.

"BILL IT'S STARTED!" Without another second thought, he rushes to my side and looks at the developing mayhem. "She just kills, kills kills and KILLS that girl. That's my daughter! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!? Ahh..." the woman faints, then gets up laughing. "I knew the girl had that fight in her! Let's get everyone else!" I don't even pay attention, due to focusing on the scene before me. "Tom my daughter will be alright. Granted she might come out with a few bruises, cuts and such but she'll be fine." I sure hope he's right, as I do want to go back.
(Cassie) *FF 3 hours*

I feel a pair of arms harshly grabbing my waist, causing me to scream. "BACK OFF BITCH!" She growls in my ear, goes for my neck then shrieks in pain when her fangs touch my crucifix neck covering. "Sorry sweets, but we came prepared tonight." I shove a dagger through her chest, rip her heart out and shoot it with my wooden arrow. She dusts.

45 Kills for the Cassie...

"CASSIE! GO! GO find their Leader! The others and I will hold off the incomers! Get Lydia, Ayden and 3 others and go kill the SHIT out of these fuckers!" I hear Gabby shout aftere ramming a stake through an upcoming vampires chest. "LYDIA!? LYDIA!" I spot her in a quarrel with 5 vamps, all burly men. "Hey guys, ready for a double round?" When they flash their fangs and pat their pants (eww! xD) I send holy water flying their way, burning their faces and bodies. Lydia hands me a stake then we stab them all singlehandedly. 53 Kills for Cassie... "Cass it's time for our skills to be put to the limit." She takes my hand then we walk down the road so Black Fire can use a transportation ritual they made to get us to the source of these oncoming demonic fighters.

A. takes out a blue rug and puts it in the middle of the road (they put up a shield so nothing can get past other than the covens B.Fire picked out), followed by Gabby drawing a red pentagram, which is followed by Kate putting blood red candles by each pointed end of the symbol FOLLOWED by Hailey lighting the wicks. Lydia and I have to sit, knees crossed and stare into each others eyes while reciting a Latin phrase along with the others. "Here! Prick your fingers and let ONE drop of blood into the bowl!" We follow her instructions and begin the spell.

5 minutes later, I feel lightheaded and the world around us fades to black. "Cassie?" Well Ly's awake. "Yeah? I think that this warped place filled with vampires, demons and things staring at us is where we are supposed to kill something. Or everything. Personally, with my current mood, I prefer merciless slaughter."

Lydia grins then gets to work shooting everything. I do the same and in a matter of minutes, everything around us is in a pile of dust, bones and blood.