Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

Crying For The Moon

"One.Two.Three!!!" I kick the vampire/demon training dummy and the head falls off and rolls away. "Hehehe. This is going to be really, REALLY fun." I've been repairing this dummy and beating the crap out of it for the last hour or so. For some reason, after I destroy the dummy and I wave my wrists and the broken repairs itself. I don't know but I LOVE it. "Okay, powers. Let's show this vampire what a Black Fire witch is capable of. Let's make it explode. Hehehe." So I combine my strength and powers then punch the head, causing it to explode into little pieces of wood. Oh yeah. I have leather gloves on everytime I train. "OH YEAH. :D Ehh. I've got no one to fight for so what's the point right? But it's fun."


"LYDIA!! THE VAMPIRES ARE ON THE MOVE TO HERE! We must get ready. These bitches are incredibly strong! In fact, only Anthony's powers are eno- DAAAAMN girl! You destroyed the head?!" I nod, and tighten my gloves and pick up a stake. "Well hell. You might as well help hold this place up." A blood-curdling scream draws us downstairs to begin the hardest fight of our lives.

"You can't win, BlackFire! We killed all your ancestors and now you're next in line! HEH!" Ughh. I hate show offy vamps. "Know what you're next in line for? My stake trap invention, bitch!" I jump out of the way, while pressing my stake button. The vampire woman falls dead and turns to dust. "AHHH! YOU KILLED HER! I'M GONNA CUT YOU OPEN AND DRINK THE CONTENTS WITHIN, YOU SON OF A BITCH! Well AFTER we have some FUN. Hehe- ARGHHHH!!!" A wooden point protrudes through his chest and he dies. "You okay, Hailey?"

"Yeah I'm fine. You might wanna turn around though." Kate turns around to stab yet another vampire woman in the chest but 3 wooden pencils fly through her chest. The body falls and dusts. "LYDIA!?! HOLY SHIT! In one damn day you can already control the speed of your moving objects?! AND COMBINE YOUR STRENGTH!?! SHIT! We may actually be able to survive a while in the fight. Oh yeah. It gets so much harder from here on out. They know you Lydia. Due to how you just killed the leader of this little freakshow troupe, they will find out who you are so you've gotta move with us and holy shit. Simone doesn't have a clue does she?!"

Holy fuck! I forgot to tell them! "NO! OH MY GOD! SHE PROBABLY THINKS I ABANDONED HER! I've got blood on my shirt but whatever. I can change after we go over there. LET'S GO!"

"But how can any of them reach up here!?!?!?!" I was just told that unless Lydia survives, the demons will find their way Up Here and take us all with them..and not even God can save us due to him being incapacitated. "I have no idea at all but you must go down there and teach your sister the proper training techniques. This is not going to be an easy fight, Mariangela, and the Chosen has been found. well I chose her, but still. She's been found and this is a fight even I'LL need assistance with. And now that Lydia's a super powered Forgotten and a Rekindled Slayer she's the only one. Mari you MUST assist your sister. You'll be going back down as a mortal and when the fight's over, you'll be back with me. Oh and I can contact you telepathically or through your mind. Go explain things to our fighters, please."

"Yes, master. Of course." So I fan out my white dress and walk to the center of this "heavenly" white stadium. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE SKIES! THE TIME OF BATTLE IS AMONG US ONCE MORE. LYDIA AMARA BLADE, MY SISTER, HAS BEEN NAMED SLAYER. WHATEVER SHE COMMANDS, WE OBEY. UNDERSTOOD!?!?!"


"KAULITZ FUCKHEADS APPROACH. Seeing as how Lydia has no support and her family is here watching me scream my voice at you spirits and this happens to intertwine with the suicides of Bill and Tom Kaulitz Trumper. Now if you guys don't mind, you should all train. Wait...nevermind. I'll just call you, understood? Be ready. We fight soon. Who's gonna win?"


"DAMN FUCKING RIGHT! WE ARE GOING TO SEND THOSE VAMPIRE WEAKASSES BACK TO HELL FROM WHENCE THEY CAME. OOHH YEAH. :D Now all the others leave. I need to have a violent talk with Tom and Bill. NOW." Everyone in the white/gold stadium disappears and Tom, along with Bill, appear in front of me. "You do realize that because of you, Lydia's suffering right? Hate mail, attempted assault, cutting, mental breakdown- she's gone through it all in the few weeks you've been gone, guys. Now. Since you two are incapable of war skills of any kind, the other Fallen Angels and myself will fight alongside my sister, the Slayer. Tom I know you love Lydia and Bill I know you want Cassie but you both screwed it all up when you killed yourselves...but..since I was a kind soul back in life, I'll try to convince Lydia to sort everything out between you two." A smile shows upon their faces and a tear falls down Tom's face. "Aww. Haha. Alright, you two stay. I'll be down there for a while. Goodbye for now." Surrounding myself in God's traditional white lights, I teleport myself onto Earth.

"So what are us girls going to do now? I mean we survived a raid right? Let's go to a club!!! YAY! :)" Their mouths drop open and Gabby tells me to turn around. "Wha-" So I turn around and my eyes fall upon the most angelic creature the universe has ever known: My sister. "Ma-Maria!?!"

"In the flesh, Blade, in the FLESH. I'm here from now until after the fight which honestly? Is in a few months. So? Let's all go to a club huh?" Tears fall down my face and Maria embraces me. "I missed you, Lydia. It's really empty up there without you. A small consolation is the fact that your family wishes you luck..also? Each and every Fallen Angel is assisting you, Commander. :) You shall lead US."

...I think I just lost my breath...

"Really?! last question.." Maria chuckles and answers me. "Tom and Bill are doing fine...well..they were and now they're just miserable. Lydia? Their greatest desire is to see you again. I'm being honest. Know who REALLY wants to see you?" My heart skips a few beats and I'm having trouble breathing. "Who?!" "Tom." vision blacks out and I hear a few screams.
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WHOO. This story is going ways I never thought possible! :D