

It had been two days since Damien had told me about my condition that evidently came with my change. It kept playing over and over in my head, that one sentence that made my dreams blur.

‘You might not be able to become human again’

I sat there in shock unable to talk. Seth had watch me also unable to speak at that moment as I told them to leave me alone.

Since then I hadn’t come out of my room. Sara was the only one allowed in, mostly because she brought food. She would tell me that Damien was turning into a wreck, he hadn’t been home for two days and just showed up completely drunk.

I was still worried about him when Sara left, she smiled at me one ore time before the door burst open. Sara screamed and ran to find Benny. I the door stood Damien, disheveled drunk and apparently sad. He stormed over to me and pinned me to the bed. I let out a small cry for help as Damien pressed the length of his body against my fragile one.

The pressure left my body breathless, which is what he wanted as his lips enveloped mine in a heart-wrenching kiss. Damien released my wrists allowing me to wrap them around him.

At one point I heard Sara and Benny come in ready to see me pleading for my life I’m sure. That was the exact opposite, we were in full make-out mode, Benny was surprised to see us so into it. He was slow and still hadn’t caught onto the whole thing.

Sara just stood there blabbering like a fool until her large partner picked her up and dragged her off to let us be alone. Seth was probably still worried but I could hear his small voice down stairs whimpering a little as Sara and Benny told him that I was alright. After all that I let myself melt into the two strong arms that held me close.

Sometime between our kissing and holding each other, Damien had pulled off his shoes and climbed into the bed next to me. Pulling the covers over us, shielding us from the cold night.

I fell asleep not soon after, forming against his warm body and listening to the soft thump of his heart inside his rib cage. Happy to have the man of my dreams in my arms again.

I couldn’t breath as my bones cracked into place.
Elongating, stretching, bending
Into my form, my true form.
The wolf.

She was beautiful, a creamy shade of white with gray flecks
That shown sliver in the light.

Bounding over the fallen trees and across rivers she saw the rest of her family.
Damien ran by her flank.
His tongue hanging out happily as he ran with me.
I could also see a small mousy wolf running along with me too.

We ran for days it seemed like, and I was completely happy going on like this forever.
Then Darkness hit the land
Soon her pack mates ran away from her leaving her to face it all alone.
It crept closer until she was covered In it and it took over.
I screamed.
~Dream end~
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda short but a big chapter.

sorry forthe lack of updae i've been really busty with my life. Also Vacation's a bitch on my writing.