Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

Dead Heart Divine


It had been one week to the day, it's now Monday August 3th 2008, since I've met the workers in The Pendulum and since stepping foot near there. I haven't told anyone about my plans but Cassie's getting suspicious due to my new sudden interest in all things Wiccan and magic. Anthony, the really kind owner of Pendulum, asked if he could paint a pentagram on my wrist. He said: "If it feels pained, you must be ready. Entering the realm of the dead unharmed is one of the most risky things a practicitioner, much less a NOVICE, can do. I wish you well and luck." That's when he painted this black pentagram on my wrist. Haven't felt pain yet. I'm going to go out and have some fun. Maybe book a few concerts for the band or maybe work on new music for our album (Fallen Sacrifice). We still have to write and record 25 songs, and choose 15 of them for the album, with the rest being used as special edition tracks. Suddenly, while trying to find my i-pod and notebook so I can draw inspiration for lyrics and vocal styles, my wrist is BURNING. "AHHH!!!! IT'S TIME!?! HOLY HELL IT'S TIME!" In a rush of blind fright I slip into my boots, t-shirt, hoodie, jeans and slip on a few wristbands and rings. Then, leaving Cassie and the others a note and doing a roll out the window, I make my way to The Pendulum.

"HAILEY! Will you please for the sake of all our sanity CALM THE F**K DOWN!?" Gah. I specifically told Lydia to be here right now. In a flash, the bell goes off and a figure appears by me. "I'M HERE! Sorry for being almost late. Hehe. Um...everything set up?" Lydia asks. We all nod. "Okay. I'm no witch or anything but how do we do this?" She looks worried, frightened- a blur of emotions and/or feelings flooding her face. "Okay. So we have the ritual area set up, right? What you do is sit in the middle of that 5-pointed star, ON YOUR KNEES, and close your eyes. We prick your finger, drop the blood into this bowl" Waving this green bowl in her face, I set it back down. "Then while we're chanting, you'll begin to feel faint and lose sense of reality. At the end of the spell, if it's successful, you'll reach your destination." Lydia looks totally frightened.

"Lydia basically, what you do is this: First sit down in the middle of that star." She obeys. "Gabby, would you mind turning off the lights?" "Not at all. :)" Gabby walks to the front of our candle/book/potion vial/etc covered shop and de-activates the lights. Only the candles lit up the dark room now. "2nd: What you do is hold out your pointing finger. The spell requires a drop of blood from everyone that takes part in the ritual. Including the one being teleported." She nods and holds out a finger. Hailey picks out an athame and Kate hands it to me. "This may hurt a little bit." She nods and closes her eyes. I quickly stab her finger and put the bowl under her. "Open your eyes and let ONE drop of blood into the bowl. ONLY ONE DROP." Lydia opens her eyes and allows one drop of blood to fall into the bowl. "Good. Now this is where the hard part kicks in. The Latin vocal chanting. Lydia when we're done with our parts I want you to say, IN THESE EXACT WORDS: EGO precor vestrum , meus Senior , sumo mihi in! with a LOT of power in your voice. Can you do it?" She nods. "Well let's get on with it." The other Angels take their place along the pointed edges of the purple star painted on the floor.

It's Hailey's part to speak now. "Vox of Deus , vox of Sanctus Abbas in Olympus , mos vos non concipio raven?" Now for Kate. "Is begs ineo vestri terra of Lux lucis , oro per suus diligo quod per suus diligo lux lucis." Gabby goes. "PACIS exsisto per raven puella take suus in she'll non vulnero!" And since I lead the coven, I speak last, empowering the ritual with my magical energy. "Concipio PUELLA OF RAVENS TAKE SUUS In , Oro PER SUUS Diligo , ONES UT DIED UNRIGHTFULLY. TAKE SUUS In! RAVEN NOS TRANSPORTO VOS Per!" Now it's Lydia's turn. "EGO precor vestrum , meus Senior , sumo mihi in!!" The pentagram starts to glow SUPER bright purple and the lights flicker. Little did I know, there would be WATCHERS out in the dark night outside. Lydia faints after her hair turns moonlight white. Everything else goes silent. No one is able to talk verbally, so we write on dry erase boards. "*SHE DID IT!*" Hailey shows us. "*I knew she could! Could she possibly fight with us in The Final War?*" Gabby asks. "*GABBY! NO SHE CAN'T! She's not A witch!*" I reply. She gives me a fake upset look. "*Don't have to be so harsh, man! XD*" We all make the XD symbol on our boards.


I can open my eyes now and I see a BRIGHT WHITE lit room. "Mother of mercy. It worked! It freakin WORKED!" Jumping up to my feet at the sound of footsteps, I see a face I'd never thought I'd see again. My eyes begin to water up. "M...M...M...M..Maria?" She nods. "Welcome to the House of God, my angel. :) No you're not dead. Haha." Not knowing what I was doing, I throw my arms around her and bawl. "Mother of GOD I missed you Maria!" She pats me on the head and moves a few feet away from me to the golden/white Victorian styled door. "Lydia Raven, I give you The Great Creator himself!" A great crackling sound is heard and a flurry gray smoke appears. "Hello there, Lydia." It speaks! I can barely manage to speak! "Hii." My now weak voice squeezes out. "I know why you are here. Let me say you took a great risk, Ms. Blade. :) You may see the two twins right now. Good luck and God loves you!" The smoke disappears along with Maria.

The door opens to reveal the spirits of the two bastard twins. At the sight of my blood covered body (I had a fight a few hours before this; the others will take care of it later they said) and overall ME, they nearly faint. "LYDIA!?!?!?!" They exclaim with shocked voices. "Yup. Lydia Raven in the mother FUCKING flesh. I'm not DEAD yet, suckers. How DARE you. How fucking DARE you! YOUR MOM IS-AU MEIN GOTT. She's not the same how's that. Don't even get me fucking STARTED on Cassie! Bill I swear to Satan if you weren't dead I'd kick your ass! But seeing as how you're an ethereal spirit-bitch now and I'm still FLESH, that's not going to happen for another few years. Bill YOU CAN'T HAVE ALL THE DAMN FAME IN THE WORLD! Well I mean you can, but still! That was NO GODDAMN REASON TO DIE! Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, forgive me for cursing your name in vain. Amen." He looks at me shocked. "Tom Kaulitz Trumper don't even get me started on your stupid-ass self. Do you have ANY idea what people say to me? I've been BEATEN. I've FOUGHT. I've withstood mental PAIN for you! MY ENTIRE LIFE. Cassie's not been the same since she found out the news!"

"WHAT NEWS!?!" He begins shouting. "CASSIE FUCKING LOVED YOU, YOU IDIOTIC GERMAN CUNT! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK? How you never figured that out and dumped that bitch from Hell Jess, WHOSE ASS I KICKED :D, earlier YOU WOULDN'T BE HERE! Tom I'll not even BOTHER to speak to you. Okay my ranting's done. How do I get out of this beautiful place?" Maria walks out. "Lydia.....*sighs* you're the new Slayer!" My mouth drops open. "Oh.HELL.TO.THE.FUCKING.FUCK.NO." She lets a stream of tears fall. "You have no choice! The world's in danger and you and your new Wiccan witch/wizard practitioner buddies are the only ones capable of preventing and, if so, fighting in Armageddon." I can't believe this shit.

"Again I repeat myself: HELL.TO.THE.FUCKING.FUCK.NO!" Maria looks sad. "Please Lydia! This HAS to be done! Mom, Sarah, Anna, Ryan and Kellie died before. Not to mention the centuries-worth of ancestral failures. They all died in battle, telling us that they were not the one! Lydia Blade YOU ARE THE CHOSEN!" I can't believe this. "I seriously don't believe I have to repeat myself a 3rd time do I?" "LYDIA MOTHERFUCKING BLADE YOU'VE BEEN CHOSEN AND THAT'S THE DAMNED END OF IT! You will be trained for the next few months in the various techniques. Shall you feel the need to speak with me or Lord again in the near future, just gather your new coven and cast this very spell again. Clear?" I nod. "Good. So how'd it go with these two dumb-bells?" "She hates us and her friend is in love with me!" Bill exclaims, throwing his arms in the air and shouting. "I don't blame her. JOKING. NOW Lydia will be sent back to begin her training. See you later, B-Blade. Good luck and godspeed." She waves her hand at me and I begin to feel dizzy. Before I know it, I'm back in the mortal realm.


"GUYS SHE'S AWAKENING!" I exclaim happily. Kate pours a cup of ice water over her. "Those damned man whores. Can't believe I actually thought I loved Tom! Gross much? Eugghhh." Lydia shouts after waking up. Hailey runs to our room. "Guys we have a serious problem. We were being watched by men in black." She screams.

"WHAT IN THE FUCK!?!" The Coven screams.

What the hell happened!?!

Whatever it takes to get Lydia and Cassie with their loves, I'll get it done. And I VOW this!

Anthony's been having us pack up and close down the shop. We just recently finished putting away all the books, candles, bowls, potion vials, potion ingredients and spell books. And there's ANOTHER set. "Guys there's another book set under here." Before I could touch it, Hailey's black/pink hair swishes down in front of my face as she swipes it up and immediately tosses it into a protected box with the other books. "You'll find out what this ook is and what OUR purpose is when the time is right, Lydia." Gabby and the others put on their hoodies and black sunglasses. A car stops in front of our shop, yeah they're recruited me into this whole MESS, and I'm helping them put everything in. "Anthony would you do the honors?" Kate flashes her eye brows. "Not at all, Kate." He waves his hand at the windows and before I know it, they all come crashing down and a sign, CLOSED PERMANENTLY, appears. "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO THAT!?!" They all look at me like I'm crazy...or something.

"You guys recruit a new witch and don't even explain shit to her!?!" I'm guessing this is the HEAD LEADER of the group maybe.... "That's not it! She just helps run the shop, Master! That's it. She's not a witch!" Everyone shouts in unison. "WHOA STOP IT RIGHT THERE! You guys are a group of WITCHES!?! Have I gone mad? Yeah probably. I'll just treat all this as a dream and quietly play along and then wake up in my room and everything will be like it was BEFORE July this year. :) HAHAHA" Hailey puts her hand on my forehead. "Blade, you seem to be running a SLIIGHT fever. Okay so I'm kidding. Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" She looks sympathetic. Pfft. "No and if I did not here." She looks happy for some strange reason, her smile practically reaching her ears! "The car here has sound-proof windows that are...well SOUNDPROOF...when they're activated to get down. Want to tell me inside?" Nodding, I finish packing up all the remaining shop belongings. Hailey opens the door for me and we get inside a fancy red leather/soft red car. The seats are like the softest most comfortable bed created and the top, sides and bottom looke like they could be velvet bottoms to Cinderella's carriage!

"This car is f**king amazing." Hailey activates the windows. "Okay. So tell me....what's got you down? Is it those two Kaulitz bitches?" A tear stream slides down my cheek. "Oh GOD. Well you don't have to finish it then. I kind of DON'T want to spoil anything!" Her face looks upset and embarrassed. "Hailey if I don't tell someone i will go effing MAD. SO I'll tell you: Bill was with this girl Jessie right? Anyways we, that is Bill, Tom, Cassie and I, grew up together. Cassie eventually pretty much fell head over heels for Bill. He liked her back. But nothing ever happened, so...that was the end. Same with Tom and I. Here's where the double suicides come in....*tear* Bill had wanted all the fame in the world. Every autograph he signed THRUSTED him farther into the spotlight. He wanted to be famous in almost every way. And accomplishing that was his entire WORLD. Then...then his exasperated girlfriend told him he couldn't have it all and BAM! His world went crashing down. He left a death note and Tom found his body in his bathtub, cold emotionless eyes, red wrists. Tom was looking for love. When Bill died, Tom realized he couldn't live and face the world without Bill. Thus resulting in Tom's death. And that's their story." Hailey's been giving me googly eyes since I said the word DEATH.

"My God, Lydia...I'm sorry. I REALLY am. I just don't know what to say. How you holding up?" "Horribly, but getting better. AND ANOTHER THING. Their band mates were like children to Simone, but Georg wanted a comfortable life and Gustav wanted to travel. Then they just vanished!!!!!!!!!" "Holy.FUCK.WOW. Anyways, enough about death and lost relatives. a witch?" Nodding no, she looks in disappointment. "Well we needed a 5th member to complete our little group. I feel it's ridiculous waiting until the "right time" as it could be in a week or five years! Lydia we're a group of vampire killers..and witches. We roam Germany, and in some cases the planet, looking for vampires or anything...inhuman and/or evil and killing them off ONE.BY.ONE. We each have our own specialties in both areas. In fighting, I'm the one they call for making stakes and arrows and basically ammunition. So I'm the ammunition one. Gabby is the weapons expert, drawing out our weapons and giving them to Kate and her family to design. Anthony's specialty is ranged weaponry and stealth slaying. In magic, Anthony and Gabby are the telekinetics of the four of us. With a wave of either of their hands, they can send a wave of 12 cars FLYING backwards. Now the fun part is when they combine their powers....DESTRUCTION. Gabby can move things, sense like me, shoot elements out of her fingertips and levitate for a short amount of time. Kate can blow stuff up, also levitate, controls lighting and senses emotions. Me? I fly, freeze things, sense obviously meaning I can detect any presence I choose from where we are sitting now to well anywhere there's a person walking to and/or past me. Anthony can move things like previously stated, fly, super-strength and sensing like me. Well we can all sense, but A's and mine are the strongest for some odd reason."

I can't believe this. "You guys are a bunch of fucking deranged maniacs!!!!" I would've tried to open the door but the ice on it is holding it closed. "Ughh. A denier AGAIN. Alright that's IT. Car tires FREEZE!" Hailey flicks her fingers at the car tires and we stop. "Believe me now?" Nod no. ".....Damn." She unfreezes the tires and the car starts roaring up again. We're on the move. "I guess we have to show you a vanquishing then. :)" Oh crap. "It's actually not that bad. They just burst into flames and not a single drop of evidence is left behind. Hehe. Unless we get one that knows who the HELL we are and hates us enough to look like a slain human CORPSE at our feet in public....we're basically on the run from the police in every country, FBI and everywhere we go. It's not all fun and games. We actually lost family to these creatures of the dark. Now I kill them. :)" Hailey seems to be pretty proud. "Well I am NOT a witch or a freak!!!!!!!! Well freak maybe but I sure as fuck am no witch!" I guess I kind of ticked a nerve. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM!?!" "THEY'RE WEIRDOS!" She looks like she's about to explode. "WEIRDOS!?! THAT'S THE LAST FUCKING STRAW!" Before I know it, the door opens and I hit my head on the ground. Hailey is quietly cursing herself when she freezes the tires and helps me back up.

"Lydia I apologize! Really. It's just that only SOME people like us are evil. Gabby, Kate, Anthony and myself are part of the almost extinct GOOD ones! We're constantly being hunted for our weakness. Our weakness is separation and lack of numbers." I think Hailey's hinting that she wants me in the coven. "You want ME to join!?! But I don't have powers! OR fighting skills! OR WITTY BANTER. banter needs work but still." Looking into my eyes, Hailey looks upset. "I'm sorry."

"Hailey it's fine. I'd like to help you guys in any way I could. Researcher maybe?" Her eyes gleam up. "YES! That'd be great. :) And how do you know you don't have any powers? Sometimes they need to be unlocked. :) Like so.....Unlock vox unlock veneficus intus suus , dico mihi est is intentus , dico mihi est is vox!" I don't know why Hailey spoke Latin....again. But I feel a tingling in my body and a little shock. "What the hell Hailey!" "You felt the shock didn't you?!" "Yes I did b-" She laughs, scaring me. "YES! WE FOUND OUR 5TH WITCH! Hailey you're one of the Forgotten. One of the kind of our race with unlocked and forgotten powers. I think it's possible you're more powerful than any of us combined....."

Letting out a sigh, I decide to look out the window. Then, unwittingly, I begin to sing. "Can I ask you a question please? Promise you won't laugh at me, I'm not safe, I'm standing here afraid I'll be betrayed." Everyone in the car begins clapping. "Lydia you have a beautiful voice! I feel sorry for those suckers! XD" Anthony lets out that adorable laugh of his. "Okay so where are we?" Gabby begins to answer my question. "Leipzig. I've been planning to come to Germany for a while now. Winded up staying here for my entire summer break. Been here for 5 weeks. LOVE it here...... except for our coven related stuff. :)" Gabby puts her curly hair behind her ear and begins to help take in their magic stuff into an old abandoned apartment. "Lydia we have to start. Now will you join us? As the 5th witch and the first Forgotten in 946 years?" Kate's voice startles me. "I don't know what my powers are or my specialty slash specialties are!!" The others look taken aback. "Hailey, would you take Lydia to our new secret room? She needs to learn our ways." Nodding to Anthony, Hailey makes a hand motion signaling me to follow.

Opening the door to our already prepared training room, I lead Lydia to the center on the pentagram painting. "Oh god. Not another star. Hehe." She seems happy. "Lydia when you get strange unexplainable things happen around you?" She slowly nods her head. "One time, a vase broke along with several glasses. Oh and my friends and surroundings were BLOWN backwards. Got them kind of pissed off at me. I didn't know how to explain it." SQUEAL. "Lydia you're the 3rd telekinetic! Gabby and A.T will fucking LOVE to hear this! How do you get your power to work? Sadness? Anger?" "A mix of those two. TRUST me. I'm pretty much both all the time now. Heh...ehh." SQUEAL again. "Hailey, you're squealing..." "THAT'S A GOOD THING, LYDIA! You can help us fight in Armageddon!!!! YOU ARE OUR 5TH! YOU LYDIA BLADE YOU!" SQUEAL a 3rd time. "WHAT!?! NEVER! I will NEVER fight in Armageddon! I can't even control my power slash powers!!!!" Glass breaks and the windows creak. "Lydia calm down before the place crashes on us!" I couldn't believe it....Lydia Blade the Chosen.

This is Black Fire Coven's lifelong dream to find the Chosen since about....the 12oo's!

Now it's come true.
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yeah I know the chapters are fucked up. But at least I brought it back to life! :D