Memories seep from my veins

Bloating or PT

I went round to Cassie’s. She has is upset cause Chas is away until the end of summer and I‘m a bit sad too. She said I’ve been really snappy lately.
“Maybe you’re snappy cause of you’re PMSing”
“No. They are like ten days late.”
“Scarlet, maybe you should go get checked out, you could be PT.” (AN- PT means pregnant, in case you didn’t know.)
“I’m not. I mean, I can’t be that, we used protection all the time.”
“Did you use anything the first time? I mean you both were a bit drunk and it could have happened then.” I thought for a moment.
“SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!. We didn’t.” I started to panic. “Wait wouldn’t I be able to tell, I mean I’ve had my periods since then, and there would be morning sickness and I would have put a bit of weight on by now.”
“One- were you’re periods normal, two- Morning sickness doesn’t always happen, three- you’re boobs are bigger and four- you‘re stomach does look a little rounded.” I lifted up my T-shirt and there it was a little bump. I touched it gently, it was hard.
“You don’t think that I could be do you?”
“I think you should get it checked out. I’ll come with you if you want. Anyway I think my mom has noticed something different about you, she said that you’re glowing.”
“I’ll go by myself.” I picked up my phone and booked an appointment for later that day.
I was terrified as I waited in the waiting room. There were heavily pregnant women sitting smiling with their husbands. When the doctor called my name I got up and walked in almost shaking. He asked me to lie on the bed and he would do a scan. He put the jelly on my stomach, then put the little probe thing on and moved it about. After a few moments of silence he looked at me.
“Well Miss Armstrong, it seems that you are three months pregnant.”
“What? Are you sure, I mean it could be a mistake.”
“I afraid it’s not a mistake. Look.” He turned the screen to face me. “See, there is the head and there’s the heart beat.” I stared at the screen. It was tiny but it was inside me. “Now, there are two choices at this point. You can keep it or have a termination; you’re in the legal limit so there would be no problems with it.” I still stared at the screen. When I realised what he said I looked at him.
“I’m going to keep it.” I didn’t think, I just said it.
“Ok, do you want pictures?”
“No, it’s ok.” I thanked him and left.
As I walked home my head was filled with thoughts, how was I gonna tell Billie that I’m carrying his best friend’s baby? How was I gonna tell anyone? The whole time I was thinking I had my hand on my stomach; it was comforting in a way I guess. When I got home I went up stairs and put a hoodie on so Adie and Billie couldn’t see anything.
“Scarlet, is that you?” Billie shouted from the kitchen.
“Yeah, it’s me. What do you want?”
“I need you to go to the supermarket.” I went down stairs. “Why do you have that on its like thirty degrees outside.”
“What do you want me to get?” I said as I took the hoodie off.
“Burger buns, ketchup, salad and soda.”
As I walked round the store, I came across the baby clothes, thinking that I would have to buy them in six months time, it was then that it hit me that I was gonna be a mom. I fished through me pocket and took out twenty dollars and pick a yellow baby grow, I don’t know why but I did. I bought the stuff Billie wanted me to get and set off home.
When I got home Mike and Tre were sitting in the living room.
“Hey Scarlet.” Tre waved.
“Hey Tre, hey Mike.” Mike gave me a little smile which is only for me. “I’ll be down in a minute. Ok”
When I was in my room, I searched for something that wasn’t too tight round the stomach but could find nothing. “Damn my Emo like clothing” I thought out loud. I threw a top behind me.
“Hey, now that’s not a good idea.” I looked behind me, Mike was standing in the door way. I was standing in my Bra and panties. “Shit, he’s gonna notice my stomach”
“So why are you standing in you’re underwear and the door open. Anyone could walk in. Not that I’m complaining that you did” He laughed. He came over, his eyes were going down my body. They reached my stomach and his eyes shot back up. “What’s that?”
“What?” I acted like a didn’t know what he was talking about.
“You’re stomach, it’s kinda bump like.”
“Oh that, it’s bloating, I get it sometimes.”
“Are you sure you’ve not got anything to tell me?” I wanted to tell him but he might want me to get rid of it.
“Yeah. I’m sure.”
“Ok.” He kissed my head. “Cause, if you were, you know you could tell me right.”
“If I was would you want me to get rid of it.”
“I would ask you to consider it.”
“Why though? I mean it would be you’re baby too. Could you really live with yourself?”
“Scarlet, you’re seventeen, would you want to have a thirty-four years old man’s child?” He looked me in the eye.
“I don’t know but if I did get pregnant I would never get rid of it, it would still be a part of me and people would need to know it was yours if I was”
“Scarlet, are you sure you don’t have anything to tell me, I do know what happened the first time we had sex. I forgot the protection.”
“No, I’m fine, it’s only me in this body.” I smiled, wishing I was telling the truth.
“Ok, well, I better go back down stair or everyone will think some things up.” He laughed. When he left my cell went off. It was Cassie. This is what was said.
“R u PT??????????”
“No, Jst bloating.”
“Ok,” I know, I know, I didn’t tell her but I can’t risk anyone knowing right now.