This Life's Too Good to Last, but I'm Too Young to Care

Part 2

"Ville put me the hell down" Anna screams as she stares at her elder brother's backside, "Calm down or you will fall" he replies as Burton opens the hotel door. "Ville put me down" Anna repeats, "If you wish" Ville says with a smirk as he takes Anna off his shoulder and throws her onto a King size bed. "You’re a real jerk you know that" Anna says with a pout, "Really?" Ville asks as he jumps on top of her, the rest of the guys soon following.

"Honey is that you?" a shrill female voice yells, almost immediately the laughter stops as everyone turns to see a rather skinny, black haired woman standing in the door way. "What is going on here? Who is that hussy?" the woman asks as her eyes dart between Ville and Anna.

"Who the hell are you to call me a hussy you transvestite groupie" Anna yells back, her green eyes ablaze in anger, "Willy I want her gone now!" the woman screeches. "Willy?" Anna asks as she turns to Linde, her eyebrow raised in confusion, "Ville get her out or I am calling Seppo" the woman threatens which makes Anna laugh.

"What is so funny?" the woman asks angrily, "I bet you $1000 you won't get me out of this room" Anna says with a smirk. Before the guys can do anything the woman presses a small red button, in a matter of seconds there is a knock at the door and Seppo enters, H.I.M's manager.

"What's that matter Jonna?" the elderly man asks, "I want her out" Jonna says sharply. Seppo slowly turns around to see Anna standing behind him, "Long time and no see Uncle Seppo" Anna says as she hugs him. "Someone care to explain what is going on here?" Jonna yells furiously, everyone around her begins to laugh.

"Jonna meet Anna, Ville's sister. Anna meet Jonna, your brother's fiancé" Burton says with a grin. "Sister?" Jonna asks as she runs her fingers through her hair, "Yeah sister" Anna says as she pokes her tongue out at the now slightly pissed Jonna.

"Oh I am sorry, I didn't know Willy had a sister, I thought you were just some whore the guys usually pick up and bring back to the hotel" Jonna says as she reaches to touch Anna's hand, "Oh well then that is a different story, you are narcissistic and an idiot" Anna says with a smile as she shakes Jonna's hand.

Suddenly Jonna's mouth drops to the ground, her eyes widen as she stares at Anna in shock. "Oh and by the way I still think you look like a transvestite groupie" Anna grins as she walks over and takes a seat on the couch next to Gas, "Why you –" before Jonna can finish her sentence Ville pulls out his wallet and hands her his credit card. "Go shopping sweetheart" Ville says as he gives Jonna a kiss on the cheek and ushers her out the door.

As soon as Ville is sure that Jonna is out of hearing distance he turns to Anna, a look of anger blazing in his dark green eyes. Anna knew well what this meant and if he was going to antagonize her she was going to beat him to the punch, I suppose one could say neither was going to let the other win and it was best to get out of their way when this started.

"Ville don't you dare begin to patronize me, I don't like her, she is not your type" Anna begins as she stares at her brother, "What gives you the right to make decisions in my life, you left me for three years, what was I supposed to do live every day searching for you?" Ville asks with a slight hint of spite. "I never asked you to stop living your life; I just know that she is not your type" Anna says while holding back yelling, at this point the rest of the band leave the room.

"Oh and you would know what my type is wouldn't you, after all you have such great man history. What that fact that you have been in love with Burton for as long as I can remember or the fact that you had that little affair with Bam?" Ville says quickly without thinking, "Affair huh? Great brother you are, you think that your own brother would figure out that his best friend raped his sister, but no your head was stuck to far up your own behind to see anything happening to anyone else" Anna says, suddenly she covers her mouth realising what she said.