Status: Complete. =)

Dead Heart Divine

Come Cover The Night With Your Love...

"GOTT, Lydia! You literally beat the ever-lasting SHIT out of that one! Who knew you could fight THAT well!?! God DAMN!" Everyone's been praising me for fighting so well and even for the sake of fighting. "Lydia..why?" And Simone's been frightened for my life since she saw me literally shove a tree branch through my previous enemy's chest. "I won't let anyone down. I let the Kaulitz family down, I let my family down when they died. I won't let down the human race. Plus I love kicking @$$. Haha. Now I must be going. Black Fire?"

"Ms. Kaulitz, it's been nearly 2-3 months since your boys died. Now, Lydia and I must prepare... for WAR. If Lydia dies, hope is lost and all of mankind is as good as dead. But her coven shall be by her side." Our cries of hope and laughter are interrupted by clicking heels. So my friends and I turn around to see my sister and another darkly-styled girl. "You didn't think I, Cassandra Meridian Rayne would let my SISTER fight alone did you? DEAD fuckin' wrong, sis. We were born and raised together, mourned together, sang together and graduated together. Now? Now we slay together. This is Ayden. Kick-ass Slayer and Witch of Blood Fall. NOW. May we fight? Do we have any other allies?" Silence... "She's got the Angels and myself on her side. When Hell rises we will kick their asses back to the black oblivion. WHO the FUCK IS WITH ME? ALL TO LYDIA!"

"To Lydia!" Cheers are shouted and Cassie, along with Ayden, tap my shoulder. "Sis, it's all going to be fine. We can and we DEFINITELY will win this war. I mean...we've got Mariangela, Black-Fire, Blood-Fall, Ayden, ME, YOU, And the Angels. They? A shitload of vampires, firedemons, spearsoldiers and whatnot. But with four covens, an Angel and Her Soldiers...they don't stand a fucking chance. Oh and Simone? We'll put in an extra ass-kicking for the boys. IN MEMORIAM. Now let's go explore Germany everyday for the Hell of it. One last time?" Nodding, we all walk to the door but I stay for a few to look at a crying Simone and Gordon. "Lydia you don't have to fight! Those freaks of nature-"

"WHAT THE FUCK!?! Gordon without those people, also known as MY FUCKING FAMILY, I would JOIN your inconsiderate BASTARDS in Heaven! Don't you DARE insult my family or God so help me, I will make your ass a sacrifice to frickin SATAN. WOW you've changed. Suicided kids or not. Simone and Gordon Kaulitz, I WILL fight and I WILL WIN. But hey. Know who's taking there deaths just as hard as you? CASSIE MERIDIAN! MY OWN GODDAMN SISTER, YOU FUCKING BITCHES! God DAMN after I leave this house and come back alive I will not return. Bye fucking bye."

"WOW. loved Bill but his girlfriend Jess who had her ass kicked by your sister told him he couldn't have it all and he just up and died!?! HOLY FUCK! This is HER fault!!!! SHIT, man! If....GAH. Now I want to kill her and I don't even know this Jess chick. She's preppy isn't she?" I nod yes causing Ayden to groan in frustration. "I'm sorry Cassie. Know this: Castle Blood-Fall will not go down without a real hard fight. Here's a tip to bring out the Fighter Within: Think of people or a person you care slashed cared about. You, in this case, Bill and/or Lydia. Her? You and/or Tom." "Excuse me, but why would I think about Tom? Ha. Very funny, girlie. But uh NO. It's flattering he liked me, considering I WAS GODDAMN AVOIDED LIKE THE PLAGUE. But hey. That's the madness- oh fuck. Fine. I LOVED TOM KAULITZ. There I said it. Have been since he kind of, sort of rescued me from insanity. I actually nearly went suicidal myself. But Tom found my body in a pool of blood when he returned. He's the one that called 9-1-1 and waited with me for I think a few days or weeks. But now HE went on the suicidal end and I couldn't save him. That's FATE proving we weren't meant to be and I thank Go- or Maryangela in this case, that we never wound up together. Plus, the fans would try and kill me. Death notes and such." Hearing my sister speak so coldy, with no such emotion at all, is heart-breaking. "GUYS!!! We kind of have a little...ok maybe NOT SO LITTLE problem! There's a gang of vampires prowling around tonight looking for us. Assassins. Invisible freakin' assassins, killing us or/and our loved this case Simone, Gordon, Lydia, Cassie and the Covens of Old."

"HOLY SHIT! Wait. Can't we pretend that we're sleeping, but with holy water filled water pistols in our grasp under the blankets and keep a slight eye open!? OR- WAIT! AYDEN! Didn't you say you can SENSE?" Anthony begins to speak up. "Black-Fire is MASTERY at sensing. I just hope they don't figure it out. This is a problem. We're just lucky as fuck that the battle wasn't moved up. How long do we have again? A month? Weeks?" Ayden has a look on her face that says "should I tell them?" "GUYS! OH MY GOD GUYS! Hey. It's Aimee, Hanna, Cristina, Mariah, Storm, Journee and Virus. We make up Black Rose." Another girl with bright pink hair steps up. "I would be Amarina. These are my Slayers Sally, Jenna, Ellie, Cadence, Sarah, Annika and Lily. We make up Dark Angels. We are in devotion to Black-Fire and the Chosen: Lydia. Huntress will do whatever it takes to ensure your safety and our survival."

"As do BLACK ROSE!" Ayden stands and takes a breath. "Castle BLOOD-FALL! I'm Ayden. My fighters are not present, but they include Aurora, Christine, Anette, Lucy, Maria, Adriana, Chiara and Meridian. BLOODFALL!" "BLACK ROSE!" "DARK ANGELS! IN THE NAME OF BLACKFIRE AND LYDIA BLADE, WE FIGHT TOGETHER AS ONE COVEN!"

The other covens were just introduced in this semi-quiet graveyard. "I'm...I'm shocked to say the least. Oh what the fuck. ARE WE GOING TO LET THOSE VAMPIRIC LOWLIVES RUIN OUR WORLD? HELL TO THE FLYING FUCK NO WE ARE NOT. THOSE HALFWITS MUST BE KILLED OFF ONE.BY.FUCKING.ONE. And we will all win this fight. Blackfire." "Black Rose!" "Bloodfall!" "Dark Angels!" I'm all excited, frightened-out-of-my-wits and my adrenaline levels are through the roof. I truly believe Good can prevail in this fight. "Now my girls. Two questions: One there's no boys here are there...damn it?"

No answers.

"Guess that answers my first question. Second: WHERE THE HELL ARE GOOD AND EVIL GOING TO FUCKING FIGHT!?! IN THE SAHARA DESERT!?" Cassie pats my shoulder and speaks. "We battle in their own world for war. In about a few weeks time...we fight. Now let's make the best of it as some of us probably won't be seen ever again, as tearjerking as that is. We will rise. We will rise and kick some ass."



"TOM! Oh for God's sake wake the hell up! Lydia and her new witchy pals are making weapons and shit. Tom she's FIGHTING! If she dies....all hope you two ever had is DEAD. She's fighting in a WAR, Tomi, and all you can do is mope around in HEAVEN! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT!?! I LOVE YOU AND ALL, as I stated when IT ahemahem happened in my letter, BUT SOMETIMES YOU GET ON MY F**KING NERVES! JESUS CHRIST, dearlordimsorryforusingyoursonsnameinvainamen, TOM. YOU LOVE LYDIA STILL! She's putting her life and soul on the line for us but mostly for you. Grow the fuck up and realize what you two could have/could've had." With that, Bill angrily walks away and slams the door. Maybe he's right. I should try and make things right. I She's living and I'm D-E-A-D DEAD as in not alive. So how would we work out? Plus what would the world think say and/or do when we returned? Could it all just be wiped out? Tears stream down my face. How the hell can one be depressed in HEAVEN, damn it!

"To answer your question, Tom: First You and Bill have the option of returning. Suicides are not the time to leave. Second of all I just explained how you two would work out. And finally, if you decide to return, the only people to remember your deaths and returns are Lydia, your mother and father, Cassie and the covens. Oh and Jess but no one would believe her sorry self. Haha. Would you like to return Tom?"


The members of Black-Fire have devised a plan to eliminate the Dream Assassins: They stay awake and perform their newly created See The Unseen ritual. Then, depending on their strength levels of course, we incapacitate them with a binding spell. Of course after that we rip any info we choose out of them or just....KILL them duh. Right now Hailey, Kate, Gabby, Anthony and Lydia are "locked in a gi-normous closet" in another room. Due to these guys speed and accuracy, they've already began the ritual with the first Latin incantation.