First Shot to Hit Big, First Time for Everything

First shot to hit big, first time for everything.

We finally finished up and got off stage and limped back to the dressing room. I sat down on the couch by Autumn. “My back hurts. I can’t believe I tried moshing the crowd, Autumn.” I whined rubbing my back. “Well that’s what happens when you do that and a fat chick drops ya.” She replied pulling her hair back. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I mumbled rolling off the couch. I dropped to my knees and walked over to the TV and put in my Naruy dvd.

“Yea, Gaara is on!” I cheered flopping on the floor and pulling Autumn down with me. “I’m telling Bill you’re cheating on him with me.” She said moving into a more comfortable position. “Ok, sug.” I rubbed my nose on her neck as Tokio Hotel and Patty came in. “I’m not gonna ask. I’ll probably will be weirded out for the rest of my life.” Pat said sitting on the couch. “Hey Kitty. That’s your new nickname, Bill. Tom is Puppy.” I said nodding. “And someone’s lost her mind.” Tom said joining Pat on the couch and pulling Autumn onto his lap.

We sat there watching Naruto until the guys had to go on, so we followed them out. “Have fun, Bill.” I whispered kissing his cheek. “Ha-ha. I will.” He replied kissing the top of my head. I watched Autumn and Tom kiss. “Be my girl?” Tom whispered in Autumn’s ear. “Sure, Tomi.” She replied, then Tomi dragging Bill on stage with him.

We watched quietly from the side, when they got to ‘Ready, Set, Go’ Tom singled for Autumn to come up with them. Autumn sang along with Bill when she was told to. They all ran off stage sweaty. “Here, Amanda, want a hug?” Autumn asked wiping her forehead. “No thanks, Autumn.” I told her pulling away from her grasp and stepped right into Bill’s.

He wiped his forehead on me and smiled. “meany.” I said folding my arms over. “You know I like you, Amanda.” Bill said kissing my neck. I moaned slightly from the feel of his lips on my skin. “I gotta go, Bill. Be right back.” I said heading to the bathroom. When I got out I heard Tom’s voice down the hall talking to someone. I walked towards him and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him kiss some girl. “I love you, Tom.” She told him moving her hand down to his belt. “Same here.” He replied. He started coming my way so I stepped back till he got closer.

“Amanda, hey. What’s up?” He asked looking around. “Not much. I’m just wondering why you would ask Autumn to be your girlfriend, then turn around and smooch all over bimbo there?” I told him glaring at him. “Just don’t tell her, ok?” “Not ok. Autumn’s my best friend, pretty much a younger sister to me. And no one wants to hurt her if they know what’s good for them.” I told him flatly. “What you gonna try to beat me up? Try it.” Tom said looking down at me. “Fine.” I smacked his arm and soon it turned into a brawl ending by Daniel and Shane, the bus driver.

“What the hell do you two think you were doing?” Shane yelled at us in the dressing room. “He’s cheating on Autumn. No one cheats on my best friend and gets away with it.” I told holding the ice pack to my newly blacken eye. “I still don’t know how you found out I cheated on her. Maybe the girl was a friend.” Tom growled holding his own ice pack to his cheek. “I saw ya kiss her. And she’s just a friend and I love the color pink.” I hissed back.

“Listen, I don’t care who started the fight, but you need to stop. Tom, Amanda, say you’re sorry, then go to bed.” Dan said glancing at his cell phone. We both nodded and mumbled sorry. “And Tom, I recommend telling Autumn what you did, so she doesn’t find out from some other person.” Dan added as we walked off.

We got in the bus and I inmentdently headed for the bathroom. I washed up and changed into my pj’s. I came out could hear Autumn crying. “Hey, sug. You ok?” I asked her sitting next to her and Gusti. “No. Tom cheated on me.” She said between sobs. “I know. I saw him kissing some chick and told him that I did. It ended with Dan and Shane pulling us apart from killing each other. I’ll never let someone hurt you, if I can.” I told her flatting her hair and wiping some tears away. “Did you wanna sleep with me?” Gustav asked her. “yea.” She got up and headed off to his bed.

“Night Gustav.” I said walking to my own bed. “Night kid.” He told me heading towards his bed. I got into bed with Bill on the other side. “Night Billy.” I whispered kissing his forehead.