Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

A Pain In The Sky


"So Bill. It seems you're the more fucked up twin, I see. Damn. And I thought the title of fucked up twin belonged to Tommy-boy over here." They just explained to me the story from their point of view. "Do you two understand what you've done? Lydia's been contemptlating suicide for almost 4 years now! MY PASSING SENT HER OVER THE EDGE. Well, Bill, you saved my sister and normally I would thank you for that. But both of you broke her heart. If I were God, I'd curse you two for all eternity! GAH!" Tom bows his head down, and Bill just looks away. "Well looks like I'm done her-"

"MARIANGELA BLADE!! Creator calls for you. We're in danger!"

"Oh no. Not this...Lydia's our only hope of rescue..." I run away to our Creator's hall.

"Hi ya, Kaulitz twins. So ja. I would be Lydia's sister Anna, died a couple hundred years ago while fighting to protect my family..well..the vampire killed my family anyways but I gave my life for them to live on. Anyways, our souls are endangered of being in eternal damnation and Tom, your little Mortal crush, my sister Lydia Juliana Blade, is Heaven's only hope of survival. And if we don't make it...your parents and humanity are FUCKED. So you better damn well PRAY to our Creator that Lydia accepts the proposal offered by the Angels to train her fighting and untrained powers. Oh yeah: When I said we're in danger of damnation, I did mean all of us but no one gives two shits about you two, for breaking the heart of OUR SAVIOUR." Tom begins to speak. "No Tom. You CANNOT go back down there. Dead is dead, Kaulitz. If you REALLY liked my sister, you would've stayed there and comforted her. One: She just lost her adoptive parents and she couldn't protect her infant sister. So yeah. That happened around the time you died, a couple hours after you slit your wrists. AND another thing: Fuck you. Fuck BOTH of you to HELL and Damnation." I summon a cloud of orbs and teleport away to help out Creator and Mariangela, The Queen.

"Bill what have we done?" "I've done not a DAMN thing. YOU, however, fucked shit up with her."


"Alright, Gabby. So I just wave my hand at that vase and move it over to the wall?" She's been training my power for the past 3 hours. HeHe. "Yes. And you can increase the speed by how fast you move your hands. The best part about Telekinesis is that you can move things with your eyes, thus making it a SILENT but DEADLY move. Anthony and I use this to our advantage every single fight we're in. Oh and when we fight like hand to hand or whatever ya know we all get a HUGE adrenaline rush in our bodies, making us fight stronger and it, strangely...amplifies our magic. This won't happen for you, unfortunately, because one: You're not in a coven yet and Two: You haven't killed anything yet. But we'll work on that."

The door opens and in pops Anthony, Black Fire Coven's First Leader. "How's she doing Gabby?"

"She's having immense fun flinging things around and smashing glass, but she's got AMAZING potential. Trust me. I think she'd be a useful fighter when the time arrives. Alright, listen to me Lydia." Gabby's voice makes me lightly place the vase i was about to smash back where it originall was with my powers. "Yup?" She lets out a sigh. "Listen to me. You HAVE to keep your powers secret. Try not to let them get out of control or better yet...don't use them at all! And if you like break something or something, make up a DAMN good excuse. Your magic is, while very POWERFUL, is still undeveloped. You need a HELL of a lot of training. SHIT. Are you going back to school?" An angry look appears on my face. "FUCK no. I want to but I just can't. Those people will kill me because they think I had a part in their suicides...I DIDN'T! I would've STOPPED Bill if I could- oh shit..... I gotta go!" The door slams shut as I begin to run for it. "Lydia you had NO way to save Bill. Okay, let's re-phrase what I'm trying to say: You had NO way of knowing what would've happened. If there was, chances are you couldn't have saved him. Now I'm sorry, but I've gotta go rest my powers and take a nap. My head hurts, so I'm going to go to sleep for a while. That alright with you, Gabby?" She nods. "Of course! Go ahead." Anthony says bye, heads outside and closes the training room door with his powers AGAIN. "Well want to take a br-"

"NO. I want some fucking revenge. My entire family was slaughtered. I'm out for revenge, vengeance, payback AND SOME SERIOUS FUCKIN' PUNISHMENT. Ladies and gentlemen, the female magically-empowered version of The Punisher." I fly 4 other vases into each other and clean it all up, with two sweeps of my hands, too! :D "...damn. Do you want to fight with us in battle?" This'll take some thought...done. "I will."

"Black Fire Coven has found their Chosen!!!!! This is HISTORY making! :D Lydia you do realize your name is in several hundred books right? YOUR name. Well...not your name but you're prophecized in nearly every manual and book we've got. If our ancestors could see you now, they would be fact. I'm gonna send you back up to meet them. :)" Streams of burning, not literally burning, tears fall down my face. "Gabby I need to speak with my family. Now."

"HAILEY! KATE! ANTHONY!" Gabby makes the door fly open as soon as impossible-for-non-magically-powered-humans speed, the other three members of the group rush in. "What?"

"Lydia's going back Up There." Gabby responded, quoting and un-quoting Up There. "Family issues huh? We'll help. "Let's get prepared-" "Actually, Anthony, wasn't their some kind of single witch spell to send Lydia up there alone? And...we haven't made up a spell in a while. Could I?" Anthony smiles. "Gabby? Go for it. It's all for Lydia." A tear falls down my face and I begin laughing quietly. "Thanks guys! :`)" "Anytime, Blade. Alright. Um...this is made up on the spot so if Lydia could step on the star and everyone step to the side please, I can attempt my spell-making ability. :D"

Little did I know that Gabby's incantation would work perfectly

"Lord? I sense a new arrival...LYDIA!" Creator rushes me out of the room to greet my sister. She appears in the traditional white/blue lights and stands there. "I've accepted the job. I will be the Chosen. I am the Slayer." With tears overwhelming my face, I embrace my sister thinking nothing but kind things of her. "Lydia you realize you could die right? Slayers who die....don't come here. I'm here because I survived to fight the Original Vampire.. I think. Anyways, Lydia...if you lose your life you will NOT be here. You'll have to tough it out in Dante's Inferno and NO slayer is worth that no matter how dark or whatever they-" She cuts me off and speaks. "Mariangela, I know what I've taken on. My family was taken away from me and I will bring death and pain among all the demonic races, vampire or Demon Gods. By the way, can I see them please?" Nodding, I lead her to her family's place, knowing that Tom couldn't stop staring at her and smiling evilly at the thought. :)

"Tom? You miss her don't you?" A tear falls down my brothers face and he faces me. "Very much so but she hates my guts now. That... and the fact that she's ALIVE and I'm DEAD." More tears fall down his face. "We shouldn't have done this Bill!"

"I know, Tom, I know and I regret it every day Cassie isn't here by my side. Trust me."

Why the hell was I so fucking stupid? I shouldn't have done this...I love Cassie.

"I shouldn't have done this either and..and I love Lydia."
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Sorry for this not being for a while. XD haha. :)