Status: Complete. =)

In a Reverie

Two Worlds

I had high hopes for us, the day we met I thought it'd last a while, over time you became my closest friend, then the day came when we began to fade away, I swore to myself I'd never let it go, I wound up breaking that promise to myself, now eleven years, later I'm still left in shambles and confusion floods my head, we always swore we'd be best of friends, then you said I should dress more your way, you claimed that was just a phase, but that sent me to the edge


Now I'm confused as to how our two worlds mix together, we've fallen apart and now we can't even speak to each other, hold your head up high, there may still be a last chance and repairing what we lost, we killed it all and now I can't help but be a little bit upset, but if the way I dress and act is the cause of this, then fuck you I, can move on by myself I don't need the fakest of friends, I've got three that I need, to survive


If the way that I act, is your problem, then I don't care, but don't you dare lie to me, I was told that you waved hello and that I looked away, I didn't know you were there, YOU SAID TO ME, WHEN YOU CALLED THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO BE MY FRIEND AND I SAID WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN TRYING? If sitting around and lazing about is trying, then I don't know why but our worlds have fallen apart!

(Chorus x3)

Our two worlds when combined together, make me filled with both anger and regret, filled me with the hate I felt towards the opposite ends, I did not a damned thing, you lied and I nearly lost it, it's God's miracle that I'm still sane, our mothers worry that we live right across from the other and that nothing ever goes on and they ask me why (whatever has happened between you two?) I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY, explain to me what I should do?

(Chorus x3)

♠ ♠ ♠
My most personal song. My best friend that's a girl (it'd be SO wrong if I said girlfriend! XD) and I drifted apart after being friends since 1997. I was very mean to her when we first met but over time, she became like my sister. SHe eventually got me into "rock" and convinced me to start wearing black. SO I did and BAM. Out popped the current version of me. I cant explain the story 'cause it's long and confusing but anyways:

In 2005, she was a "punk girl". Wristbands, glasses, long hair, black, converse, Good Charlotte wristbands and it was during this time I became who I am today. So FF to 2007. She's a fucking chameleon and now has pale blonde hair, sandals on every day, abercrombe/fitch and hollister are her lifelines and she barely listens to rock at all! So now she's changed. Then we had a fight due to a nasty comment I left on her Myspace. Rewind to a day walking to the bus stop to get to school: Mom started fighting with me about...ehh dont remember but it was about- something about my clothing style but BACK to Two Worlds' story- and this chick that started it all starts saying she agrees with my mom and says I should stop and be NORMAL. In my head I'm like "BITCH THIS VERSION OF ME IS OF YOUR SPAWNING!" And she explained that in 2005, she was going through a punk phase.

Punk is NOT a fucking phase!

Rant over. Wanna know more about this piece, message/comment me. :D I'm spending more time on the author's note than the LYRICS. xD