This Life's Too Good to Last, but I'm Too Young to Care

Part 1

"Memories sharp as daggers, piercing to the flesh of today" a bell like voice sung, the noise radiating throughout the local music store, the voice originated from a long brown haired girl. "Anna you are not singing that song again are you?" another voice asked, "Never" Anna replies with a smile to the owner of the shop, Clive.

It had been three years since Anna ran away from Castle Bam, she never went there again. No one knew where she was, well except for her parents, but they only knew the town and were sworn to secrecy, never to tell Ville. Anna swore to herself she would never go near Bam or Ville again, never speak to them.

"Oh Anna I have a surprise for you" Clive says with a smile, Clive was around fifty, balding, and kind of pudgy, but Anna loved him in her own way. "Yeah, what?" Anna asks with a yawn as she begins to flick through the various albums, "I am not going to tell you, but it is big. I will give you the afternoon to go home and change, make sure you look presentable" Clive says with a smile. Clive owned one of the biggest music chain stores around, he was a rich entrepreneur with no children of his own, so he loved to spoil Anna.

"Ok, but you really didn't have to" Anna says as she picks up her handbag off the counter, "Oh I did, and be back in an hour" Clive says as he leans down and gives her a fatherly kiss on the cheek. "Ok bye" she says as she leave the store, Clive lets out a sigh of relief, Anna was going to love his surprise, it had taken a lot of money but it was worth it to see her smile, something she did not do very often.

The hour quickly went by and Anna was in the back of the store with a blind fold over her eyes, her long brown hair flowed over her green corset shirt. "Come on" Clive says as he grabs her arm and leads her out into the centre of the store, five men stood within mere centimetres of her, they were her surprise. "I know how much you love music, so I decided to bring your favourite band to you. Here guys step closer" Clive says as the five men step towards her.

"Hello Sweetheart" a familiar voice says, even before Clive takes off the blindfold Anna knows who is standing in front of her, she could never forget him, not her own brother. "Surprise" Clive yells as he takes off the blind fold from around Anna's eyes, Ville and Anna stare at each other, tears forming in both their eyes, but for completely different reasons.

"Anna?" another voice asks, Anna turns to meet the gaze of Burton. "No, sorry you must have me mistaken with someone else" Anna lies as she turns to leave the room but she feels someone grab her arm tightly, "Anna" Ville says breathlessly. "Let go of me" Anna says in an almost yell, "No, I will not loose you again" Ville says as a tears runs down his pale cheek.

"I said let the fuck go of me Ville, now let me go" Anna yells as her face turns furious, "I believe you should let her go" Clive buts in but Ville turns around angrily his hand still around Anna's arm. "She is my sister and I will do as I please" Ville says angrily, "You didn’t worry about that three years ago, now did you?" Anna says spitefully.

"I couldn’t have done anything, you left in the middle of the night, no one knew where you went" Ville says to Anna, "Well if you weren't drunk off your face then you would have known what happened, you lied to me, you said you would never let me get hurt" Anna screams as she pulls free of Ville and runs outside the store.

Suddenly she runs into someone, she looks up to see Bam standing above her. "Anna?" Bam asks as he tries to touch her, "Get the fuck away from me" she screams as she slaps away his hand. "I…I am sorry, I didn't mean to….." Bam stutters but Anna cuts him off, "What you didn’t mean to rape me? Oh I forgot you can never do anything wrong, Mr Brandon fucking Margera. I suppose you didn’t have the balls to tell Ville what you did" Anna yells furiously, unexpectedly she feels a pair of hands wrap around her waist.

"Calm down sweetheart" a familiar voice says softly in her ear, "No, it is not fair, you were all supposed to protect me" Anna cries as she turns around and comes face to face with Linde. "How could we protect you if we never knew you what happened?" Linde asks softly, "Forget it; I have moved on, everyone has. So just go back to where ever you came from and leave me alone, just like I have always been" Anna says as she wriggles from Linde's grip.

"Anna!" another voice yells as Anna continued her stride up the street, "Anna!" the voice yells again but she remained focused, she would not let them into her life again, never again. "For god sakes woman slow down" the voice says, "Burton don’t make this any harder than it has to be, go back to Ville, pretend this never happened" she says softly, never could she hate him, not Burton.

"I am not worried about myself, we can handle this but Ville can’t, he is not stable. A lot has happened in the three years since you left, Bam is married, and Ville is engaged" Burton says softly, "Engaged?" Anna asks shocked. "Yes, everyone has grown up, please come back, we need you, that is the one thing that hasn't changed" Burton says as he wraps his arms tightly around her, "I have missed you…. All of you" Anna says as the pair walk back to the store.