Our Teenie Romance


Vicky's POV-
Shaz invited me to Battle earlier. I'm not oging. Frank's going to be there but I don't want him finding out. I'm alot worse than the last time I saw him. Giving those whores the finger seems to have made matters worse. They shout insults about everything. They tell me to fuck off and die. They throw things at me. Once or twice they've made me want to die.
Like last night. I was at the bus stop. I had to get an earlier bus, all week I've waited for a later one to ensure they aren't on it. They called me "an emo bitch." Told me to "watch out for my emo boyfriend because he's going to get it if I'm not careful". I'm so scared. Not for me but for frank. What if they do anything to him? Say something to him? I got so upset I came home and cut myself. Now i've got cuts all up my left arm. I've had to hide them with a glove. I don't want him finding out. I'm going to avoid him until they heal. Even though i know I won't be able to. So instead of going out I'm going to stay at home. Maybe IM Emma or Jodie or someone. Catch up with them, maybe tell them about my problems because right now all I want to do is...