Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

Chaos Bleeds.

"HOW DARE YOU INTRU-" The leader's been cursing at me for the last 45 minutes, trying to kill me....yeah um he sucks. I'm going to dust him in public.

"Um yeah hun can I just beat the ever-lasting SHIT out of you? Dude, no offense...I'm bored and I need to stake something. I got a shitload of anger burning in me and I can unleash it I will. Let's fight, girlie." So the vampire "lord" (yeah I don't know either).

Lydia and the vampire henchman walk to the cemetry grounds and as soon as her foot touches the grass she jumps into the air and lands on top of a mausoleum. "Come up baby. My powers are full as FUCK tonight. Haha." The creature leaps onto the roof of the stone miniature building and begins to attack Lydia. Luckily, she only took three mega-hard punches to the stomach, back and forehead. But she gets up, evades another punch and kicks the Vampire Henchman to the ground, causing him to let out a blood-curdling & VERY bone-shattering scream. "YOU READY TO FIGHT, FUCKER? i'VE NOT BEEN CHALLENGED YET AND I'VE ONLY BEEN SLAYING A FEW WEEKS! HAHA! WOW THIS SHIT IS FUCKING FUN!" She jumps down and tries to stake him in the chest but he moves too quickly and kicks her, thus sending the Forgotten-blooded witch/vampire slayer into the wall of the mausoleum. If it wasn't for the Slayers' natural ability to re-energize at an inhuman pace, she'd be near DEATH. "That all you got, bitch?" Letting out throaty, guttural roar he begins to speak to Lydia. "Two things: You can not beat me. Second: Bitch would be female dog."

"Exactly, dude. You act like a female and fight like a dying dog. Therefore you, my kind BLECH sir are a BITCH. to turn around?" The man laughs and plays along to Lydia's game. "HAH!" Squish... "Fooled you, BITCH. STAKED your ass good. ATTENTION! OLD-ASS VAMPY PRICK KILLED BY NEWBIE SLAYER. Haha. The supernatural community would throw me a motherfucking party if they found out....well in your case I'd be the appetizer. Oh fuck. Just...burn to flesh or something. I'm bored and want to go home." *shriek* *dusts*

"LYDIA!!!!" Oh shit. Hailey and the gang are here. "Please get down from there!" Oh lord. They brought SIMONE!?! "How'd you guys find me here!? Why are the boys' PARENTS here!?!"

"Lydia get the fuck down from there! I lost my children and I will NOT lose you! You're like a daughter to me! I can NOT lose you!" Tears stream down my face and a breeze of wind flies past me then a pair of arms tap me on the shoulder. "Hi honey. Time to die!" He punches me and I fall off the mausoleum, hitting my head on a gravestone. Despite the bleeding, I stand up straight and prepare to fight again. "Hi yourself, sweetie. Shall I teach you how to fight? Like....REAL fighting?"

"Oh please do almighty teacher."


.....This is going to be a LONG-ass battle.
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From now on when I describe a battle/fight I will write it from author's POV. It may be confusing but I can't describe fights/skirmishs in a characters thoughts. Unless Dawn wants to help me....xD haha.