Memories seep from my veins

Getting Caught

I guess there are upsides to having Billie Joe Armstrong as my big brother, I have two beautiful nephews, a lovely sister-in-law and the best big brother in the world.
I'm Scarlet Armstrong. As I said Billie Joe is my brother and yes he is the lead singer of the band Green Day.
I can't remember the start of Green day cause I wsn't born but from what my mom and dad told me they seemed ok. I can just remember before Dookie came out which was when Billie came in screaming to dad "I have found the love of my life", little did dad know that Billie was going to be marryng that woman in a years time.
We all finaly met Adrienne two weeks before the wedding. She was beautiful on her wedding day. The wedding lasted five minutes and ws held in our back yard. The next day Adie found out she was pregnant and nine months later Joey came along.
In 1996 my mom and dad split up so I went to live with mom but when she got a new boyfriend I went to live with dad.
In 1998 Jakob was born, then dad die so I went to live with Billie and Adie and I haven't regreted it since.
"Scarlet, get your ass up now" Billie hit the door.
"Mmm. My head hurts" I had a killer hangover.
"Well that's your fault for going out drinking isn't it" He hit the door one last time and then went down stairs.
When I finaly got out of bed and got ready I went down stairs, I heard shouting coming from the kitchen.
"Billie, you're on her back 24/7, if it's not about her room, it's about her cloths or her make up. Why can't you let her be"
"Cause Adie, if I let her be then she willl get out of control. Did you see the state she was in last night. I don't want my baby sister fucking up her lfe the way I did when I was seventeen" I hate when he calls me his baby sister.
"News flash Billie Joe, I'm not a baby" I said as walked into the kitchen.
"Look what she's wearing" Refering to my skin tight black jeans, my infamous red strap top and red converse. "Go get changed"
"24/7, Billie"
"I don't have time to get changed I have to meet Cassis at the supermarket in ten minutes so bye."
Cassie has been my best friend for like ever, so we can always count on each other for help.
"Hey Scarlet, what's up?" She is also my very own agony aunt.
"Billie Joe and Adrienne were fighting again, about me"
"Forget about it. So school or mall?"
"Um, hard choice" I smiled "NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!"
So we went to the mall, we very rarely go to school anymore, we have never been caught so I have stopped looking for anyone I know but I should have done that today cause what I didn't know was that Green Day were doing a signing in HMV, so Cassie and I went in, not even looking at the sign saying 'meet Green Day in here', and went straight to the CD's.
"Cassie, do I have this Less than Jake album?"
"Erm, Scarlet hate to burst your bubble, but your brother is coming over here" I spun round so that my long black pony tail hit Cassie in the face.
"Shit, hide me" I hid behind her.
"He's already seen you"
"Scarlet, what are you doing here?" Billie asked.
"Eh, well I got to school but felt sick so they sent me home but when I got there nobody was in and I didn't have a key so I came here to find you" I hoped he would believe me.
"Well I'll phone the school to see if you have been there then" He took his mobile out of his pocket.
"Ok, ok, I was skipping"
"I knew it. Right home now"
Billie dragged me home, he said that the school had phoned yesterday saying that I hadn't been in school for two weeks.
"Adie, are you here"
"Yeah honey, I'm in the bathroom, hold on" Adrienne came down stairs with a towel round her "Scarlet, what are you doing home?"
"I felt sick so the school sent me home"
"tell the truth"
"I did"
"She was skipping, Mike pointed her out at the signing"
"Why were you skipping, Scarlet"
"I just was ok. I'm going to my room"
"Oh no you're not, I'm not finished with you yet"
"Billie, you're not dad, you'll never be dad so stop trying" I know it was harsh to say but I was pissed.

(A.N) Sorry it's short.