Girl I Only, Think of You Always




Main Charaters

Name: Tessa Drummwright; Tess, Tessy, Kiddo, Little One
Height: 5'4"
Looks: Picture in the "banner"
Personality: Tessa is a very smart girl, she's full of ideas and opinions but knows when to keep them to herself. She never fights because she figures it's not worth the time because lifes too short and you never know when your time is up. Tessa will choose her battles wisely, however if it's something that she doesn't stand for, you don't stand a chance.
Background: When Tessa was thirteen she lost her mother, since then her father has become super over "protective". He's begun to drink alot, yet he still expects Tessa to be perfect, even though he tells her it's her fault her mother died. She never had anyone to lean on after the death of her mother, it was always just her. She didn't even talk about it with Paul.
Piercings: nose(right side), ears twice on both, cartlidge on the right, marylynn on the left side.
Tattoos: "never let you go" date of mothers death on the under side of her right wrist.(her cousin Pauly did it)

Name: Trace Cyrus
Height: 6' 3"(i'm guessing)
Looks: duh it's Trace Cyrus(however incase you don't know, or incase you forgot, there's a picture of him in the "banner")
Personality: Thinks of himself constantly, wants what he wants when he wants it. Extremely shallow
Background: Trace is known around school as one of the "it" kids, the girls think that he's hot, the guys are jelous of him because the girls are drooling and need buckets. It only helps that he's in one of the wickedest bands their high school has. Haley is Trace's girlfriend.
Piercings: right side of nose, septum, double marylynn
Tattoos: we'll just go with the one on his chest " Songs of Victory" and the half the right sleeve

Other Characters
Name: Rachael Sanders; Rach, Rachy
Age: 17
Height: 5' 7"
Looks: "banner"
Personality: Rachael is a real sweet heart, she willing to give anyone a chance. Rachael is too sweet, even if she doesn't like you she won't be able to tell you because to nice and doesn't want to hurt your feelings. She hates drama, if there's a way to avoid it consider it done.
Background: Rachael has known Trace and Mason since their freshman year(they're seniors now) In their sophamore year she fell hard for Mason and they've been loverbirds ever since.
Piercings: middle of lip, ears all the way up on boths sides. right side of nose

Name: Paul Medsker; Pauly, Bub
Age: 20
Height: 6' 5"
Looks:are we gettin this yet? "Banner"
Personality: Loveing person, really excepting. There's only one thing that he can't stand and that is an ass kisser, and totally self absorbed people.
Background: He's Tessa's cousin on her mothers side, he loves Tessa loads. He helped Tessa her freshman year of high school. He's tried to be there for her since the death of his aunt, however most of the time she won't let him in. Paul works in a tattoo shop, he gave Tessa her first ink.
Piercings: Snake bites, Bridge, industrial.
Tattoos: "all we need is love" around his wrist(left), Tessa's face on is right upper arm with his parents there too.

Name: Haley Simms
Height: 5'7"(with heels!)
Looks: "banner"
Personality: Totally self-centered, if it doesn't have her name it then she doesn't want to talk about. Only cares about the material things. Extremely catty, whore.
Background: She is a total whore, she lost her virginity in the eighth grade. All the guys want to be with her, she's dating Trace, but only because he's the "it guy" .
Piercings: ears(only twice) belly button

The rest of the guys you know
Mason Musso-18
Anthony Improgo-18
Blake Heeley[sp]-18
  1. Come on girl, I need you
    And so the it begins, Trace can't you just concentrate?
  2. I Can't Believe That's What You Said
    Out of the hundreds of people who claim to love you how can you tell if it's true or not?
  3. I'm So Strung Out, She's Out of My League
    Plastic wrap and Knights in Shinning Armor