Don't Stop Us Now

Late nights & caramel fights.

Two girls bursted into a room with bagfuls of junk food and beverages. They giggled and dumped their possessions onto the full bed with bright yellow sheets. They walked out and re-entered the room with even more bags. Eating too much sugar? Impossible.

"Noelle, have you ever wondered if we buy too much shit?" asked one friend to the other.

The girl called Noelle looked upwards and thoughtfully said, "Not really." She disappeared and came back with at least half a dozen movies. "I thought we'd have a little bit of variety tonight."

The other girl nodded and left. She returned with various blankets and pillows. "I don't know if I want to sleep in my bed or sleep on the floor."

"If you don't sleep in it, Kaylie will probably claim it. Or I will," she added.

"Oh Hayley!" rang throughout the house. "Where are you?" The girl ('Hayley') rolled her eyes.

"Where do you think I would possibly be?" she answered loudly.

Two more girls strode into Hayley's room. Well, one strode and the other skipped happily. The one who walked like a sane person was slightly taller than the other, with dark brown hair and wearing big sunglasses. The other was wearing black jeans and one of her usual band t-shirts. Today it was a band called Boys Like Girls.

"Hayley," the shorter one said frowning. "Kaylie was being mean to me."

Kaylie rolled her eyes. "Carly, just because I didn't let you talk the Jerk today does not mean I'm being mean. Does it?" she asked with a hint of a threat on her voice, looking from Noelle to Hayley.

Hayley grinned. "Oh no, not at all." Okay, so 'The Jerk' was a nickname for Kaylie's brother. Kaylie had warned her friends that if she caught them staring at her brother, they would not step foot in her house again.

Carly pouted once again. "Why does everyone gang up on me?" The three other girls made a show to put their blankets and pillows in the certain order. "Hey! Ignoring me isn't going to make me feel any better! In fact, what if I left right now? You guys would miss my company."

Noelle stood up straight and stretched. "Carly, relax man. We all know you aren't going to leave."

"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" Carly demanded.

"Because," said Kaylie peering through Hayley's blinds. "Greg just pulled up."

The three girls shared a smirk while Carly made a show of looking out of the window, but also trying to stay hidden. "Are you sure that's him?" she asked. "What if it's not? You're just going to get me embarrassed aren't you?"

Hayley groaned. "Carly! Yes I'm sure! You think I don't know the sound of my brothers own truck?"

Noelle also took a turn to look swiftly out of the window. "Someone else is coming."

"Are you sure they aren't just going to another house?" Hayleyasked demanded. Oh dear.

"Yup. It's a blue truck. Know them?" inquired Noelle.

Hayley tried to control her blushing. "I think it's Tristan." She hoped her voice was controlled.

Kaylie looked at Hayley excitedly. "Ooh, that's a new one. Is he cute?" Hayley looked at Kaylie with a look that said 'is-all-you-ever-think-about-my-brothers-friends-and-if-they-are-cute?!'

"It's just that your brother has a few good looking friends, Hayley." Kaylie explained with a little bit of annoyance in her voice.

Noelle sighed. "I am so glad I don't have any siblings."


The four girls stormed the kitched after their first movie, which happened to be the fantastic Transformers. "I really have a hankerin' for some ice cream with caramel," said Hayley.

"Hey! I found caramel!" said Noelle happily. "Were you all aware that I rock?" she asked.

"No, but thank you for informing me," said Carly. "Hayley, do you have and cookies and cream ice cream?" she asked.

"Ha ha, Carly. If I did, I would scoop it out for you."

Kaylie found some Oreo's and sat at the table with the package. "Can you guys hurry up?" She ate a bit of a cookie.

"Would you like to rock, paper, scissors for the caramel, Hayley?" asked Carly as Hayley pulled out some ice cream for the freezer.

"Bleh, vanilla," she said. "What, Carly?" Hayley got herself a bowl and spoon. She began scooping ice cream for herself. "Anybody else want some?"

"I said," began Carly as Noelle helped herself to some ice cream. "Would you like to play rock, paper, scissors for this caramel?"

Hayley looked at her strangely. "If it would make you happy, I guess."

After beating Carly five times at the hand game, Carly pouted as Hayley helped herself to some of the tasty topping. "Did you want some?" Hayley asked Carly as they all headed back to Hayley's room.

"Not really," confessed Carly.

"Seriously? What was the point of that?"

"I don't know."

Hayley stared at Carly. She sheepishly smiled.

"You are a strange little creature."
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I'm not sure if this story will have an actual focus to it. You know, just the normal stuff. Romance, drama, etc. But I hope to do it in a way that is pleasing to everyone.