Good Bye

My eyes can't beleive what they have seen,

A man gripped the microphone holding it up to his lips, his chocolate brown eyes scanning over the crowd as cell phones and lighters were held above heads, swaying back and forward ever so slightly. His stomach churned and he bit down on his lip as the music started, his head feelign dizzy. He pulled the hood over his head where a cap was situated, turned ever so slightly to the side.

"I'm not one for love songs the way I'm livin',
makes you feel like giving up but you don't
and I want everything for you....
" he chimed softly into the microphone, feeling his eyes water but he quickly blinked back the tears and took in a deep breath, letting it out again. His hands shook ever so slightly, making him clutch onto the microphone even tighter, letting the words flow to him as easily as a stream down hill.

The chorus churned slightly, he stuttered out the words of the song glancing over at the guitarist, Ryland who looked at him queerly frowning and giving a nod for him to sharpen up. He nodded quickly and looked back out into the audience, the spot light coming in directly on him.

"Before I met you I use to dream you up and make you up in my mind
oh, whoa
all I ever wanted was to be understood
you've been the only one who could
I could never turn my back on you,
" the words hit him like daggers, stinging pangs into his stomach as he wiped away a tear trying to pull it off to look like sweat. Looking at his right side his keyboardist gave him a sympathetic look and nodded for him to continue on, so he hit the chorus again.

"And not long ago
I gave up hope, but you came along
You gave me something I could hold onto oh, whoa and I want you
oh, whoa
more than you can ever know,
" he froze, his mouth wide open staring out past the audience at the back wall. The mic still in front of his mouth but no words came out. Slowly the music came to a halt and all the fans started yelling and cheering and screaming 'what happend?' and 'what's wrong with Gabe?'

The tan man dropped the microphone and ran off stage leaving his band mates watching in fury and in awe. He ran right out of the building, not stopping for anyone. He got to the alley way of the venue and he smashed his hand into the wall letting the tears fall down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry!" he cried out loud covering his face with his hands as he leant his back against the moist brick wall. He sobbed into his palms, cradling his face and sliding down the wall so he could pull his knees up to his chest. Was this it? Was it all over?

Lips brushed against each other, his strong arms wrapped around the other man's tiny waist. They gazed out at the star light, the moon cast down on there upturned faces. Out in the distance the river moved gently making soft noises and the crickets chattered in the trees, leaving them all alone except for the wild life around them.

"It's beautiful Gabe..." William muttered softly with a wide smile looking out over the waters that reflected the crescent moon.

"No, you're the beautiful one Bill." Gabe mumbled softly. "I brought you here to show to you that there is only one thing more beautiful that nature and that is your bright smile and glowing eyes..." he smiled, holding his boyfriend against him, kissing the back of his neck gently. The wind came by and blew at the thinner boy's brown hair, sweeping at it.

"Stop, you're making me blush..." William giggled softly leaning back into Gabe, his hands wresting on the other man's, the body heat just barely keeping him warm enough. "You're the gorgeous one that everyone would drop dead in front of so you didn't get your shoes dirty in the mud."

"Aw, shucks." Gabe mumbled softly with a grin biting the skin on the back of William's neck, sucking at it until it turned a nice red color. He marveled it in the glint of moon light and looked back out at the river watching a family of ducks swim by.

William lifted his arm up looking at his watch and sighing, frowning slightly. "I have to get going, my sister is expecting me home by now. " he tore from the other man's grip, turning on his heels and wrapping his arms around Gabe's neck and pressing there lips together.

Gabe smiled through the kiss, wrapping his arms back around his waist and holding him close. When he pulled away he winked rubbing their noses together. "Tomorrow, I'm going on tour. Will you come with me?" he mumbled gently.

William nodded and looked back at his watch. "Shit! It's already eleven fifty three, I really got to go." he said tearing away from Gabe. He jogged off into the forest and Gabe could hear the sound of dried leaves crumbling.



Gabe froze as things got quiet and their was a soft
thud in the distance. He shook his head and sprinted into the forest the same direction William had gone. It was dark, he couldn't see anything. His footing picked up and he saw a limp source just barely on the ground. He walked over, turning the carcass over and it hit him like a ton of bricks. His eyes filtered with tears and sobs slowly escaped his mouth.
He scooped the boy's head up in his arms, cradling it in his arms, the body lying limp. No pulse, no breath of air, gone. He covered his forehead with soft kisses mumbling soft 'please, don't leave...'s to the boy. It was to late. He ran his hand over his chest, looking at his finger tips which were drenched with warm blood of a crimson color. He cursed himself and he cursed the doer of this, sobbing over his thin deceased boyfriend.

The sob's continued to come from his mouth as he rubbed his face against his knee's.

'Gabe....' a soft voice whispered like the wind. He jumped slightly and looked up, looking all around hi. Nothing was there.

'Gabe....' the voice came again. He bit down on his lip and held still feeling the tears burn down his cheeks.

"William?" he asked out loud, biting down on his lip. "Bill?"

A glowing image from in the distance seemed to be come closer. He scooted as far against the wall as he could, his eyes filled with terror. He grasped his arms hugging his body tightly. The image came not two yards away and gabe could barely make it out through the tears. It stopped glowing and stabilized and without another thought, gabe jumped up.

"William!" he cried out. The figure put a pointer finger to it's lips and 'shhh...' quietly. He smiled and opened up his arms with a wink. Gabe ran forward and was expecting to feel to embrace but he ran right through the figure of William. He watched him and reached arm out, swiping right through it.

"Gabe..." the collection of William muttered softly with a very sorry look. "Don't forget Gabe.... don't forget me..." he mumbled, his voice fading in and out like the wind. Gabe nodded quickly and the figure leant forward planting a small kiss on Gabe's cheek. Gabe put a hand over where the figure had kissed, feeling so surreal. He could actually feel the kiss. He looked down at the ground.

"William I love..." he paused to look up and the figure was gone. He gave a slight smile, wiping away the tears, placing his hand back over his cheek feeling where the boy had kissed him.

"Bye Bill.." he mumbled softly standing there alone in the alley, rat's scurrying by his feet. He looked up at the sky, the moon was in a crescent and there was a star there, brighter then the other's. It seemed to be flickering, trying to prove that it was there. "I love you." he whispered softly biting down on his lip.

But when you say I love you to the dead, the dead can't say it back.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my apology to that shitty Chris Crocker one-shot I wrote!
Accepted? <3