Our Teenie Romance


Frank's POV-
Vicky had to go home tonight. i'm now kind of thinknig about the wrist slitting thing. I know we love each other and al lthat but does she really love me? I mean if she did surely she'd have told me everything? She wouldn't have cut in the first place. She doesn't tell me what's bothering her, I have to really press her for information and when I do she tells me the tiniest points with no detail. And it's obvious it's hurting her and she just keeps it bottled up .I'm her boyfriend. She should tell me this stuff! It's kind of bugging me and I can't get to sleep because i'm worrying so much...But when we err screwed it was WHOA!

Vicky's POV-
Today was great. I'm stil lnot happy. I stil lwant to die. But not when I'm with him. He makes it all better. He makes me feel loved. I'm okay with him. But right now I'm not. I feel terrible. Not because anyone's said anything. Because i hurt Frank. He was so concerned about the cuts. I should have just talked to him. This is going to sound stupid but i might do it again, because I feel that bad...

Mikey's POV-
She's pregnat. With my brother's baby. It's times like these you kind of wish you hadn't have asked her. But il ove her. and i'm certain this wil lwork out! we have to be strong. For eachother. All three of us!