I Thought the Jetset Life Was Gonna Kill Him

It Ends Tonight

My eyes opened quickly at the sound of spluttering and choking. I sat up, and Gerard’s eyes met mine. They were bloodshot, but somehow still beautiful, and his skin was ghostly pale. ‘’J-J-Jenna,’’ He grunted weakly, reaching out and grabbing my hand. I shivered when his skin touched mine; his fingers felt icy and cold.

‘’Promise me you won’t ever do that again,’’ I whispered, caressing his cheek.
‘’I promise.’’

He sat up slowly, and his eyes met mine once more. The colour was returning to his skin slowly, but he still looked sick. But before I could say anything, his lips were pressed against mine. I couldn’t help but kiss back, and wrap my arms around his neck. Gerard pressed his body as close to mine as he could, and slid his tongue into my mouth.


I rested my head on Gerard’s shoulder as we snuggled up under a warm blanket. His skin was now a light pink, and his eyes were now bright and brilliant again.

‘’I still feel so tired,’’ Gerard said softly.
‘’It’ll take time. But if it makes you feel any better, so do I,’’ I replied, tightened my grip on him.

He sighed, and picked up the T.V remote, and clicked the ‘’Off’’ button. The screen went black, and everything was quiet.

‘’Thank you, sugar,’’ Gerard stated.
‘’I wasn’t just going to sit there and watch you self destruct,’’ I whispered, tears starting to form in my eyes again.
‘’No, I mean it. Really. I would have died if you weren’t there for me – countless times, not just today. I love you so much, and I really hope you love me too. And please don’t say you do just to make me feel good. I owe you so much, and there is no way I’ll ever be able to repay you. Thank you, so much.’’ Gerard explained. ‘’I’m sure the fans are as thankful as I am, that the world has someone as great as you.’’