First Shot to Hit Big, First Time for Everything

First shot to hit big, first time for everything.

We waited for the guys for a couple of minutes when we saw them coming over. “Hey. Ready to go?” Bill asked. “Ja.” I replied slipping my hand into his. I glanced back to Tom and Autumn to see that Tom had put his arm around her. She slowly pushed it off and continued walking with us.

Soon we got to the pizza place that we had found and ordered what we wanted. “So, where are you guys from? And how ya know each other?” Bill asked us taking a sip of his coke. “Umm… we’re both from Virginia and we met at a bowling alley.” I replied playing with my straw. “So, Autumn, how old are you?” Tom asked her trying to put his arm around her. “I’m fourteen, and Amanda’s sixteen.” She answered removing his arm. I snifffuled a laugh and smiled at her. “Fourteen, uhh?” Tom replied with that prevy smile of his. I love that smile.

“No getting any ideas, Tom. If mom found out you tried getting a fourteen year old in bed with ya, you’d be in big trouble.” Bill warned his brother. Tom rolled his eyes at Bill and glanced down at his cell. Autumn looked at Tom and watched him play with his phone until his noticed her. “Whatcha doing?” Tom asked Autumn with a smile. “Nothing.” Autumn said pushing her hair back and smiling at him.

I laughed to myself about Autumn and Tom, then I went back to talking with Bill. Finally the food arrived and we were all hungry. We all helped ourselves to pizza and started eating. “You guys were very good tonight.” Bill told us. “Thanks, Bill. You guys were amazing out there tonight, ya know.” I told him smiling. “thanks.” We sat in quite and every once in awhile Autumn would give Tom little smiles, VERY little.

“I gotta go to the umm….bathroom. Ya coming Autumn?” I told Bill standing up and giving Autumn a ‘come on’ look. We headed off to the bathroom and shut the door. “You DO like Tom.” I said smiling. “Ok. I’m not gonna be easy to get. Besides it’s fun to pick on Tomi.” Autumn pointed out. “true.” I replied and we both left the room and headed back to the guys. “Hey we’re back.” I said taking my seat next to Bill.

“Hey.” The guys said together. Tom put his arm around Autumn again and got himself smacked. “Cut it out, Tomi.” Autumn told him. I chuckled again as we finished up the pizza. “I can’t believe Tom ate half the pizza.” I said shaking my head in disbelief. “I was hungry. I told you that.” Tom whined at us. “Yea, yea, yea, we’re back!” Autumn said running up to the door of the tour bus.

She reached for the handle as the door went flying open. Autumn came jumping down and landed in Tom’s arms. “Guess you’re falling for me, uhh?” Tomi asked her grinning. “No.” Autumn replied getting up and looking at Patty who was the one who opened the door. “Sorry Autumn. I thought I heard something.” He answered holding the door for us. “Thanks, Patrick. I’m going to bed.” I said before remembering that Tokio Hotel still need beds.

“I guessing you guys want to sleep somewhere, uhh?” I asked Bill and Tom. “That would be helpful.” Tom said looking over at Autumn. “Well do you two mind sharing a bed with Autumn and I, so that Gustav can have the other bunk?” I asked. As I said that Autumn looked at me like I was crazy. “Not at all.” Bill replied for him ad his brother. “Great! You can share with me and Tom can share with Autumn.” I said smiling. “ok.” The twins answered.

“Stop, trying to be matchmaker, Amanda.” Autumn hissed at me. “Me??? Be matchmaker? Eww.” I said laughing, knowing full well that Was what I was doing. “No getting any funny ideas, Minster.” Autumn told Tom heading to the bathroom.