Wake Up

Good Morning





The heart monitor kept beeping in my ear, I couldn't see it, but I knew it was there. I also new that I was in the Methodist hospital down town hooked up to a respirator and everything, and that my three closets friends were at my side crying. You see, I am in a coma; I’ve been like this for 6 months, and m friends have stayed with me the whole time, not abandoning me like the others. I was hit by a drunk driver and knocked out, my last visual of the world, was of people in scrubs running me to a room, maybe even this very one I am in now.

My friend Nat is sitting in a chair on my right side with Emily next to her, and Chloe is on my left. I can hear a pen moving, so she’s probably drawing something, she usually does this when she is bored and/or waiting for something (or someone) it doesn’t bother me cause I’d be bored out of my mind as well if I was just sitting doing nothing. Emily, well, I’m not exactly sure what she is doing, or if she is even here anymore. Nat, on the other hand is not as silent, and she keeps talking to me and holding my hand reassuringly. “Hey, Allie. I saw your nephews today! Little jack is growing up so fast! And Ty is turning out to be the cutest little thing.” She pauses, she only pauses when…”Allie, when are going to wake up? You have to wake up to see your family, to see the world! You promised you would travel the world! You can’t die yet!” se lets go of my hand and starts crying, Chloe’s chair scraps the floor and I hear her foot steps walk toward Nat. “Shhh…its okay Nattie. She’ll wake up. I promise…she’ll wake up.” Another chair is pushed. “I need some air.” Emily, I hear her walk out of the room, and into the hallway. Nat has stopped crying, I want so much to reach over and give her a hug, to tell her everything is okay. But I lay motionless not able to move, try as I might.

“Uh…Guys?” Emily is back. “Yeah?” Chloe responds “Uh…My Chemical Romance is at the front desk…looking for Allie.” I can imagine their faces. Chloe’s chin is probably touching the floor, Emily stands in the doorway with a confused look, and Nat ‘bout the same as Chloe. “Well? What did you say to them?” Chloe asked. “I told them that Allie was my friend, and I brought them up with me!” I hear Emily walk in followed by 5 different pairs of feet. Nat’s chair scraps the floor now as she stands.

My Chemical Romance is in my hospital room and all I can do is lay here like a vegetable!! Gah! Why does this happen to me?! “Hey.” I hear the sultry voice of Gerard Way as he speaks to those who CAN move. “We got your message and thought that we should come down and say hello or something to your friend Allie.” “ya’ll actually read my letter?” Chloe sent it? For me? CHLOE YOU KICK-ASS!! If I could I would totally give you a hug right now! “Yeah. Of course! We aren’t some stuck up ass-holes! We actually read the stuff fans send us!” not sure who said this, but I think it was Frank, and he was standing somewhere near Nat. Her heart is probably going crazy right now!

“So...” Gerard speaks again “what is her favorite song?” Nat answers this question at lightening speed. “Famous Last Words” “Do you mind if I sing it to her?” he asks. “Not at all! Go for it you might get a response.” Emily answered. I hear foots steps coming to the left side of my bed. Gerard’s sweet breath tickles my ear. “Hi Allie I’m going to sing a song for you.” I hear the hospital chair creak as he leans back…

“Now I know.
That I can’t make you stay.
But where’s your heart.
But where’s your heart.
But where’s your.”
My hand twitches, I can hear the song in my head.
“And I know.
There’s nothing I can say!
To change that part! To change that part!
My hand twitches again, his voice is waking me up! I can feel my mouth opening! I’m singing with him!!
“So many!
Bright lights they cast a shadow.
But can I speak?
Is it hard understanding?
A life that’s so demanding
I get so weak!
A love that’s so demanding!
I can’t speak!
Our voices became one and we made al the twist and turns. My body was able to function, but I kept my eyes close , scared that I might freeze up when I saw them.
I am not afraid to keep on living!
I am not afraid to walk this world alone!
Honey if you stay I’ll be forgiven!
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.
Can you see?
My eyes are shining bright!
‘Cause I’m out here on the other side,
Of a jet black hotel mirror.
And I’m so weak
Is it hard understanding
I’m incomplete
A love that’s so demanding!
I get weak!
I open my eyes and look at Gerard, and sing the last couple of lines.

“I see you lying next to me.
With words I thought I’d never speak
Awake and unafraid.
Asleep or Dead.”

It felt like eternity as our eyes locked and stayed. Till finally he spoke, “Good morning sleep head! Isn’t this a wonderful wake up call?” he gave me cocky smile. And then came the avalanche of hugs and hellos and ‘OMG! YOU’RE ALIVE!’s

A nurse alerted the doctor, and he came in 10min. “well! Hello! Miss. Butler! You gave us quite a scare with your 6 month nap, but it seems you’re okay, and you can leave tomorrow morning!” Everyone gave a big cheer at this news. My Chem. stayed the whole day just talking with us.

When everyone went downstairs to the cafeteria for some lunch, Gerard stayed behind and took Nat’s seat next to me. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you hungry?” I asked him thoroughly worried, cause it was 9p.m. and they came in around 10 a.m. He smiled “yeah, but not really in the mood for hospital food.” “Yeah...I know what you mean.” We both start laughing, but it was awkward. It looked like he was trying to say something, but couldn’t get it out. “What?” I asked again. He looked at me, then looked away and mumbled something. “What? I couldn’t understand.” He took a breath and looked me straight in the eyes. “When you get out tomorrow… would you like to go out to eat?”
I sat there dumbfounded. Did I just hear that right? Gerard way wants to go on a date with me?! He must’ve taken my expression wrong, because he quickly added. “You don’t have to if you don’t…” “No! I would love going out with you!” he smiled and gave me the best hug I ever had.

We then talked and waited for everyone to come back. The next day at 7p.m. Gerard picked me up at my apartment, and we and the time of our lives.

3years later, Gerard pops the question in a posh, British restaurant while on their tour. I said yes (duh) and we married in the Church where ‘Helena’ was shot, and have had the greatest time of our lives every-fucking-day.

readers: hey!! what happened to your friends?
maker:Good question!
nat married frank and the had some kids.
Chloe married Bob.
and Emily married mikey!
And they all lived happiley ever after.