I'm So Addicted to All the Things You Do

It seems this eclipse brought a new moon

The car was packed and half of our things were already sent to a destination I knew nothing of. Ed was keeping this a secret to everyone just to be careful. We headed back to the Montecito and walked in keeping our cool. We went our separate ways to make sure we wouldn’t seem fidgety. I was almost across the casino floor when Danny stopped me and handed me something.

“What is this?” I Asked.

“Just look at it,” he reassured me, so I did and it was a picture of a house with a white picket fence around it. I smiled remembering that Mary had once told me she wanted to live in a house like this.

“I’m glad she’s safe,” I smiled back at Danny.

“We might not be,” Danny said, I knew he knew Ed and I were there tonight. As soon as he said that he looked over my shoulder, my eyes followed to see two detectives walking in. “I’ll take care of these two you go some where's else all right,” he said in a hushed tone.

I simply nodded and walked away; I headed to the security room just to try to get the thoughts out of my head. It almost worked if I hadn’t noticed a very worried Mike.

“Mike what’s wrong? Please tell me it’s not too serious,” I asked.

“It is serious Sam’s been kidnapped by some crazy guy. We’re on our way of tracking her now.”

“Oh god” worried words slipped out of my mouth, “I knew there was a reason why I never noticed her downstairs this afternoon. I’ll leave you alone to find her. I hope we get her back safely,” Mike then shooed me away as if he was trying to figure out something else as well.

I managed to find Ed in his office as usual. He looked up from his desk after talking to someone sitting in his chair. After they finished and the guy left the room and I sat down Ed looked at me in disbelief. He let out a laugh and shook his head.

“You wouldn’t believe it Sam, first the other Sam is kidnapped, the 37th floor exploded. And on top of it I happened to notice the detectives that bombarded Danny. Of course they saw you with him now they'll come find you too.”

“Ed you were the one who always told me not to worry and look at you telling me everything in disbelief.”

He let out a sigh, “I know Sam,” he said getting up and coming over to the other side of the desk and placing his hand on mine, “I’m just tired, this whole thing will be over before you know it.”

“I hope your right Ed, now you said that this place was robbed, I say we go find those bastards and get the money back,” I told him, the biggest smirk on my face.

He smiled as he helped me off of the chair, “let’s do that then,” he replied getting a tazer out of his desk.

I linked arms with him, “ah corporate punishment I like,” I said.

It took us awhile but we managed to find a guy named Buck Terry. We then took him to one of the interrogation rooms. Ed hauled out the tazer and turned it on, Buck looked slightly terrified. Ed then tazered him and after he was done twitching he got close to Buck.

“Where's my money?” He asked getting ready to do it again if he got a wrong answer.

“I don't have any idea what you're talking about,” replied Buck causing him to get tazed again.

“That's just a little taste compared to the pain I'm gonna put on your ass. If you don't start talking, I'm gonna hook this up to your nuts and fry'em like prairie oysters.”

At this Buck Terry told us everything down to the last detail. When Ed let him go we made our way back to the surveillance room. Well tried the next thing I knew I was being hauled down the hall.

“Ed!” I yelled, he spun around and ran up to me to help me.

“Come calmly or the girl gets it,” I knew one of the voices to be one of the detectives.

What seemed like ages we were out onto a loading dock. The detective pushed me towards Ed. I of course tripped over my foot and fell into his arms.

“You all right?” He asked.

“Yeah I’m ok,” I replied, just then we heard a throat being cleared. We looked up and Ed put himself in front of me.

“You tow I know you were there that night Mary’s father died. I know it was your gun that fired the fatal shot Ed. If you come with me you might get a lesser sentence.”

“How about no detective?” Replied Ed who ended up knocking the gun out of his hands and beating him down. The next thing I knew he grabbed my hand and we were running to his car. He told me to get the plane tickets out of the dash as we sped to the airport. I looked at them.

“Paris?” I asked.

“Yup Paris, I remember saying how you loved that place.”

The next thing I knew the sun was shining in my eyes through the airplane window. I looked up at Ed’s blue eyes and smiled. He returned the smile and kissed my forehead.

“We’re almost there honey,” he said, I then looked out the window to see Paris a couple thousand feet below us. I knew this was a start of something new, a start of something more. I also knew I was going to love this new life with Ed and the baby growing inside me.