Our Teenie Romance


Vicky's POV-
I squeeze Frank's hand. "Come on. Let's go get 'em." he nods. i'm shit scared but if we don't make a move odds are we'll be out here all night. We start walking. Shaz follows us a few steps behind.
"i'm scared." i whisper as we approach the door.
"I guessed." He whispers, he smiles at me. "Iam too...kind of."
I grin. "Your not meant to tell me that."
We stop. Just outside the door. "Ready?" I ask nervously.
"Mikey?" Frank calls. "Gee?"
No answer. He sighs. "Guess we have to go in..."
Shannon nods and awitches the flashlight from her phone on. "Go on." she pushes Frank. "You're the man after all."