First Shot to Hit Big, First Time for Everything

First shot to hit big, first time for everything.

Three weeks later. We had been on tour almost a month and no body’s dead….Yet. “Hey Autumn, wanna come with Bill and me to the movies?” I asked tying my skate shoes. Bill and I were gonna see a movie while we were all in Florida.

“Neaa. You and Bill go. But don’t come back pregnant, Bunny.” Autumn replied playing her guitar to the tune of ‘Impulse’. “Ha ha ha, Autumn. Bill and I are waiting. I don’t wanna be something that I would reagent, hon.” I grabbed my wallet and put it in my back pocket. “Bye.” Autumn said as I walked out. “Bye, sug.” I called back jumping on Kittie’s back.

“Ouf. Why are you on my back?” Bill asked in his still very thick German accext. “No reason. Just wanna be close to you.” I said kissing his neck. “Ok…let’s go.” We left the tour bus with me on his back. We got to the movie thether and went in. we got two tickets and then went to the right room.

The start of the movie was boring so I decided to have some fun with Bill. I ran my hand along his upper leg, then slowly moved it closer to him. I lightly kissed his neck then bite his neck. “mmmmm. Amanda. Stop it, we’re gonna get kick out.” Bill moaned. He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the thether. We went back to the bus and went to my bed. And things started getting kinky.

I woke up the next morning with the sheets wrapped around me and Bill sleeping with his head on my chest. “F*ck. My head hurts. I’m so glad we didn’t have a show last night.” I said grabbing my Creed shirt and putting it and my patties back on. I got up and thought about last night. “Oh my god. Bill and I had sex. Crap, crap, crap.” I repeated I climbed onto the edge of my bed and shook Autumn’s arm.

“Wake up, Autumn.” I whispered to her. “What?” Cookie asked turning to face me. “At lest you woke up with clothes, I didn’t.” I joked to her. “Whatja mean?” she asked trying to wipe her eyes. “Bill and I had sex, I think.” I told her, then I explained what happened at the movies.

“So that’s why you came home so soon. What movie was it?” Autumn said getting up. “I don’t remember. All I can remember from last night was me and Bill getting kinky.” “Well, now I gotta go kick his ass for fun. You two remembered proachtion, right?” She asked looking at the clock.

It read 5:27 am in its bright neon green numbers.

“I don’t know. Oh god, Autumn. I’m scared.” I started crying. “Hey don’t worry, I’m sure Bill will take care of you and, if you are, the baby. If he doesn’t, then he’s gonna have to run and hide cuz I’ll kick his ass. Question is, if you are, how is your mom gonna react to it?” Cookie rubbed my back and rested her head on mine. “I don’t know.” I cried.