Adventures in Babysitting

Chapter Thirteen: Sleepover

Chapter Thirteen: Sleepover

I sat in the chair silently, staring at Adele. She was sitting on the couch across from me and reading a new book. Something about a rainbow fish. I don’t know. All I know is that the cover is really shiny. Too shiny. Five minutes ago Adele held the book at just the right angle so that the a stream of light went straight into my eye. Fun right?

Ever since we had gotten back from the parent teacher day at Adele’s school, we’d both been really silent. It was so...weird. I mean, it’s not the fact that Adele’s actually being quiet that surprised me the most. It’s the fact that she never told me what was bothering her the most. I mean, you could see it in her eyes, but I’m no mind reader. I don’t know what’s bothering her the most now. I wish I did.

She looked up from her book at the worst moment possible. When I was staring at her. I tried to look away quickly. Too late. She saw me.

“Frankie,” she started quietly, “Why are you staring at me?”

“I don’t know,” I told her honestly, “I’m just...thinking. That’s all.”

“Thinking about what?”

“Music, friends, you,” I smiled at her.

“What about me?” she asked.

“I’ll tell you soon,” I put my finger to my lips, “It’s a secret for now. You’ll know soon though. Okay?”

“Um, okay.” She went back to reading her shiny rainbow fish book. I then realized. I think I know the reason the parents treated me differently from the others. Because I stick out, like a rainbow fish. You have all the plain one colored fish, and when an exotic one swims past, all they do is stare and criticize. I’m a rainbow fish. Adele’s a rainbow fish. We all are a little, but only some of us can break through and show our true colors, while the rest hide in their skin. Maybe that’s what the book’s about...

“Frankie?” I hear Adele start. I looked over to her.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Um, is it okay if I,” she gulped, “invited a friend or two over?” She immediately looked away blushing.

“Yea that’s fin,” I told her, “Why? Did you want to invite a friend over or something?”

“Um, well, Rachel was having a sleepover this weekend,” Ugh. Not Rachel again. “And Zoë doesn’t want to go. So, I told her that is it was okay with you, she, Julie and Sakura could hang out here. Is that okay?”

I thought for a moment. Of course it would be okay. None of us would have a problem with that. Wait. We don’t have enough beds. Oh well. Kids sleep on the floor when having a sleepover, don’t they?

“Yea that’s fine with me,” I told her. She cheered happily and ran off into the bunk area to tell Gerard and everyone else.

A sleepover. Should be interesting...

The next day, Julie, Sakura, and Adele went home with us. The four girls wouldn’t stop talking for two seconds! Oh well. As long as they don’t ask me anything, I’m fine with just one open ear...

“FRANKIE!!!” Adele yelled. I turned towards her. She smiled at me. Aww. Too cute! Now what does she want?

“Yes master?” I asked jokingly. Sakura, Julie, and Zoë laughed. Adele looked at me like I was on crack. She doesn’t get it, does she?

“Nothing,” she said, “I just wanted to scream your name.” She looked away blushing.

“Now that’s sort of random isn’t it?” I asked her. All four girls nodded, and silence fell.

When we got back to the bus, it was pretty much every girl for herself. They all ran to find seats on the couch, bunks, or chairs. Okay, how many Skittles did they have today? According to my estimates, probably ten. But hey! I’m bad at math anyway! I didn’t really know what to do, so I sat in a nearby chair like a complete and utter dumbass.

Gerard came out five minutes later. Thank God! All the girls turned towards him. I noticed Zoë staring at his hair (which was black and growing out again), Sakura was looking into his eyes, and Julie was just looking at him...blushing. Finally something interesting!

“Um...hi?” Gerard said waving and smiling. All four girls giggled and ran past him into the bunk area. Gerard looked after them and laughed. “That was so weird!”

We both laughed at that. “So, what’s up?”

“I wanted to know something.”


“Say that again and I’ll shoot you.”

“Whatever. What is it?”

“Is this your way of getting revenge on Bob for pissing you off this past week?” he asked. I smirked my half assed smirk.

“Maybe...”I said slyly. Gerard gasped and started laughing. We then heard yelling from the bunk area.

“Get that camera away!!!” Bob screamed. We then heard laughing and more of Bob screaming and then a loud BOOM! Gee and I looked at each other and ran inside.
“Stupid kids,” Bob mumbled. The four giggled. All we saw was Bob laying on the ground, trying to reach towards the camera. He had a fire in his eyes and a burning determination to get that camera and smash it to pieces. We then heard a small click, a flash of light, and a picture of Bob on the digital camera’s screen. Well, I think we’ve crushed Bob’s ego enough this week. Don’t you?

The rest of the night went by...smoothly. No one fell off the roof, that’s the least I could say. Ray had brought Chinese food, and the girls were ready for bed by nine thirty. But they wouldn’t fall asleep! They just talked! On and on and on. Please Gerard, make it stop!

“Hey I’ve got an idea,” Gerard exclaimed. The girls turned around from their spots on the floor. Please be a good idea! “Let’s watch a movie!” The girls cheered. SCORE!!!

I walked out of the room to look at my DVD collection. Not much to choose from. It’s mostly horror stuff or rated R crap. What do little kids watch? I’m pretty sure they’re past the Barney stage. I looked on the bottom shelf and found a movie I hadn’t seen in a while. I picked it up and looked at it. Yea. This is great!

I came back into the room to find Adele and everyone else surrounding the laptop. I looked at Adele. “Julie wanted to show me something,” she told me. I shrugged and looked at the screen.

On the little Youtube window, a bunch of unicorns appeared and started talking about candy mountain. Would it be fucked up if I turned and said ‘Candy Mountain isn’t real!’? I think it would be...

The unicorns traveled to a weir lizard called a lyoplorodon or some shit like that. It looked like a fucking beanie baby to me! Eventually the three got to candy mountain and the letter ‘Y’ started to sing and dance. What. The. Fuck. Are these people on drugs?! They must be fucked up in the head somehow. Probably child molesters online who made this, or high teenagers. It’s so fucked up! It’s like...Uniporn!

In the end, the white unicorn (Charlie) got his kidney taken out. Okay....That was bizarre...and slightly drug induced. The four girls started laughing. What? It’s funny? Okay then. I looked at Gerard. He was laughing too. “Why are you laughing?” I asked him, starting to crack up myself.

“Because it was so retarded!” he told me. He cracked up and fell on the floor. I had to agree. That’s what made it funny.

“Okay, um, I got the movie,” I said to the girls. They clapped and gathered on their sleeping bags. I popped the disk into the machine and hit play. The movie began with its usual conversation piece and went into a scene of the main character being yelled at by his girlfriend and the delivery guy asking if he wants chocolate cake. Wow. I haven’t seen this movie in a while. A few years maybe. I forgot how funny it was...

By the McDonalds scene, Adele and her friends were fast asleep. Gerard and I sat up and watched the rest of the movie.

Before we knew it, we were asleep too...