Death in Vogue saturnalian nights

Whip messed up his hair a little bit more before going over to the bar and taking a set next to the kid.

The kid looked up through his bangs that were over his eyes a little. "I was wandering if you'd ever come up to me," the kid said.

"Yeah, well... Hey! how'd you know?" Whip said looking at the kid he thought was gorgeous.

"I know when people are looking. Everyone loves to look at me. But aspeshaly you," the kid said with a smirk Whip thought was damn sexy.

"Everyone looks at you?" Whip asked.

"Yes, everyone. They wish they were as sexy as me, but since they're not, they look at me. Everyone also buys me drinks," he hinted.

Whip laughed and asked the kid what he wanted. The kid said that just a beer was good.

"Really you? A beer?" Whip asked after he ordered.

"Yeah, it's yummy," the kid started playing with the chunky black star that hung around his neck, "My name is Cat by the way," A beer was set down near Cat.

"Your name is really Cat?" Whip asked.

"No, but it's what everyone calls me," Cat smiled.

"Well, Cat I'm Whiplasher," Whip said.

"Your name is really Whiplasher?" Cat mocked.

"No, but everyone calls me Whip," Whip tried to smile as Cat had before.

Cat giggled, sipping his Sam Adams. "So where are you from Whip? That ascent isn't American,"

"Sweden. And by the sound of yours I'd guess you're from there too,"

"Yeah, came over about a year ago,"

One hour and several rounds later, Cat was drunk, and trying to pull Whip to the bathrooms for a quick fuck
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Cat pic