I want to be made.

That might not be such a bad idea after all

I sat at my computer desk in my room holding onto that lime green paper. I bit my lip as I thought about all the work that would have to be put into making any of this possible. I figured it was time to finally tell Rayanne. I put the paper down beside my keyboard and sighed as I opened Aol instant messenger. I scrolled down my list and double clicked on Ray's screen name.

VengeanceisSweet: (10:56pm) Hey Rayanne :]
RaytotheAnne: (10:57) Hey Krys. Hows it going?
VengeanceisSweet: (10:58 ) Not too bad. Look there is something I wanted to tell you...
RaytotheAnne: (10:59) Alright... Go ahead.
VengeanceisSweet: (11:00) I've been thinking a lot about what you said. About trying to do something to change it all. I think I figured out what I want to do.
RaytotheAnne: (11:01) Awesome! :] What did you decide?

I paused not being able to type anything. My hand shook nervously.

VengeanceisSweet: (11:06) Don't laugh at me tomorrow ok?
RaytotheAnne: (11:07) Krys, you know I wouldn't do that.
VengeanceisSweet: (11:08 ) I decided that I...
RaytotheAnne: (11:09) Yeah....
VengeanceisSweet: (11:10) I want to compete in "Battle of the Bands"

I sat there nervously and bit at my nail when Rayanne didn't respond.

VengeanceisSweet: (11:13) Rayanne? Are you there?
RaytotheAnne: (11:14) Yeah sorry. Look if this is something you really want to do, I'll support you but...
VengeanceisSweet: (11:15) But what?
RaytotheAnne: (11:16) How are you going to do it? There is so much you'd have to do. You'd have to get a band together. You'd have to sign up for MTV's MADE or something lol.

I smiled as I read the last line of her IM. What if I did sign up? What if I got lucky and just happened to be picked to be aired! This could be my big break!

I quickly opened up an internet window and went to the MTV's MADE profile. I looked around on the page and noticed one of the tabs that said "Do you want to be made?" I double clicked the link and started reading the instructions. "Sign up for a chance to be aired on a brand new episode of MTV's MADE!" I smiled and quickly filled everything out.
I looked at the clock after filling everything out and saw that it was 11:37pm. I told Ray that I had to get offline or else I wouldn't get up for school in the morning and signed off. I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up but I couldn't help it.

The day seemed to fly by as I sat with Lily, Amy, and Rayanne at lunch. We talked about how are days were going, who was going out with who, and all the same usual gossip. I decided that it was time for me to tell them all that I signed up for Made.

"So I have some news..." I started and all eyes directed towards me.

"Oh! Gossip?!" Lily asked intrigued. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"No. It has to do with me." I responded.

"Alright, so shoot." Amy said.

They all stared at me with smiles plastered on their faces.

"I signed up to be aired on MTV's MADE last night..." Their faces changed and I started to get worried.

"Whoa seriously?" Amy asked and I nodded.

Rayanne chuckled a bit. "You know Krys, when I gave the idea, I was only joking."

"Yeah, but I figured I'd give it a shot. I mean I'm not getting my hopes up... but maybe I could get lucky and be aired on an episode. This could be my chance to finally accomplish something." I explained.

"What would you do if you were aired on the show?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, what did you sign up for?" Amy asked excitedly.

"I want to compete in Battle of the Bands...." I said and the whole table went silent. I bit my lip nervously. "Do you guys think I could do it? Do you think I could actually have a shot at winning?" I asked trying to get some kind of response other than silence.

"You have an amazing voice. I'm sure you'll do great as long as you got a really good band together." Amy finally replied with some positive things.

"Well there is one problem though..." Lily spoke. We all looked at her.

"What about your terrible stage fright?" Lily asked.

I don't know how, but I completely forgot about that. I groaned and put my head into my arms as I laid them on the table.

"Lets not worry about it until you actually find out if you're going to be on an episode of Made. No use in stressing about something thats not happening right?" Rayanne offered comforting words.

She was right. I shouldn't be stressing about something that might not even happen. I just have to make sure that I don't get my hopes up. I'm not usually very lucky when it comes to things like this...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter is shorter than the other chapter. Zacky will be in the Next chapter :]]]
Might try to make a banner. I don't have any programs right now to make any :/
Comments would be lovely. :]]