Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

The Pendulum....

Internal Destruction Process: 15%


“Lydia do you still sing?” The voice of my sister-like best friend, Cassie, awakens me from my trance. We’ve been in Germany’s biggest recording studio for 45 minutes doing NOTHING but talk and reminisce. “Of course. Do you still write?” She nods. “Let’s form a duo!!!!!!!!!!! LE GASP!!!!!!!! LET’S FORM A DUO BAND! Shaiya you’re a genius!!!!!!” Cassie chuckles. “Thanks. I already wrote this song for you in my point of view and if I EVER rhyme again shoot me. >X (” I let out a giant laugh. “Girl, we’re sitting in one of the largest recording studios in Germany. There’s an electric guitar, bass, keyboard, drum and microphone. We just HAPPEN to have song ideas and you just HAPPEN to have written one….what EVER shall we do here in THE STUDIO?” “Why I don’t know Rave. How about record a demo!?” “FUCK YES! I say we make it diverse! Ya know…. rock, metal, dance etc.” o.0 “Let’s take some of our favorite genres and make the best damn album of our lives! WORLD, HERE COMES SHAIYA SUN-DOWN!” 0.0 *me* “That band name rocks. All right let’s kick some @$$ here. No boundaries. First, let’s find BAND members, since I can’t play electric guitar OR acoustic, only keyboard and vocals. XD” We both laugh. “Remember our friend Jessie?” The sound of that name makes me cringe. “Not Bill’s ex!!!!!!!!!!!!” WOW what a relief. “WOW what a relief! And yes. Rainbow lock girl, curly black purple hair. Haha.” *Cassie: XD* “Well she’s got kick-ass lyrical skills and an amazing voice to match! You and her can rock the stage TOGETHER.” 0.0 *me* “Hell Freaking YES! CALL HER!” I hear stomping foot steps. “No need, Lydia! XD” I turn around to see my former best friend from 7th grade. “DAMN! JESSICA MARIA YOU LOOK FUCKING AMAZING! And Cassie over here tells me you can sing and write songs.” She smiles that angelic smile of hers. “Yes and yes. I’m currently taking vocal lessons and such, but no one’s trained my lyrical abilities in- NEVER. Haha. Cassie and I worked on Bruised & Broken together. J She did the music and vocal style, I worked on the lyrics. :D” “WOW! I HAVE to hear you sing that song. IMMEDIATELY!” She takes her starting breath and begins to sing.

“No matter, what happens, I’ll be by your side, no matter the cost, I’ll protect you with my life, even if that sends me to the house of God, I just have to let you know, I’ll be here, with you, forevermore, even if I end up bruised & broken, I’ll protect you the rest of my days.” She ends the song with an Amy Lee style high note. “………….Jess?” “Yea?” She looks at me, with a frightened look on her face. “YOU’RE FUCKING AMAZING! SERIOUSLY! I thought Amy Lee’s voice was a siren! But DAMN! When someone beats Amy at sounding like a siren, THAT’S THE BIGGEST VOCAL ACCOMPLISHMENT OF ALL TIME!” I let all that out with a single breath. “WOW!!!! THAT is the best compliment I’ve ever received!” Miraculously, I find remaining vocal strength to speak. “Now Jess I’m FORCING you to join Shaiya Sun-Down!” She yelps. “YAY. Let’s get to work right? I learned electric guitar in 8th grade and can play fucking NIGHT WISH now!” o.o “Wow. Well we’ll record a few of our written songs after we….well…WRITE some! XD” We all let out a laugh. “Well, Sun-Down, let’s get this shit on the road.”

We cheerfully yell and enter the studio, when it hit me. “Uhm….don’t we need a producer?” Somebody pretends to slap her head. “Blade, remember Julia?” My mouth drops open. “Are you f**king kidding me!?! I can NEVER forget her.” Footsteps enter the studio when everyone smiles as they put on their instruments. They twirl their fingers signaling me to turn around. I do so, and see….JULIA! “JULIA!?!” Our arms fall around each other in a hug. “Damn, Blade. I missed you! I am truly, truly sorry for all that’s happened and wish there was some way I could help.” 0.0 Is she joking? “Julia knowing you’re going to assist with our new band is helpful enough. You’re our producer?!” She lets out a laugh. “Yup. And if needed, live back-up vocalist. Basically, if there’s a note you want on a track, tell me and I’ll work my vocal cords to well hit the note! XD Also co-lyricist!” Everyone smiles. “Girls???? I think Shaiya Sun-Down is going to ROCK THE DAMN WORLD.”

Whoops and yells are heard when everyone goes to their places. Jessie’s got her guitar on, Alexz her bass, Anna on the drums, me on keyboards and vocals. Julia’s voice is heard through the studio intercom. “And is Shaiya Sun-Down ready to rock the world?” “HELL YES!” We shout in unison. Julia chuckles. “What masterpiece shall we record today?” This question makes my thoughts race. “Sacrament! It’s a song Lydia wrote for her love. :D” Silent streams of tears fall down my face. Julia notices and suggests another song. “Um…how about instead of Sacrament, we record Through The Blade With You?” I shake my head no. “I’d like to work on Sacrament.” They all nod in understanding. “Very well then. Put on your headphones and let’s rock the s**t out of Planet Earth. We ready?” Julia’s soothing voice is heard. “Yes! Hehe. You girls obviously know who I wrote this for so if tears fall down my face, excuse me. Ha.” “Lydia- nevermind. We know who it’s about. If they were alive they would be blessed to have you in their arms. J May the twins rest in peace forever.” I interrupt everyone. “HOLY FUCK! That could be the song’s intro part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The bands’ mouths drop open in shock. “Well girls lets sing to the house of God. You guys have the sheet music?” We all nod. “Very well then. I’m going to start the vocal line through Blade’s headphones. When you guys hear your instrumental drones kick in, that is, the drone is what tells you how to play. It’s my own special invention. Hehehe. Rock it!” She starts the music, and I hear my vocal line in my headphones. The band starts playing as soon as I play the keyboards.

“Tell me, would you ever leave us behind? You can’t let her chase you away, let me be
The one to hold you back….the mirror I see myself in has shown me a lie, I’d never thought I’d find so much sorrow in me…

Answer me this, while you’re gone, leave a sacrament behind, I’ll keep chasing that dream down the highway, I don’t care where it leads, come back to me, mom’s gone mad with pain, why’d you upset her for your own gain!? I thought we’d be somewhere else! I’ve started running a long time ago, oh AHH (<<< high note) leave a sacrament behind”

*Band instrumental*

*Choir recording w/ Lydia’s voice*

I can’t believe she’d do that to you; you could not have it all, that’s no reason to die
Why’d you let her kill you? Your brother followed, red eyes can’t bring back the happiness we once had, so many hearts have been torn by, and they all want me dead
I really don’t know why, you thought you had to die! I wish I could just believe that you could possibly return, but I know that’s not possible.” I sing the chorus 3 more times, but on the 3rd time with the choir recording. With my final high note I end the song that almost ended my life. My fellow band members stare at me in shock. Before I know it, I’m on the ground in the studio crying- wait BAWLING my eyes out and coughing viciously. Everyone’s around my side, with their arms around me.

“I thought I could handle Sacrament. But I can’t! I just can’t. GAH TOM IF YOU WERE ALIVE I’D KICK YOUR FUCKING @$$ TO THE LOWEST DEPTHS OF DANTE’S INFERNO!!!!!!!” I can barely speak with all the coughing I’m doing. “Let’s have Alexz record some of her songs, since she sings on this album now so you can rest. Does that sound okay?” Julia lifts my chin up and looks at me DEAD in the eyes. “S-Sure why not. My voice is already in pain and only after 3 minutes of screaming, I’ll work on more lyrics.” Everyone’s eyes are on me. “Lydia, after that, we’re giving you time off. I know we just started officially recording our debut full-length album today, but you’re our singer and songwriter. You’re also our sister. And family comes first EVERY time. We’ll work on Alexz’s vocal parts for a few minutes okay?” I nod slowly. “Okay. Do you want to listen to your recording and maybe hear your band mate sing?” Julia waits for me to answer. “Let me hear Alexz first. :D” They all nod. “Go for it Lex!” She nods, and once again the band takes all their positions in the recording booth. Alexz stands at the studio microphone hanging from the ceiling and then puts on her black/silver head-phones, which belong to this record studio. “We’re starting with Memories. Personally, I re-wrote this for a certain vocalist whose name need not be spoken. J Girls, let’s rock.” Again, more whoops and yells are heard. Julia hands me some headphones so I can listen to Alexz’s voice and the backing music. Julia puts on her own pair and begins the vocal drone/line that tells Alexz how to sing the song. Alexz takes her breath, all the while tapping her palm on her leg.

“Where have you been all this time? In my life, it’s not life without you, don’t you know I’d be there for you, there’s no 2nd chance, look at the black mirror, you say you see yourself in, never thought I’d find so much beauty within” Alex inaudibly shouts “HIT IT!”. “Never let the memories fade away, we’ll all be here by your side, never let our existence fade away, never let their death make you feel alone.” Oh my god. The word ALONE sounded like the 80’s hit by Heart!


I can see Lydia smiling, and wiping away her tears, while I’m in this studio singing. “He thought he couldn’t face the world alone, he said he was looking for love, WHEN HE HAD IT ALL ALONG, in the form of Raven Blade, so he thought he’d join his dead brother, in the land of the heaven’s eyes.” That’s all for now, due to not completing the verses after the chorus. We all leave the booth and go by Lydia and Julia’s side. “Well?” Lydia just looks at me like she saw a ghost. “D-A-M-N DAMN! Alex you sounded LIKE ANN FREAKING WILSON ON THE WORD ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!” My mouth drops. “Wow. Guess you liked it?” “Girl I LOVED it! I think a certain SOMEONE, me, should give a certain SOMEONE, you, the position of lead vocalist for Shaiya Sun-Down!” She’s smiling throughout her sentences. “Lydia, you’re the lead singer/songwriter. But maybe we should all sing or something? YES JULIA. That means you too. J” We all let out a smile. “Ladies and gentlemen beware. Shaiya Sun-Down is here! And we’re going to kick @$$”

(Lydia P.O.V)

We just finished up recording most of our debut album, “Sweet Fallen Sacrifice” almost 5 minutes ago. I wound up sucking it up and keeping all the pain inside. The band wound up finishing up 15 songs, among them: Sweet Fallen Sacrifice, Sun-Down, Bleed It Out, Through The Blade With You!, Always Dream, Love You. Love You is about Tom, Cassie, Bill and myself even though I MADE it look like it was dedicated to my 2nd parents: Simone and Gordon. Two versions of it: One is dedicated to Simone and Gordon, two of the greatest people ever known. They treated me like their own daughter, A.K.A, the version that the public will see on special editions of the album. And the version for Tom and Bill the band will perform on their graves. Acoustic of course. Cassie wrote her verses for Bill, mine for Tom. We both loved those two, but in different ways. Cassie loved Tom like a brother, whereas she LOVED Bill. Same with me, only switch the names around. God life without those 2 goofballs is going to SUCK. A pair of tattooed arms shakes me out of my thoughts. “Lydia we’re going to their graves now. You ready?” As ready as I’ll ever be. “As ready as I will be to kick some @$$.” She gives me THE STARE, a.k.a 0.o. “Let’s go.”



I can’t help that silent streams of tears are falling down my face when I’m tracing my fingers along the gold-engraved names of Tom and Bill. “Ly, are you sure? You look like you’re about to go all Armageddon and kill the sun.” I let out a painful, demonic-shriek like scream. “Of course I’m going “all Armageddon” Alexz. Just…. not in the way you think. Hint, HINT. Let’s get this over and done.” I can’t see it all too well, but Alex nodded her head in agreement and takes her acoustic guitar. She starts playing the first notes.

“I’m standing by the grave, waiting for a return, waiting for a sign, but still fully knowing that won’t occur the news that’s broken my still dying heart, let’s pray to the skies, pray to the lord, I don’t join you…up there, isn’t anyone trying to find me, won’t somebody bring you down? It’s a damn bad time, to have left us behind, mother’s not the same since you left for your own gain, you could’ve lived without him, but I suppose this doesn’t help, let me know if I should die here like a siren!


From here on out, I don’t know if I should stand by these graves, the grave of the one that tried to enter my heart, girl-scouting isn’t what I had in mind, now I know that it was the biggest damn mistake, now I know I’ll see myself CRAWL, (oh-AHHH *whistle high note*) let me know if I should stay or GO! This is not the last accursed question


GODDAMN why, you decided you both should die, your blood is on my hands your lives are on the line, FATHER IN HEAVEN TAKE CARE OF THEM AND TELL THEM WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING down here, in the mortal world, I know possibly that since they reside within the heaven realms, and that they don’t really care, let the twins know I love them so and I always will, but there’s one who earned a special place in my heart, this I will always so regret letting him in, so sorry to say all he wanted was to girl-scout, I’d try to run on through the blade to meet with you but unlike a certain someone I’m not that senseless! They gave me love, they gave me light, always showing everything that’s happening, to open up my eyes, but that still leaves one accursed question: Why in the name of blessed flame did I ever fall for you? I can’t stand the thought of womanizers! *Whistle note*” Goddamn that felt good to get off my chest. “WOO! YEAH! I feel REAL happy now. J Well back to my comfy bedroom to burn up all my Tokio Hotel shit and write more lyrics for the C.D. HeHeHe. Hey…I just sang a song about death and regretful love, now I’m super hyper. I feel cruel… >;) And right now I fucking LOVE it! Now, my wonderful band mates, I must g…g..go- oh fuck it.” My voice is slurred after drinking AND singing in the whistle range. Bad combination. REAL.BAD. Obviously I fainted, because my surroundings are pitch black.

*Alexz’s P.O.V*

“LYDIA!!!!!!!!!” As soon as I saw her (currently) unconscious body fall, in a frenzy I dial the # for the nearest hospital and then call Simone’s house. Why would she act all happy when she sang a song about death/and a supposedly regretful love she had for TOM KAULITZ? Ooooh. If that bitch was alive, I’d kill him for the rest of eternity. “Lexz, wishing that Tom was alive so you could kill him over and over can’t work for two reasons: First of all, I’d kick his @$$ first. 2nd: He’s fucking dead and probably HATES me now. Wait…. oh my god. Wait again. Ahh: Oh my HELL! Yes that’s better. OH MY FUCKING HELL! HE PROBABLY ALWAYS DID! SATAN DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU!” Lydia’s fists are colliding with the ground at a FRIGHTENINGLY inhuman speed rate. She’s actually POUNDING a hole right into the ground! “LYDIA! HOW THE HELL ARE YOU POUNDING A HOLE IN THE GROUND WITH NOTHING BUT YOUR FISTS!?!” She looks upset and begins to run off. I decide to call off the ambulance and let them know there was a false alarm.

*Lydia’s P.O.V*

I just took off from the graveyard, not being able to look at the heart wrenching headstones of Bill Kaulitz and his fuck headed twin brother. I can never go back there again. Dear lord I can’t imagine what’s going to happen on their 19th birthday this year! Simone will be heart-broken. I NEED to find answers. I NEED an explanation.

And Lydia Raven gets what she wants. I ALWAYS get whatever the HELL I want. And right now…. right now I’m heading to the nearest supernatural shop, when I spot one out of the corner of my eye. “Sweet! “The Pendulum”? Sounds pretty kick-@$$!” Without a second thought, I feel my feet rushing me to the inside of the shop to see walls adorned with strange symbols, books, candles, potion vials and the like. The door closes and locks….when a clap is heard? Okay I think I’m going to LOVE it here. A teenage boy walks in front of me and suddenly stops then turns around. “Welcome to The Pendulum. Where your wishes come true. Now what’s Lydia Raven doing here?” What the hell? “How do you know my name!?!” He lets out a scary laugh.

“Let’s say us…. practitioners have that skill wrapped up. Haha. Now, what EVER are you here for, Miss Raven?” Oh thank god. Not a psycho. “By the way, I’m no psycho. Now kindly respond before I kick you out. We’re supposed to be closing.” He hangs his arms be his legs, signaling me to explain my sudden arrival at this strange shop. “Well I need to somehow enter the other side without killing myself. That possible?” He chuckles. “Of course. There is a price. It requires a group of 4 very, very powerfully skilled witches/wizards. Luckily, I’ll volunteer since I was a fan of their music. KATE! HAILEY! GABBY!” Three other girls dressed in knee-holed jeans, red knee-length socks, black eye shadow, different multi-colored hair and all black nail polish with fingerless gloves with the shops logo. Also, they had pentagram necklaces and athames attached to their legs. “And your coven has been found. Ladies and myself, your group has been formed. We start in 3 days. Now I have to close the shop okay?” We all nod. “Thank you.” He smiles. “No problem. Anything for a fellow Tokio Hotel fan! :D”

Would this work, or fail miserably? I don’t know….I vow to try.