Memories seep from my veins

Stomach Pains

I’m now eight months pregnant and no one knows. My bump is hardly there but if I wore tight top it would show. I’m still with Mike and no one knows about that either. Chas is back, he said there’s something different about me but couldn’t put is finger on it, thank god, I’ve kept it a secret this long, I don’t need him of all people finding out.
“So how have things been? “ He asked as we walked about the park.
“Meh, ok.”
“Cass said you’ve not been drinking or anything, why not?” (A.N- he means alcohol).
“Don’t really feel up to it.” I don’t want to hurt the baby, its life is already fucked with me as a mom, and it doesn’t need to be sick when it’s born as well. “Chas, I have to go. Got an appointment.”
“Oh, ok, see ya.”
“Bye.” I had to go to the hospital for an ultrasound. I’ve been going for one every month since I found out I was pregnant and found a little hut not far from my house were I put all my scan pictures, book, baby grows and stuff like that. I still don’t know what I’m gonna do when it’s born. God this poor baby’s life is a mess and it isn’t even born yet.
When I came out the hospital, I felt like I was being watched but ignored it. By the time I got to the hut I was really freaked out. Someone was following me and was starting to scare me. I ran into the hut and closed the broken door. I set the pictures down and went to an old mirror. I lifted up my t-shirt and looked at my little bump. I put my hand on it and felt the baby kick.
“What you doing in there?” I found myself saying. “Are you be good tonight cause you’re keeping mommy up with that kicking.” It kicked again. “Guess that’s a no then.” I laughed.
“Scarlet, what’s that?” I looked round and saw Chas in the doorway.
“Oh my god, what the hell are you doing here? Wait it was you who was following you.”
“Yeah, it was. But it looks like I’m not the only one sneaking around. How far along are you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“How many months pregnant are you?”
“About eight”
“So who’s the dad?”
“I’m not telling you.”
“Come on Scarlet, people are gonna wanna know who the dad is when it’s born.”
“It’s Mike’s.”
“Does he know about it?”
“No, no one does, no ones noticed a change in me so I didn’t tell them.”
“So what were you gonna do when it was born, go home and say ‘look, like my baby’”
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I have been trying to find the right time but it never seems right and the longer I put it off the closer I get to giving birth and it scares me that I’m going thought this all on my own.” I burst into tears.
“Hey, its ok, look I’ll help you get things ready, and if you want I’ll tell everyone.”
“No, no you can’t tell anyone, please, I’m not ready for them to know yet.”
“Scarlet you have a month left, you don’t have time.”
When Chas finally left it was dark so I had to get home really fast.
“Where have you been?” Billie asked.
“I was out with Chas.”
“Well, Mike said Stella’s over at his and wants you to stay the night.” I really knew that it was Mike, Stella is coming next weekend.
“Ok, I’ll got get changed then head over.”
“You and Stella have become really close lately.”
“Yeah, she’s a great kid.” I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door.
Mike didn’t even give me time to get in the door before he started making out with me.
“God, it’s been to long since you’ve been here.” He said when he finally let go of me.
“You ok, you seem off.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,”
“Well go upstairs, I want to ask you something, I’ll be up in a minute.”
When Mike came upstairs he had two glasses of wine.
“Look, we’ve been seeing each other for eight months, and I think it’s time to tell Billie Joe and Adrienne.”
“Mike, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I’m almost eighteen we could tell people then.”
“Yeah that would be better, now wanna have some fun.” He grinned wickedly as he came closer and kissed me.
After, as I lay in Mikes arms, I felt like a normal teenager with a normal boyfriend, that was until I got a pain in my stomach.
“Ouch. God that hurt.”
“You ok?” Mike asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I put my hand on my stomach and settled back into his arms.
“So how are we gonna tell everyone about us?”
“I was thinking we could tell them when everyone is together.” The pain came again but a bit stronger.
“Are you sure you’re ok,” Mike said when I moaned in pain again. It hit me then what was happening.
“Mike, I have to go.” I said as I got out of bed.
“Why?” He asked worriedly.
“Cassie asked me to come over earlier so I have to, ok”
“Ok.” He got out of bed and kissed my head.
When I got out into the street the pain came again but again it was stronger. I clutched my stomach and waited until it had past to start walking again. I didn’t know where I was going but I walked and then noticed that I was near the hut where I had hid the baby stuff so I made my way there. As I got closer the pain was getting worse and I could hardly bare it.
“Hey Scarlet.” I heard from behind me. I looked round and saw Chas.
“Oh Hey.” I said trying to sound ok.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah I’m” But I couldn’t finish my sentence as another contraction had started.
“Ok, you’re not ok. What ‘s wrong?”
“I’m fine, it’s just cramp.” I said when the contraction subsided. He looked at me suspiciously, I think he knew.
“Well, I’ll walk you home then.”
“I’m not going home, I’m going to the supermarket.”
“Then I’ll walk you there.”
“No Chas, ok, I want to be alone.” And with that I walked off.
When I finally got to the hut, I was in so much pain I could hardly stand, somehow I knew that I didn’t have much longer. I lay down and tried to take my mind off the pain but it wasn’t working. The pain got worse every time it came and every time I had to stop myself from screaming which was hard. I could hardly move cause the pain had gone from my stomach to all over.
“Scarlet” I heard Chas say behind me. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.”
“No you’re not, you’re in labour.” He fished through he pocket.
“What are you doing?”
“Calling Billie and telling him what’s going on.”
“No Chas, you can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Fine, I’ll dial the number and you can tell him.”
“Chas, do you think I’m in the condition right now. Look get Tre, tell him I’m drunk ok.”
“Ok, what about Mike?”
“Don’t tell him. I’ll tell him myself.”
“Ok” He said as he left.
After bout ten minutes I heard footsteps and Tre came pounding in.
“Right, how drunk are you?”
“Tre, I’m not drunk, I’m in labour.” His eyes widened.
“You mean, you’re pregnant.”
“Yeah, but not for much longer, my waters broke while Chas was getting you and the contractions are about 2 minutes apart so the baby should be here soon.”
“What you mean by soon?”
“What do you think I mean? Look Tre, get that blanket and put it over my legs and put the other one under them.” Tre did as I told him. I suddenly felt like I had to push. “ Guys I think its time. Chas give me your hand.”
After ten minutes of pushing my son was born. He was so tiny and cute. I have to go now I’m in the hospital and I am really tired. Billie and Adrienne and Mike are coming tomorrow so I’ll tell you what happens.