Human Nature

Chapter 6

Have I mentioned how much I hate flying? I hate it. I always get sick and there’s always some annoying child kicking my seat. Well, that’s what I get for being cheap and flying coach. Oh, and airport food, ugh, that’s enough to make anyone sick, flying or not! I stumbled off the ramp to solid ground and would have got on my knees and kissed it if there hadn’t been a layer of dirty sleet covering it. I called a cab and resisted the urge not to puke again.

“Where can I get some decent food?” I asked him, holding my stomach and breathing hard. He looked at me through the rearview mirror and frowned.

“I’m not sure eating is for you right now,” He looked at me warily, probably praying he wouldn’t have to clean up whatever mess I might leave behind.

“Just tell me please.” He ran off a list of names and numbers, most of which I missed. When we got to the hotel I tipped him well enough to have him help me with my bags.
I relaxed on the bed of my room after I checked in. It wasn’t exactly comfortable but it beat being on a plane. I looked through the drawers next to the bed for a newspaper and found one; it was recent too, just this morning.

I flipped to the obituaries and found Jasper Howell’s, his funeral was today, Saturday, at 1:30, in Boston Town Funeral Home, and the wake was at the lead singer’s house, at 3:30, hosted by his younger sister Raven Howell. It was 2:45 now, I’d better get going. I was finally thankful for all the dark clothes I bought. I wouldn’t be out of place at a rockers funeral.
I tried combing my hair back a bit but with hardly any success. I couldn’t believe I was going to Jasper Howell’s funeral. That familiar weight I had been feeling on my chest was back, and heavier than ever. Adjusting the collar on my jacket, I walked out of the hotel room wondering how my life would be when all this was over.


I stepped out of my newly rented car and grinned slightly as I heard the car beep as it locked. My parents had never trusted me with a car, and even a rented car was a privilege to me. I knew the Howell’s place was huge and out in the middle of nowhere, but being here surrounded by all the trees and their three story brick house was putting it all into perspective. I made my way up to the house. The large wooden doors were wide open and a short, pudgy man in a deep red suit was talking to everyone before they went in. He sported a full leg cast and his head was wrapped in matching red bandages. I shook his hand, and then recognized him.

“You’re Michael Higgins, the band manager!”

“Yeah, I know who I am,” He said gruffly, squinting at me.

“My condolences, sir,” I said, remembering my manners.

“Go on through then, and don’t forget to see Jaspers sister on your way, it’s her you need to give your condolences to," Michael said and let me pass. There was a long wooden floor leading to the kitchen, the living room, and the dining room. A long line was leading up to a tall girl with dark hair in a silk dress. She was pretty, even with a few tears on her cheeks. I watched her shake everyone’s hand with the same detached smile and distracted eyes. A silver chain with a winged pendant flashed in the dim light.

Her skin was pale, almost translucent. Her face oval shaped, small slightly pointed ears were covered by her straight black hair every now and then. Her nose was small too, yet long and straight, lips a wine red color. Long lashes framed almond shaped eyes that were the color of precious jewels.


I made it up to the front of the line faster than I thought I would, and I still hadn’t figured out what to say to her. My experience with girls was limited, but a girl in tears…How was I supposed to handle that?

“I’m so sorry Ms. Howell. Your brother was truly my greatest inspiration. If there’s anything I can do, ever, please let me know,” Wow, which was, by far the worst thing I had ever said, not to mention corny.

“Thank you,” She gave me the same half assed smile she gave the rest of them. Damn. I felt… disappointed. But why should I? Why was I any different than anyone else here?

“Hey,” She grabbed my arm, “What’s your name?” I was acutely aware of her hand on my arm, and I had to admit, I liked it.

“Zane. Zane Tresden” Her blue eyes burned into mine, and she smiled.

“Do you want to go for a walk Zane?” She asked, her smile wider. She wasn’t pretty, she was beautiful.

“Sure,” She gestured for me to bend down a little bit, and she whispered in my ear.
“Were going to have to create a scene, or we’ll never get out unaccompanied,” She pulled back and winked.

Before I knew what was happening she was crying, loud sobs echoing off the vaulted ceilings. She looked up at me and widened her eyes, a signal that I needed to do something and quick. Faces were turning and a few of the older men were standing up, trying to decide if they should intervene or not.

“Shhhh, it’s okay, Ms. Howell let’s go outside, get some air,” I said loudly , and picked her up in my arms, much to her surprise seeing that she stopped pretending to cry for a moment. I carried her outside and set her down on an exquisitely carved wooden bench.

“Thanks, I didn’t know if you would get the message. I can’t believe you carried me out here!” She said, she didn’t look pale anymore. On the contrary her face was full of light and color.

“No problem. Can I ask you something?”


“Why’d you pick me to be your savior?” She looked up at me and blushed. I was taken aback.

“Because… because you seemed like the only one that was really being sincere. And you looked like you were hurting as much as me,” She looked down at her feet, and now I was blushing too.

“I am,” But that wasn’t my only reason. She looked up at me and the tears in her eyes made it seem like her eyes were nothing but deep blue pools.

“You really loved my brother, didn’t you? People say they do now, but they never cared about him when he was alive," She looked at me and I saw a touch of amusement in her eyes, the tug of a smile on her lips.

“Yeah, I did. My parents never wanted me to go to any of their concerts, but I always snuck out. He was great; I met him once, backstage. He was funny, really interested in his fans,” I smiled at her but she hardly noticed. She was staring off into space, a million miles away.

“He would have loved to of heard that. He adored what he did, and he always wanted his fans to see him just as he was, not just as a singer in a band, you know?” She whispered suddenly breaking out of her reverie.

“Are you staying with any family now?” I asked, trying to change the subject. I looked up at her and she wore a look of deep remorse. It felt like a bullet through my heart as I remembered she had no other family. Her parents died when she was fourteen. And now her brother was dead too.

“Oh god, I’m sorry, I forgot…” I mentally stabbed myself with a flaming knife.

“It’s okay. I think that I just have to stay here until some college accepts me. I’ll be eighteen in July and then I’ll be able to leave. How old are you Zane?”

“Seventeen. Eighteen in June.”

“Why aren’t you in school?” She asked me, tilting her head to the side in wonder.

“I graduated early; wait, why aren’t you in school?” I asked, eyebrow raised.

“I graduated early too. Have you decided what college you want to apply to?” I winced at that subject. She took the hint and backpedaled quickly.

“Not that you need to go to college or anything, it’s just, I’ve never met anyone that hasn’t gone or isn’t planning to,” She talked pretty fast when she was uncomfortable.

“Actually, I want to become a musician, I’m going to try to get into a school for that. What about you?”

“I don’t know I’ll go just about anywhere that’ll give me a scholarship. I want to become an artist,” She smiled proudly at that and I had to join in, she was a lot more fun than I would have thought.

“What kind of art?” I asked, trying to keep her happy.

“Any kind really. I like sculpting and painting the best though.” She frowned slightly.

“Jasper always said that I should go to Harvard to become a lawyer, I’m so persuasive,” She glanced at me and turned bright red, “that’s what he said, at least.” She peered out at me from behind her long dark hair. I felt a really strong urge to brush it back from her face. Pushing this thought aside I lunged into the topic of lawyers and how my Dad wanted me to run his firm. I caught myself before telling her anything about the last few days of my life.
Before either of us really noticed, it was getting dark and this unusually sunny day was getting chillier. I noticed her shivering and draped my coat over her shoulders. She thanked me and wound her fingers through mine.

“We should be getting back in I suppose,” She said, glancing at the sky with a venomous expression. Clearly she had enjoyed our conversation as much as I had.

“Yeah,” I sighed. I didn’t think much of going back to my dingy hotel room but felt that I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. We stood up and she kept her hand in mine as we walked inside. She seemed as surprised as I was to see that the house was deserted and tidier than it had been when I walked in.

“That was awfully kind of them.” She said in amazement. I nodded in agreement.

“Listen, if you’d like to stay here tonight that would be fine with me. I mean,” she blushed again, “I’ve never really stayed here by myself very long and the roads getting back ice over at night. I wouldn’t want you to have an accident. Where are you staying anyway? You said you were from New York.”

“I have a hotel in Central Boston. How badly do the roads ice over at night?” I asked biting my lip, looking up at her from beneath my long lashes. She twirled the sash to her dress in a very mischievous way. I grinned at her and she stuck her tongue out at me.

“Pretty bad,” She said, smiling slyly.
“I’ll stay on one condition, no, make that two conditions.”

“And those would be?” She raised an eyebrow.

“That you promise to let me cook you breakfast in the morning and you will hold me hostage for as long as you want,” I was being really bold, but I think it worked. She stepped towards me, draping an arm around my shoulders.

“That depends on how well you can cook,” She said with a wink.
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