First Shot to Hit Big, First Time for Everything

First shot to hit big, first time for everything.

Autumn and I quickly grabbed our hair brushes and started getting ready. “Autumn, mind handing me my skull gloves from over there?” I asked her changing out of the catsup stained GD shirt. “Here. Toss me your black fishnet gloves next to you.” She replied tossing my gloves over. “K and thanks.” I replied tossing her the gloves she wanted. I got on a black dressy shirt with leopard print at the sleeves and collowre. “Thanks. Come on, let’s go sug.” I said grabbing my GD hat and putting it on backwards.

We headed out of the back and stepped out on the side of the stage. Autumn pushed some of her hair out of her eyes and adjusted the position of her guitar, Patty stood there calm as can be, while I was getting quite afraid. The three of us nodded at each other and headed out on the stage.

The scrams of the teenagers and kids were deafening, as we tried to get ready. “Hey everybody, Are you ready to rock out loud?!?!” I yelled smiling at them. “Wowh!!!!” they yelled back. “All right here’s the first song, ‘Good Bye.’ ” We started the song playing it to the max. We soon finished the ten songs we were doing before we did ‘Impulse’, when we were all getting tired.

I glanced over to the side and saw Bill and Tom standing there smiling out at us, I motioned for Autumn to look and we both returned their favor.

After the song ended, we ran off stage and dropped down in the hall way. “I can’t believe we did such a good job, guys.” I said between breaths. “Yeah, we did, didn’t we?” Autumn replied standing up and walking over to help me up. “Thanks.” I said to Autumn then when I saw the twins, “Hey guys.” “Hey Amanda, Patrick, and Autumn.” Bill said then Tom echoed him with the Amanda and Patrick.

“Hi Autumn.” Tom added smiling at Autumn then winked at her. “I think Tom likes you, Autumn.” I whispered to her. “So? I’m not gonna just bend to his every need. If he wants me, he has to work to get me. Cuz I’m not gonna be a one night stand.” She replied in a low voice. “Good point.” I answered.

Cuz I sure didn’t want Tom to make Autumn be a ONS. I’d hurt him if he did that to her. “So when are you guys going on?” I asked Tom and Bill. “In a bit after people are done with the things that they have to do.” Bill replied smiling at us. “Umm….would you like to…umm… get something to eat? You know after the show, Bill.” I asked Bill nervously clenching Autumn’s hand like we were on Griffin again.

“Sure. You… know anywhere good?” Bill replied biting his lower lip. “Umm no, but I can find somewhere.” I told him happily. “Alright. See ya later.” Bill told us walking off with Tom right behind him. Tom quickly turned around and winked again at Autumn.
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like it? love it? hate it? let me know. Danke!