Round Here

Chapter 27

We were in India. What a country to be in. I have never been here in my life, and I'm not so sure I want to come back. We were only going to be here a week, and then we were going back to the US. The best news in the world had to be that the movie would be done in three or so weeks. These people film things fast.

I stepped out of the car and stood on the street of a town in India. We had a mob of midget Indian guys. I guess they were planning of having someone chase someone in their underwear. I really didn't follow it, and didn't feel the need to. I thought watching it would be funnier.

Ever since I told Johnny about what happened to my parents we have been closer. I thought we couldn't get any closer, but we did. He made my day. Most people would have turned away, but he didn't and that made me happy.

"Alright everyone take off your clothes. All you guys will stay behind that building, and once Wee-Man gets there prepare to run. Then he will turn and run the other way. You all will run behind Wee-Man." They all nodded their head and got into positions. Johnny and I just stood next to Jeff as this all took place. No one else decided to come, but us.

I sat down on the curb as I saw Wee-Man run past with Preston chasing and yelling at him. They both turned the corner, and moments later we saw Preston running away from Wee-Man. After that the mob of short Indians were running behind Wee-Man yelling. I laughed hysterically as all the pedestrians stared in amazement and confusion. My cell started vibrating so I picked it up.


"Hey Margaret it's Steve."

"Hey Steve-O what's up?"

"You have to tell Jeff we have to film something today."

"What is it?"

"It has something to do with this guy with the longest fucking finger nails I have ever seen."

"Am I going to puke?"

"You never know." He said laughing.

"Alright I'll tell him." I hung up the phone and told Jeff what Steve-O wanted me to tell him. We ended going somewhere else to see it.

The guy had like a bag over the finger nails, and when he started taking it off I wanted to puke. The nails were long and browning. What Steve-O was going to do was someone was going to pour liquids on the nails and as it dripped off the nails Steve-O would drink it.

They started it by pouring crap on the nails. I didn't know what it was but I didn't want to know anyways. As the liquid dripped into Steve-O's mouth his face twisted and he made loud gagging noises.

"This is so gross." I whispered into Johnny's ear. He nodded with the smile he had when things were gross. The guy grabbed another bottle of something and poured it down his nails. Steve-O took a big gulp of it and started heaving. He got up and ran away are started puking. Johnny said some stuff about not puking in front of woman which made me giggle.

We got back to the hotel and in our room we started talking.

"Only six more days in this country," Johnny said pulling his shirt off.

"Yeah, would you be insanely mad if I didn't come to anymore of the filming. I kind of just want to walk around and go site seeing."

"If I could I would join you." He said laughing. I laughed too walking into the bathroom turning on the water.

"I wish you could. It's going to be freaky walking around alone." I came out and grabbed some clothes. Johnny wrapped his arms around me and passionately kissed me. Our lips were tightly together as we traveled to the bathroom.

He pulled away and whispered one last thing.

"Let's save water and shower together."