Status: On Hiatus :(

Romeo, Thy Blood I Crave

It's been two years since the angst and intrigue that brought these two lovers together.
A new town and a new life, naturally things don't stay all hugs and puppies.

Anonymous love letters that border on creepy and a psychopathic serial killer preying on young boys, it's a surprise the connection wasn't made sooner.

Will this mysterious new enemy satisfy his blood lust for our dear Frank, or will this horrific and cannibalistic turn of events be killed off before it destroys everything these boy's hold dear?

Based on influences from Romeo & Juliet, Dracula and Jack the Ripper, Frank Iero is exposed to a whole new world of conflict in this sequel to Guy With a Tattooed Neck.

This is NOT a vampire fic. No supernatural beings are involved.

Whilst this is a sequel, it can also be read as a STAND-ALONE fic. No previous knowledge is required. However, I would love you if you checked GWATN out.
  1. Blood & Beginnings
    The changes since two years previous and new conflicts....
  2. Water & Wanting