This Life's Too Good to Last, but I'm Too Young to Care

Part 4

Slowly Bam backs against the wall as Ville approaches, "Sweetheart calm down, Bam and Missy are just here to chat" Jonna screeches. Ville ignores his fiancé as he continues towards Bam, out of the corner of his eye Ville sees Anna sitting on the bench, a small smile on her face and that makes Ville madder, Bam stole something that was not his.

"Ville stop this now!" Jonna screams as Missy claws her arm in fear, as the pair argue with Ville - who is not listening – no one but Anna notice that Burton and Linde have been standing in the doorway for a moment or so. Quickly their eyes adjust to the light and they focus on Bam, hatred quickly filling their being. "What the hell is he doing here?" Linde asks, his Finnish accent making his words drawl together, "Well let me fill you in. Dumb and dumber over here are screaming at the top of their lungs" Anna says nodding towards Missy and Jonna. "Ville is about to turn Jack the Rape'er into a smoothie and I am enjoying the show" Anna says with a sadistic smile, before Linde or Burton can say anything Ville hits Bam straight in the jaw.

"What the hell is he doing to my husband?" Missy screams as her eyes fill with tears, Bam does not fight back, he knows he deserves it; he would do anything to mend his broken friendship, even if it meant getting beaten into a pulp by Ville. "Fight back, or can't you fight against someone who is not frail?" Ville yells as he goes to hit Bam again but his arm is grabbed by Burton.

"Let me go, he deserves it and you know he does" Ville says as he turns around to face Burton, "We all want to kill him Ville but it is Anna who must face this problem we can only help her through, we all make mistakes" Burton says as he holds back Ville's arm. "Mistakes? Mistakes? Burning a piece of toast is a mistake, missing a lyric in a song is a mistake, raping your best friends' sister is unforgivable" Anna yells in fury as she jumps off the counter.

"You’re a paskavatsa, a mere coward" Anna yells at the three Finnish men, her gaze quickly shifts to Bam, who is staring at the ground as Missy wipes the blood from his chin. Anna hardly ever spoke Finnish, her native tongue, to hear her curse at them was a surprise. "Anna calm down" Linde says as he watches her reach for a knife, slowly Anna approaches Bam with the knife held into front of her menacingly.

"She is a god damn psycho" Jonna yells as Anna thrusts the knife towards Bam's head, slowly Anna pulls the knife back a small smirk on her face. She moves the knife towards her mouth and takes a bite of the apple which was placed in the fruit bowl just behind Bam's head, "I was never going to stab you, just do this" Anna says as she reaches for the kettle beside Bam and throws the contents all over his crotch.

"If no one will help me, I will do it myself" Anna says mainly to herself as she takes another bite out of the apple and heads towards the room she slept in the night before, slowly she reaches for the guitar beside the bed.

"I know how it feels to be on your own" Anna sings as she strums the guitar, she always made up songs on the spot when she was upset, "In this cruel world where hearts are bound to turn to stone" she continues as a small tear forms in the corner of her eye. "Where you are alone, and tired of breathing" Anna says as she hears a loud bang of the door slamming shut, "It all goes wrong, and you just can’t stand the pain anymore" suddenly there is a knock on her door.

"Leave me alone!" Anna yells as the knocking persists, "I said go away!" Anna repeats again. Suddenly the door swings open and in walks Linde with a plate of pancakes, "Do you not understand English? Or would you prefer Finnish?" Anna asks sarcastically. Linde continues into the room as he takes a seat on the bed, "Painu vittuun! (Fuck Off!)" Anna says in Finnish. "It is a peace offering, Bam and his wife are gone and Ville and Jonna are having make up sex" Linde says as he passes Anna a fork and the plate, "Oh joy!" Anna replies sarcastically as she throws the guitar against the hard wall, the guitar smashes into small fragments.

"Do you realise what you just did?" Linde asks, "Yeah, smashed a guitar against the wall" Anna replies as she stabs the mound of pancakes. "Do you realise who gave that guitar to Ville?" Linde asks, "Yes, Iggy Pop, see I figure he will probably notice that it is missing when he finally pulls his head out of his ass" Anna replies as she takes a bite of the pancakes.

"Linde can I tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell Ville or anyone else" Anna asks as she places the empty plate on the bed, "Of course, you can always trust me" says Linde as he wraps one arm around Anna's small shoulder. "Before I became here and begun working for Clive I went home to Finland, I went and saw my mother, father and Jesse. I told them what happened, I told them what Brandon did and they didn't believe me. They kicked me out of the house, they told me never to come back" Anna says as she sniffs back some salty tears threatening to run down her face.

"They are your parents, they love you and so do Jesse and Ville. Men are stubborn pigs, I should know I have been one for the past 30 years" Linde says as he kisses the top of Anna's dark brown hair, "My mother and father have always supported me and now they are choosing some American skateboard idiot, it isn’t fair, everyone chooses him over me. I know that sounds selfish but I have known you guys all my life and here Burton is defending him" Anna says as she kicks the wall.

"Two years" Linde says solemnly, "What are you talking about?" Anna asks as she turns and looks at Linde with a confused look on her face. "It has been two years since Burton confined in me that he cares deeply for you" Linde says with a small smile, "Fifteen years, three months and roughly eleven days, which is the last time I saw my brother sober. It was the day of my sweet sixteen, our parents had organised this huge Halloween party for me and then when the time came for the party Ville showed up drunken half an hour before and passed out on the floor. We had to cancel my party and take him to the hospital to get his stomach pumped, he had consumed so much alcohol that he couldn't function" Anna says softly.

"My point is that we can all remember moments in time, some things we choose to forget, others we wish we could. Anyhow I have taken up enough of your time so I am going to annoy the other band members" Anna says with a small laugh as she gives Linde a kiss on the cheek and heads towards the bedroom where the rest of the guys are, "Goodbye love" Linde whispers as he watches her leave the room.