Change is Inevitable

Calm Before the Storm

Talyla sat in class with her two best friends, Bailey and Nettle. Her 16th birthday was coming up and they were preparing for the huge party her dad was letting her throw. It was going to be the event of the year. Everyone was invited. Even all the “nerdy” kids.

Talyla was friends with everyone. No matter what they liked or how they dressed. Everyone except Jezebel. Jezebel and Talyla were the two most popular girls in school. Ever since they were little kids, Jezebel had hated Talyla. She had teased her when her mother died and took any opportunity to bring her down. Talyla never let it get to her though, she had always had Bailey and Nettle.

Jezebel had not had the easiest life. Her father had left just a few years ago and now her mother is struggling to give Jezebel the life that she is accustomed to. Her life isn't made any easier by her attitude. She will do anything to get her way. Lie. Cheat. Steal. You name it, it’s likely she’s done it.

This is why she’s popular. Everyone fears her. No one would dare go against her because they not what she can do. Even some of her teachers are scared of her. And this is why she hates Talyla. She's the only person who has ever stood up to her. The only person brave enough - and stupid enough in her mind - to do so.

Talyla was lucky. Her father, George, was the owner of a huge record company and managed bands like Paramore and Death Cab For Cutie. They were some of her favorites. George was a multi-millionaire and had always given Talyla what she wanted or needed. She wasn't spoilt though. She never took advantage of her father’s generosity. Talyla's mother had died when she was seven. It broke her heart when she died. It broke her dad’s heart. But it forced the two together, they became so much closer because of it.

“What should the theme be this year guys?” Talyla asked. She loved having themed birthday parties, it was so much more fun than your average house party.

“How about a masquerade ball?” Nettle suggested excitedly.

“That’d be awesome!” Talyla said, praising Nettle’s idea.

“Are you sure? What about for everyone who doesn’t like to wear stupid, big, ball gowns?” Bailey asked pessimistically.

“You mean you?” Talyla asked teasingly.

“Yes. I mean me.” Bailey said grudgingly.

“You have to get dressed up anyway. Besides, the whole point of a masquerade ball is that no one knows who you are. You wear a mask.” Nettle said. Her mind was already wandering, thinking about the fun she could have without getting into any trouble.

“Yeah, Bailey. No one will know who you are unless you tell them.” Talyla said happily. Just then Soul Meets Body began to play. It was her current ring tone. It didn’t matter that she had her phone on. Their photography teacher didn’t care what they did as long as they never disturbed her while she was watching Passions.

“Hello?” Talyla said.

“Sweetie. After school I want you to come straight home. There’s something really important I have to tell you.” Came George’s voice from the other end of the line.

“Okay dad. I’ll come home right after school.” Talyla replied. “See you tonight dad.”

“Bye sweetie.” He hung up the phone and in the background Talyla heard Jezebel talking on her phone. She was whining. Complaining that she had already made plans for tonight and that she didn’t want to go straight home. Talyla thought nothing of it except that Jezebel was an annoying brat.
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What do you think? I suppose it's just an introductory chapter. Most of my first chapters are introductory chapters :\

Anyway, it's probably not all that interesting yet but hopefully it will get more entertaining.

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