Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

Time To Bleed The Dream


Cassie and I have just killed a fucking onslaught of vampires! BloodRayne would be impressed. Cassie throws me a crucifix and tells me to kill the vamp behind me. "Take THAT, bitch." She turns to dust and I laugh insanely. "Ha-fucking-ha! Alright where's this leader fella? I'm bored and would like to slay some weak-ass fighters. But challenges are SO welcomed with me. ALRIGHT SHOW YOURSELF, FUCKER. We waited, spilled blood and shattered bones for your ass." Just then a big shadow engulfs us and we're being knocked out.

About I think an hour later (I assume), I wake up in a pitch-black room with my hands tied behind my back. Using my senses, I track down where Cassie is and feel her pain. God no! They're torturing her- THAT'S MY GIRL! She just brutally fought back. "Ya um when do I leave or whatever? I came here looking to kick some ass, dudes." At that moment, 5 biker men appear out of the darkness bearing fangs and demonic visages. "So you wusses going to let me go and we spill some blood? Preferably vampire blood A.K.A yours?" They let out a guttural laugh then I fly out of my chair. "Bitch I came to do my job. Let's get one thing straight. I am a Slayer. My name is Lydia BloodRavyn Blade and you are vampires. Since I am a SLAYER, I have to SLAY you. Note the happiness. See you later, bitches!" I stake one, shoot another with a bow/arrow, flip one onto a broken chair leg, pour streams of holy water down one's throat.

"This fragile little girl is the SLAYER? Puh-LEASE. Whore, you may be good with weapons. But can you kick ass unarmed?" He bears his fangs, growling. "FINAL-FUCKING-LY! Gawd. For vampires, you sure do procrastinate. Let's do this. No holding back. Well on my part." So he lunges at me, I duck and shoot an arrow through his head. "NEVER challenge me unless you're some vampy-ass patriarch like Dracula or the Wolfman." I laugh, watching the vampire corpse turn to ash. "Easy as pure fucking apple pie. I hate apple pie. Maybe cheesecake- oh GOD I'd kill for some right now. Yum- oh right right. Save sister, first. DUR!" I re-load my crossbow and wear it over my back with a stake in hand.

As I leave the room I was trapped in, an ONSLAUGHT (or 5) of vampires surround me. "Oh...scheisse. I SO wish I knew how to kill you all. Oh how ashamed I am. I have all these- AH yes! UV-ray grenades. Hmm. What to do. I know: I'll slaughter your asses!" I set off 3 UV ray grenades and run back to my room, ducking under the table for protection. Thank God Cassie talked me into applying sunblock, huh Self?

Yup. Shut up you have a job to do! Stupid-ass. >.> xD

Mood killer....

I take off my hoodie and prepare my corset, re-load my crossbow (again I wear it over my shoulder) and take out double stakes, silver-handled with a leathery grip for easy control. :) "LYDIA! I COULD USE SOME GODFORSAKEN HELP GOTT VERDAMMEN! Get the fuck off me, you psycho vampie rapist cunt!" I hear more dust sounds and when I arrive I saw my sister looking like she's about to pass out from combat. "HEY FUCKHEADS! Time to die, I'm afraid. Not for me. I'm actually scared how you'll handle Hell, actually, since you can't handle two Slayer girls. Just give it up, man. I can kill you before you roar. In fact..." I drop my crossbow and concentrate on the vampire's heart and imagine fire. Then he shrieks in pain, freeing my sister and allowing her to ram a stake through his flaming heart.

"Good work sis! But I want this leader bitch!" Green smoke appears and before we know it there is a gi-nor-fucking-mous bat/goblin standing in front of us. " thinks I foresee a problem. Possibly several. Cassie we must slaughter this fucker."

"ANY WORD!?" I scream across the sounds of dusting, screaming and cursing going on around me. "HYAH! Nein! Nothing! I hope they can prevail! This retards are powerful as fuck!"

"UGH!" One telekinetic one slams me into the brick wall behind me. I put on my 'I'M DEAD! :(' visage. When she approaches, I shoot her heart clean out of her body. "Danke and goodbye, motherfucker. Sorry you wasted your time. :(" I get myself up and fight my way to the coven's side. I am SO thankful we have stealth killers with superpowers helping us out. I wonder where this Georg and Gustav fellows are. Were they not friends of Bill and Tom? Besides I thought Georg was- OOOKAAY no thinking about boys in battle! There are burning buildings and broken everythings around me. God I hope Lydia and Cassie kill the son of a bitch that spawned all these F**K-heads...

"UGHH-OH!" Yet again, shoved into a fucking wall. Goddamn this freak is tough. We've been trying EVERYTHING and he's not freakin' dead yet! "Insolent, STUPID little girls! You can't stop me!" He turns into a human man-like figure but still the demonic eyes, voice and fangs. "We'll die trying, bitch-AHH!" He punches me so hard, I lose feeling in my legs and arms then hear a female demonic scream then see Cassie beating the ever-lasting crap out of this vamp dude. "YOU GO CASSIE! KILL THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!"

She smiles at me then rips his throat out. "Eww...maybe I shouldn't encourage you, hmm???"