Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

The Return Of The Slayer



"No way in HELL would I ever let my family go to Hell. Ever. I will fight and I will win." It's now been one month to the day since I met Anthony, Gabby, Hailey & Kate and a few weeks since I became a witch and a vampire slayer. "Ladies and gentlemen of the vampire race. Lydia Allia Maria Blade is the slayer. I will be of zero mercy and kick your ass back to the flames of Satan's @$$hole."



Blow up dummy head

"That's for bringing me into this whole demonic shit. Of course, I do like fighting...when will I be challenged though? I didn't train in fighting and self-defense since I was 3 years old for nothing!" Mariangela opens the door and walks by my side. "Lydia honestly I think you should take a break. I have an ex-boyfriend I left behind and he's got a brother! You....interested...hmm?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows slightly. "Uh..let me th- Oh fuck yes xD Haha. I thought it's best if I moved on from Tom anyways. I did like him and all but he died two months ago. I don't even know if I liked him and holy shit you ripped out my answer didn't you?!" Bursting into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, Mariangela collapses onto the floor and holds her stomach. "Yup yup! xD Haha. Honestly, i thought about tricking you some other way but this was SO MUCH MORE fun! xD Lydia you do know if I pulled some strings, it is possible for him to return for a few hours...right?" A tear falls down my face.

"Alright since everyone's BADGERING me about guys and shit, here's my reason for not being interested: I am not "over" Tom. I.....oh God I had to realize it after his death....I loved him and he's DEAD! I don't want him back for a "few hours", I want him here with his family and Cassie and I! But since he took his own life I can see that's not going to happen. Now if you DON'T mind, I'm going to sharpen some wooden daggers and practice stealth slaying again. Don't you DARE tell Tom I said I loved him, Mari!!! He'd be pissed." A smirk appears on her face and Mari cackles. "If he's so pissed why did he admit loving you and regretting his death?"


"Yeah exactly. Don't die in the war and you'll be okay. Where are we fighting anyways?" I nod my head, and answer her question. "I have no clue where the fight takes place and if you don't mind, I'm going slaying. Alone. I can defend myself, seeing as how I can make shit explode, fly around, freeze things, fly and super-strength...yeah I'll be fine."

"TOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOM!!!!!!!! TOM COME QUICK!!!!!!!!!!" Groaning, Tom wakes up and walks over to my side. "What?!" I smile and point to this global ball thingy. "It's Lydia!"

....... "I care why..... exactly?" Now he's pretending he doesn't want Lydia!? "Tom cut the shit. You want her back. She just said the same thing she kept inside for a long time." Silence.....tears fall down Tom's face. "What I'd give to prevent me dying on her..."

"Ahh but that's what I should be saying! Maybe after the fight we can go back Tom if you loved Lydia, you can say so. It's fine because I feel the same way about Cassie." Tom looks up to me. "I still do, Bill. I still love her like crazy and every minute she's not here smiling in my face it kills me...well....okay let's RE-word that: It PAINS me. Yeah that's better. xD"

....."I love Lydia."

Creator walks into the room and speaks to us. "You guys are going back down. As mortals. After the battle of course. Haha. Happy?" Smiles erupt on both of our faces. "More thrilled than we've ever been!!!" "Hahaha. Great to know. Lydia's a great girl Tom. I wish you never died on her but hey. At least you found out this love you've been searching for is with her through it."
(Meanwhile, down on earth in a cemetery....)

I've been sitting here for about 45 minutes searching for vampires of Hell. "Holy vampy vampy vamp! A coven of vampires. Judging by my calculations...5 of them. Big...freakishly huge...vampires. Ehh I'll shoot three, stake one, beat the ever-lasting SHIT of the other one and impale him." So I take out my cross-bow, load it up and point the stapler sized weapon at the chest of the vampire leader in the middle of the ritual. FWOOSH... "AHH!" Demonic screams are heard and I begin shooting off the vamps one by one.