I Thought the Jetset Life Was Gonna Kill Him

‘’Bryar! Play those drums!’’

The sound barely escaped my lips as I jumped and screamed in the mosh pit.
Lights flashed. Words are sung. Drums hit. Guitar and bass chords strummed.
Every song – for one reason or another – a salty tear slithered down my now moist cheek; the more songs were bringing me tears, as they did when I was at home. I had to try so hard to keep myself from breaking down with joy and amazement. I’d never get over how amazing this was.

Jenna Patterson was a My Chemical Romance fan - a true, loyal, diehard My Chemical Romance fan.
When a security guard and Gerard confirm this, she is pulled up onto the stage and sings with her five heroes.
It was a life changing experience for her - and the members of MCR. But how?