

I awoke, feeling rather… Light. A peculiar feeling, considering I wasn’t a size zero, and wasn’t ever likely to become one. I felt so… Dizzy. But I wasn’t actually dizzy. The feelings I was getting was my body becoming immortal. Not dying, I had already done that and I can’t remember it, but this was me back. Unliving.
I gathered what that stupid vampire did to me… I gave him blood and he turned me. Needless to say I was rather pissed off.
That moment though, I was busy trying to figure out what I was. It didn’t take long for me to figure it out.

“I’ll find you, rip out your insides and make it into a broth,” I said, hoping the vampire was near enough to hear me.

I stood, dusted myself down, realising that he had moved us from an alley way onto a roof top. Maybe he wasn’t near me to hear my threat.
Never mind.
I decided to walk away, and looked out for blood. I probably should have felt rather sickened at the thought of grabbing someone and drinking all their blood. But mortals, just mortals, just food.

I selected my meal, a well groomed man, and I stalked him. He never had a clue. He turned the cornor and I decided to pounce, drag him into the shadows and allowed my teeth to bite through his flesh.
I couldn’t manage to kill him. Part of me was disappointed at the thought that I couldn’t kill people by feeding on them. I left the man in the shadows, confused, no idea what happened. I walked away. Then thought better of it and walked back, taking out his wallet and grabbing what money he had in there. Once more I walked away. Now the man could say that he had been robbed and jumped on.

Idiot. This city might not be overly big like London, but there are plenty of people here who are willing to kill for money. It’s one of the reasons Glasgow is known as the murder capital of Europe.
I wanted out of the city though, but I was still young, a night new to the undead. I couldn’t just leave when I knew nothing about what I was. I would have to learn… By myself.

It was fine, no other vampire’s were around… Aside from the graveyards, but once you’ve seen one graveyard you’ve seen them all really. No difference to me, I just wanted to figure out more about what I could and couldn’t do.
So I found a church that was still opened, and walked in.
I never went on fire.
I touched a cross.
It never burned me.
I touched the holy water.
Nothing happened.
Needless to say I was disappointed.

I moved on, and looked at myself in a car mirror. I saw myself. I looked no different from my mortal self. So I looked away quickly.
Everything I had read in vampire books was wrong. There was only one thing that I had to do. See the sun. Would I burn? Everything else that had been written down proved to be false. But I had to wait; I decided to kill time I would watch the drunks going down and up Buchanan Street.
A funny site. Women on heels that they really shouldn’t be wearing unless they are stone cold sober; were so close to breaking their ankles that I really wanted to see it happen. The men were all over the place, swaying from side to side, some fell over; and other’s tripped over the benches. Of course, you don’t get far in Glasgow on a night out until you see a fight.

Dawn was coming. Oddly enough I knew it before I even thought of it. Part of me wished I wore a watch, but what was the point?
I moved quickly, trying to find a place where I could rest. On Argyl Street, there were a few buildings that you know no one bothered with… When you see trees growing inside a building, you know people don’t care about the building itself. So I waited, and the sun appeared in all its glory. It was rather slow; watching the sun rise. I sighed as I waited for it to get a bit higher. The sun light hitting my face but causing no reaction. Nothing happened. Once again vampire books have been proven wrong. I waited for noon to arrive. No real reason, that’s when people finally decide to go shopping, I think that was to be my new undead hobby; people watching.

I felt pain.
I backed away from the window, my face was in a shadow, but my hand had been in the sun. It wasn’t smoking, it was nipping.
I could have tested it further and let my whole body feel the sun and its nipping-ness. But I didn’t want to test it. I was okay as I was. Not nipping.

I spent the next month in Glasgow, stealing from people, their blood and their money. Like I said; I wanted out of Glasgow. I didn’t know where I wanted to go, but I decided that maybe I should try somewhere down south.
It might not be as exciting as Glasgow… But it would be something different.
I decided to get the evening plane to South Hampton, and get the train to Poole. No other reason than I was told Poole is a beautiful place to visit. And that was all that I was doing.

I arrived it was nearly time for me to head for indoors; so I did, a local hotel had plenty of rooms and I slept for the day. Then in the evening I went out to feed.
I hunted for a human, a light snack, when and auburn wolf stopped me, growled at me, and once the human had run away and was out of sight the wolf changed into a woman with auburn hair and light brown eyes.

“How dare you try to kill that human,” She began, her French accent was noticeable to my ears, but there was a lot of other accents too; “No vampire is allowed to be here, this is werewolf territory,”

“Werewolves?” I said, surprised. Was I ignorant? Probably, but if everything that had been put to paper about vampire’s was pretty much a lie, then what about werewolves?

“Just been turned…” She mumbled to herself and glared at me; “Why didn’t your marker inform you? Or did you just assume you could do whatever you pleased?”

I really had to focus on what she was saying; her accent was lovely and hypnotic to me.

“My maker… Made me by mistake,” I informed her; “I never realised that I wasn’t allowed to be here; I apologise for my mistake,” I told her, deciding to back away.

“A mistake? Surely you joke,” She raised an eyebrow, unsure whether to believe me or not.

“No, I asked him to kill me,” I said to her. I had nothing to lose by being honest.

“You never wanted this?” She looked surprised.

“Of course not. Death was what I wanted,”

“Instead you give it out to the mortals,” She was quick to attack the fact that I had to drink blood. Obviously she thought the books told the truth too.

“I’ve never killed, I doubt if we can. Well… Not when we’re feeding. Its like taking a little snack, you know like those mortals have a diet plan that has them having a small meal every so often?” I attempted to explain.

She nodded; “Alright, I believe you,” Her posture still said that she was on her guard.

“I’m Kirra,” I decided to introduce myself, it wasn’t every day I got to met a werewolf, and I doubt that I would have the opportunity to do so again.

“Bernadette,” She bowed her head at me, and I returned the gesture; “What of your family?”

“Don’t know. They assume I’m dead,” I shrugged and she looked at me with contempt.

“You don’t care? Is being a vampire being heartless?”

“They never noticed much when I was mortal either,”

“I advise you to leave, tomorrow night. Or I’ll have no choice but to hunt you down,” She informed me, her brown eyes told me that she would not hesitate to kill me if she wanted to.

“All right… I’ll leave,”

I moved quickly; not understanding why she gave off such wariness of me, nor why I felt like she couldn’t do much to me.
Didn’t matter, the next evening I was out of Poole, and ended up meeting another creature from the story books.
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I've gotten a bit fed up of all the vampire books that I have read about vampire's being unable to do certain things, hence why Kira can do pretty much anything a mortal can. Within reason.
Also the whole vampire vs werewolf thing just annoyed me, hence why Bernadette didn't just go and kill Kira; though she is wery.