Rub Me?

Rub Me

As I played the last few chords to ‘Helena’, relief washed over me. I was tired. I was aching. I felt like I was about to die. After the audience had finished cheering, I practically collapsed onto the stage. I bent down on my knees and guzzled my bottle of water down that had been lying on the stage near by. Just what I needed I thought to myself. As the cold, purifying water rushed down my throat and into my stomach, I felt so much better for that.

As I now lay on the ground, I realised that the band had left, and that the whole audience were standing, starting at me. I hadn’t realised that the guys had left the stage and that the crew were now waiting for me to leave so they could pack up our shit. I took my guitar from around my small body, and placed it on the floor. Not long after, Matt Cortez, my tech guy ran and claimed it. I knew it would be safe with him, so I had no worries about anybody stealing my precious.

I set the water bottle down onto the stage once again; it was now empty, after a show like that, I needed as much water as I could get my tattooed hands on. Slowly, I tried to get back onto my feet, to walk off of the stage. As I found myself now kneeling on the stage, pain washed over my back. Fuck.

I felt like an 80 year old man. Trying to ignore the pain that was coursing through my blood, I finally sprung to my feet. Quickly waving to the audience and saying a short goodbye, I tried to make my exit. I began to walk from the stage, noticing that all the guys had now noticed I wasn’t with them, and were now waiting at the side of the stage for me. Mikey stood there, smirking at me. I hated how he thought he knew everything, how he thought he knew everything about me. Ok, don’t get me wrong, I love him to death, he was one of my best friends, but recently his preaching was getting to me. Every night, I would run over to him and sing the line ‘preach all you want but who’s going to save me’. I don’t think he got the message though.

Still walking at the pace of a snail, I cocked my head over to look at Ray and Bob. Those guys made me laugh, they just looked at me, not in a horrible way, judging way, the way that they always looked at me; friendly. I knew I was the ‘short stuff’ outta the band, but even though they teased me for it, I knew my band loved me, I knew they had my back; Literally now.

Finally, I reached my destination. My boyfriend’s arms. Gerard took me into his arms quickly, making sure I was okay. I instantly nuzzled down into the crook of his neck, that was my place, and I loved it. I loved the feeling he gave me, the feel of being protected, loved. Some would say I was the woman in the relationship. I didn’t care however, I was loved and that is all that mattered.

After our little cuddle at the side of the stage, I knew my band would be wanting answers as to why I just spend an extra 10 minutes on stage, lying on the floor in pain. I laced my hands with Gerard’s and we headed back to the bus. It bummed me out that I couldn’t sign for any fans tonight, but they would understand. I was in pain. As we finally arrived back to the bus, I tried stepping up the stairs, but it caused too much pain in my lower back. Gerard noticed this, hence the picking me up bridal style and carrying me to my bunk. He settled me down onto the warm, fluffy comforter and sat beside me, still not letting go of my hand.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Gerard asked inquisitively.

“My back really hurts Gee, I played on the floor most of the night, then I couldn’t get up” I whined, feeling slightly embarrassed.

“Aw baby, I did notice that. I just thought you were being you though.” He replied, stroking my hand softly. “There anything I can do babe? To make you feel better?” I smirked, okay I was in pain, but the one thing that could make me forget, was Gerard.

“Baby, will you rub me?” I asked, hopeful. Gerard’s eyes went wide. Fuck. I knew what his dirty mind thought of that. I had meant my back. “My BACK gee, nothing else!” I instantly answered the question that was plaguing his mind.

“Sure I will sugar, want me to massage it? I‘m real good at those” he purred, half seductive, half informative. His voice sent shivers down my spine. Although my back hurt, he was helping so much already. Gerard slowly got up from the bed and walked over to his bunk. He returned shortly after, a bottle of lotion in toe.

“Can you take your shirt off babe?”

“Yeah, ill try”

I slowly sat up. Trying to pull my black shirt over my head. It didn’t work, it was agony. Gerard caught on, and helped me shed it from my aching body. I laid back down, moaning in pain. Shortly after throwing my shirt to his side, Gerard popped the cap of the bottle of lotion and coated his hands with the content. Vanilla scent drifted from his hands and up into the air. Slowly, he brought his skilled hands down onto my back and started to rub gently.

A wash of relief came over me, it felt so damn good. I could instantly feel the knots working their way out, the tension that had been long building up being rubbed away. It felt like heaven, I knew there were reasons I loved my baby for!

“Does that feel good?” Gerard asked

“Y-yeah,” was all I could manage to squeak out. It felt so good, I felt so much better for this. Gee continued to rub my back, up, down, then in circular motions. When he got to my shoulder blades, I felt him stop. I sighed, not liking the warm feeling I had drifting away. Although, before I could say anything, he strong, warm hands had been replaced, with something a little different. I squirmed under his touch as he began to kiss his way up and down my shoulder blades, slowly licking and teasing the skin. Damn did that feel good.

“G-Gerard. What are you, ahhhhhh” Fucker. He was now teasing and kissing right at the top of my neck. He knew that was the place I loved the most. Not only did it relax me, it turned me the hell on. At this rate, this massage was going to turn into a full blown make out session, and, however appealing that sounded I knew I wasn’t up to it.

“Gee, I know your horney, damn so am I now, but I’m really not up to this. I’m sorry baby.” I whispered, feeling sorry for my boyfriend. He sat up again, straddling me at my hips and began ribbing my back again, until all of the tension had gone.

“Done” he smiled triumphantly. I knew he was disappointed about not being able to go any further, but I knew he understood.

“I’m really sorry I couldn’t go any further babe” I stated, hoping that he wasn’t too upset

“Sugar, don’t be sorry, I know how you feel, I get like this. Although ,when you are better, damn you have some making up to do” he smirked, of course when I felt better, I wouldn’t offer to pay him back, hell I’d pounce on him and demand I did.

After that, I snuggled down into my comforter, feeling much better. Gerard stayed in my bunk like per normal, draping his strong arm around my torso. I loved this position. It made me feel safe, loved. that’s all I needed with Gerard. Love, support, safety and damn good massages.