This Life's Too Good to Last, but I'm Too Young to Care

Part 3

The room goes silent as though time is suspended momentarily, Ville stares at his sister, the one he had tried so hard to protect from the horrible things in the world. "Anna….I….I" Ville stutters which is highly unlike him, "Forget it, I know what you want to say and it's okay, I have had time to forgive and forget" Anna says as she reaches for Ville's hand but he pulls back.

"You should have told me, I would have been there for you" Ville says in a slightly hurt tone, "There was nothing you could have done, you were too busy being a drunk and having sex with anything in a skirt" Anna says in an almost yell. "I....I have to go" Ville says as he walks out of the room leaving Anna alone, the way she had felt for so long.

"Arrgh!" Anna screams at the top of her lungs as she throws the closet thing to her at the wall, a vase. The vase shatters as soon as it hits the wall, shooting broken pottery all over the room. "Anna everything will be alright" a voice says, Anna turns around and buries her head deep in the chest of Linde. "It won't be alright, I should have stayed away, I shouldn't have opened my mouth" Anna says angrily, "You want to know something; we were all lost without you. I know how you feel about Burton and he feels the same about you, he was lost when you weren't by his side" Linde says as he wraps his arms around Anna in a hug.

"Do you think Ville will do something stupid?" Anna asks as she wipes the tears from her eyes, "Of course not" Linde replies but he is clearly lying. "I swear Lilly if Ville gets wasted one more time I am leaving, I will go back to Finland if I have to" Anna says with a slight tone of spite, "No body is perfect Anna, no one can help the way they are" Linde says softly, how could he choose sides between the two people he had known all his life.

"What ever" Anna says as she walks over to the small mini bar and pulls out a large bottle of Vodka, "What are you doing?" Linde asks with concern, he had never known Anna to drink other than a few social occasions. "I am getting plastered, I want to know what it feels like, I want to know what Ville finds more important than me" Anna says as she opens the bottle and begins to skull the contents of the bottle, "Nothing is more important than you, not to Ville, not to any of us" Linde says in a broken voice as he leaves the room, the worst feeling is knowing that you can't help someone you love.

Burton enters the room only to find Anna lying asleep on the floor, his heart beating fast with both anger and sadness as he takes a seat beside Anna's sleeping body. "Oh sweetheart how could things have gone so wrong for you" Burton says as he runs his fingers through her hair, slowly he leans down and kisses her on the forehead.

"Oh my head" Anna wails as she wakes from her drunken slumber as she begins to sit up she realises that an arm is wrapped tightly around her waist. A small smile begins to form on Anna's face as she gazes down to see Burton lying beside her, a small snore emitting from his pursed lips. Suddenly Anna snaps out of her daze, this is wrong, what if someone saw them.

Cautiously Anna gets off the bed, careful not to wake Burton as she does so; this is not the type of thing she wishes to explain. With a low growl from her stomach Anna heads to the small hotel room kitchen, only to be met by the stares of three sets of eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Anna asks, the hate in her voice quiet blatant, "I invited them" Jonna interrupts. "Where is my brother?" Anna asks, ignoring the fact that Bam and some woman staring at herm "Asleep, now aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Jonna asks, in an obnoxiously loud voice, obviously trying to get on Anna's good side.

"Hi, I don’t know who you are and I don't really care" Anna says as she shakes the woman's hand, "I'm Missy, Bam's wife" the woman replies with a smile.

"Hi Missy, I suggest you leave, before Ville wakes up" Anna says softly trying not to aggravate her already raging headache.

"What is going one here, why is it so fucking loud?" a strong Finnish voice bellows, "Good morning sweetheart" Jonna says in a sweetly sickening voice as Ville walks out rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. "Hate to say I told you so" Anna whispers just loud enough for Bam to hear, Bam shoots her a death glare as she follows with a nearly silent cackle.

Ville looks around the room, finally resting on Bam leaning against the kitchen counter, giving him a nervous glance.

A small smile plays across his face seeing his best friend standing next to his sister who was reaching for a glass behind Bam's head with a sly smirk across her lips and not failing to hit Bam's head on the door in the process.

Suddenly the memory of the night before comes flashing back, as though by magic Ville's normally green eyes darken to a deep hazel. "Babe I think we should leave" Bam says as he reaches for Missy's forearm, "Why?" Missy replies with a look of confusion spreading across her face.

"You're not going anywhere" Ville grunts through gritted teeth, Missy and Jonna step back confused while Anna takes a seat on the counter, sipping her drink merrily, if there was going to be a show she was going to watch it in style and comfort.

"I really think we should leave" Bam says again though this time the fear is more prominent, "I said you're not going anywhere" Ville smirks as he takes a menacing step towards Bam.

"What did you do?" Jonna asks as he glares at Anna who is now smirking like an idiot as she watches Bam cower from Ville, "Shhh the show is about to start" Anna smiles as she sees Ville is now mere metres from Bam, his fists clenched.