Our Teenie Romance


Vicky's POV-
This is it. I'm at the gates. I guess an upside to this school is wearing what I want everyday. Frank rang me this morning and wished me luck, which is cute of him, he's let out earlier than me so he's going to meet me. Least I've got something to look forward to.
The kids I've seen so far don't look like me. They look the complete opposite of me. They all look like posh, rich children who always get what htey want. They strike me as the kids who have little dogs that fit in their bags. The sort of kids that will hate me. Damn I hope Frank's right.

Okay not good so far, I'm kind of keeping a distance because believe it or not they don't like me! They all think I'm a Devil worshipper! Fucking great! I want to call Frank, but he's got a class right now. I hate this. This isn't going well! Oh great they're pointing and laughing. Ha. They've just thrown a sandwich at me. Now I'll stink of tuna when I see Frank...