Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

Rain of Lies (An Aphrodite For Mortal Souls)


"Ok I have a question: When can you die? As a second Slayer, it's my job to slay your sorry ass." Growling, throws another punch and I close my eyes, waiting for the blow. But it never came. I see Lydia grasping the vampire's fist with blood-red eyes and flowing hair. "Get out of here, Cassie. This one killed my father. I SAW the marks this guy-sorry CREATURE dude- left on his neck and now I want to fucking kill him. This is MY fight!" Cassie shoves the Creature into a wall and gives me her crossbow and 5 stakes. "I won't be needing those. Now GO!" Suddenly I feel lightheaded, everything fades to black around me and I'm back in the mortal world.

"Mein god!" Broken windows, bones, dust, blood- it's ALL around me. I should kill a few suckheads here and go back to rescue my sister. "CAS- oh no where's Lydia!?" Ayden comes rushing towards my side, staking and dusting anything in my path. "She stayed behind to kill that leader fellow. She sent me back here for some reason but I have no clue as to how she did that. I don't even know how her eyes turned blood-red and she spoke in an evil-sounding voice! What's happening to her?" Tears stream down my face and Ayden clears her throat. " win this Slayer has to die. Lydia's name is written down. She will die along with Drake, the vampire she's fighting now. We HAVE to save her! Can't her coven cast some freeze all time for an hour spell!?"

"We can try Ayden, but we can't guarantee it. Besides the other covens can handle themselves. We should go down there with you and Cassie to rescue her then the others will keep these FUCKS at bay. Come on!" The other covens set to preparing with their curse to freeze all these vampire/demon creatures while B.Fire and myself transport us (with the help of BloodFall and Ayden) back to where we were before when Cassie blocked a punch from Drake to me. This'll be bloody awesomely bloody amazing fantastic fun! Note the sarcasm...

"UHH!!!" AGAIN this guy- sorry CREATURE dude- sends me crashing into the wall. His claw comes flying straight towards my heart but I roll out of the way. His claw/finger is now stuck in the black marble-stone wall. "You think you can stop me? Stop US? Vampires are unsto-"

"yeah yeah, buddy I heard that the first time I fought a vampire as the Slayer. And dude? That is SO not original. Here's a tip: You'll have time to wallow in pity at your loss in HELL." I take out my wooden bayonet knife-end and aim it at Drake's heart when suddenly I see a metal blade pointing out of my stomach. "How so very strange..." I barely manage to speak complete sentences, I'm passing out from blood loss and the stinging pain. "Finish him Cassie. KILL the shit out of this fool..."

Ugh....passes out

"Alright we're here. Now that we are, I feel a headache and I see a pile of blood and Cassie's ring and holy shit she's passed out and drowning in blood!!!!!!!" Before anyone can stop me I'm running towards her body but a strong vampire wraps an arm around me. But I rip it clean off, stake him then continue running. "Cassie! Cassie please wake up!" She stirs a bit and opens her eyes. "Hiya! Hehehe. Not a.a very good idea to fight Drake alone now was it? HAHA. Erm ja one of his bastard-ass henchmen shot me with a metal blade that is still lodged inside my stomach. Lydia it fucking stings! But then I'd just lose more blood and faster than when I was stabbed- GAH!" Tears are falling down my face faster than they ever have and I can barely speak. "Lydia Drake's going to summon one HELL of an Apocalypse! You must lead B.Fire, Dark Angels, Huntress, BloodFall and any other coven as Leader along with you Ayden. You two are leaders. I know my" Her eyes close and she slowly stops breathing. My eyes turn pitch black as I lay her dead body on the ground and proceed to slay the one that killed her.

"Seems you found my prey. I bit her. Tasted pretty good actually." At this time, I notice two little bite marks on Cassie's neck. I'm so enraged right now, I punch the vamp-guy's head right off his body, dusting him. "She's dead. I will kill them all myself. Mouth of Hell or not, Cassie will be avenged. Let's go!" The girls start running outside to leave this place but a force on my head holds me back, making me shriek.

"BILL! BILL COME OVER HERE QUICKLY!" I run to Tom's side and look at where his gaze is focused. "Wha-ok I see a bloodied up girl's body. Je-CASSIE." Tears fall freely from my eyes and I feel the way no one should feel in 'heaven': Dead, empty, alone and upset. This is all my fault. "Bill you didn't kill Cassie!"

"But I DID kill myself! If I hadn't been so stupid, so fucked up and obsessed with fame and that scheisse, Cassie would still have had time to survive!" I literally can't watch anymore so I walk away, wiping my face of any makeup or stuff like that. Why would I go back now? Cassie's dead. The girl I loved- Hell I still love her- is fucking dead and never coming back.... Just great. Tom's girl is still alive and kicking vampire ass, but mine dies. Pft. I should've expected something like this.
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Here's a hint that Bill doesn't know: BloodFall resurrects. ;)