This Life's Too Good to Last, but I'm Too Young to Care

Part 5

Instead of going to the other bedroom Anna heads outside, her body covered in a long black trench coat over her clothes. Slowly she makes her way down the street, walking at a slow pace she enters a music store, absentmindly she begins to browse through the various albums. After about fifteen minutes she feels a small tap on her shoulder, Anna turns around to meet the gaze of several pairs of eyes.

"Ummm hi" Anna says with a confused look as her gaze shifts from one person to another, one thing she notices are similar about each is a heartagram on each of them, all in different places on their clothing. "Hello sorry to bother you but did you by any chance perform at a H.I.M concert about three years ago?" a girl about seventeen asks Anna as she places a small strand of hair behind her ear, "Ummm who are you?" Anna asks with the confused look still on her face.

"We are the American H.I.M street team, we all fans of the band that gather once a month and when ever the band is in town" the girl says with a huge grin, "Ok" Anna replies emotionlessly. "So did you preform with the band?" the girl persists, "Yes I did, now is that all?" Anna asks as she starts to become annoyed with the teenagers.

"Do you know the band, do you know Ville Valo?" the girl asks annoyingly, Anna takes a deep breath and stares at the girl "Well considering Ville is my brother I suppose I might know the band and him" Anna says with a stern look on her face. "Oh my lord!" the girl squeals along with some other members of the group, a sigh forms on Anna's face, the last thing she wanted was to draw attention to herself then suddenly she had an idea.

"You really love my brother and his band right?" Anna asks with a smirk on her face, "More than anything" the group choruses. "I will make a deal with you, I will take you to the hotel room that my brother and the band are staying in but you can not disturb Gas, Mige or Linde but feel free to talk to Ville, Burton and especially Ville's fiancé Jonna" Anna says with a grin.

"You do know what Linde, Minge and Gas look like right?" Anna asks, "Of course" the girl says with a huge grin. "So is it a deal?" Anna asks, "Deal!" the group replies. "Come on then lets go, by the way if I do find you annoying Mige, Gas or Linde than I will have security escort you out" Anna says, "We understand, thank you so much" the girl says as the group emerges in cheers. "Don't mention it" Anna says as she exits the store, the group following close behind her.

"Ok stay out here and I will come get you in a moment, don't forget to be quiet" Anna says as she opens the door to the hotel room and enters closing the door after her, "Where have you been?" Ville asks as she enters. "In town, I found you a gift it is outside" Anna says with a smile, Ville begins to head to wards the door but Anna quickly stops him. "Go get Jonna and Burton I think they will love this gift as much as you" Anna says with a smile as Ville heads into another room.

Within a matter of moments Ville comes back with Jonna and Burton in tow, "Ok you can go and get it now" Anna says as she glances at Linde, Gas and Mige who had also come out to see what the gift was. Ville heads over to the door with Burton and Jonna beside him, he opens the door to hear a chorus of squeals and to be trampled by the teenage girls entering the room.

"Oh my god it is really them!" the girls yell as the begin to talk to Ville, Jonna and Burton, a large smile forms on Anna's face as she walks over and stands beside Linde, revenge was sweet.

"Don't worry your safe" Anna says to Linde, Mige and Gas as they watch the other three be practically devoured by the fan girls, "I gather this was your doing?" Linde says with a smile. "Who else" Anna says with a small giggle as she and the three guys head into a nearby bedroom to talk.

"ANNA AAMU VALO!" a strong voice bellows, Anna opens her eyes and gazes down at her watch, it has been three hours since she brought home Ville's 'gift'. Suddenly the door slams open and in walks Ville his fists clenched and his eyes ablaze with anger, Jonna following quickly behind him like a lost lamb.

"Why the hell did you do that?" Ville says through gritted teeth, "Why? I could not get your attention and if the only way I could get it was by doing something big than that is what I was willing to do" Anna says angrily. "You needn't bring some children here to harass us, just tell us what is wrong" Ville says in a softer tone, "That is what I have been doing but you have been too preoccupied to give a damn" Anna sighs.

"Anna as much as I love you I don't think that this is going to work out. It is obvious you can't stand me, so while the band and I go away if you choose you may stay here with Jonna and if not then where you go is up to you" Ville says, Anna's eyes open wide in shock as she glances at Linde who is giving her a reassuring smile.

Anna takes in a deep breath, and slowly as she releases it her eyes narrow in anger. "I am not sure whether you are joking or not, I mean seriously I would rather stay with Brandon Margera than that…that… that superficial cow" Anna says coldly, "If that is how you feel than feel free to do as you wish" Ville says as he takes a swig of red bull. Suddenly her eyes open wide in shock; her own brother, the one that promised to look after her was abandoning her. "Ville are you sure this is what you want to do?" Linde asks as he stares at Ville in disbelief, "Yes" Ville replies coldly as he takes one last swig of his red bull.

Anna's eyes immediately harden "You selfish bastard, I thought that maybe you had changed but you will always be the little Finnish boy who would never amount to anything other than a drunk" she spits as she glares at her brother, without warning Ville throws the empty bottle of red bull at Anna's head but due to his anger he misses, the bottle smashes against the wall and rains glass all over Anna's naked back.

Slowly blood begins to seep out of the various superficial cuts on her back but she ignores them as she stares at her brother, Linde goes to comfort her but Burton holds him back. Hot tears burned the rim of her eyes but she would not let them be released, she would not give him the satisfaction. "One day you will regret this, and when you do don't expect any sympathy from me" she spat coldly, the room fell silent, no one could believe that the feud between these two would get so out of control.