Our Teenie Romance


Frank's POV-
She's right. It's small. It can really only fit her bed, a book case and a wardrobe in it, and it's a bit crowded. Three giutars are standing about. The floor is littered with clothes and tabs. There's shelves and posters on the walls.
She kicks a pile of papers across the room. "Erm you can stand now..." She says, clambering ove to the opposite side of the room.
I smile. "Not exactly tidy is it."
She grins. "I'm to lazy to tidy."
"I'd have never known." I grin.
We hear footsteps running down the hall. A voice shouts. "Who is it? Who have you got with you? Is it Shannon?" The door flies open and I see another new face. I've guessed who it is. Her little sister, Lizzie.