Fall From A Star

Kiss Me

"I love you."

"I love you too." I moaned as I bit down on his neck so no one but him would hear.

I left small kisses and nibbles on his neck as he entered me thrusting in and out quickly.

"I'm close." he whispered in my ear as he began to nibble on it. I was close to. I felt him release inside of me as I slowly came to after him. He rode out our orgasms until he fell onto the bed next to me.

He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around my naked waist protectively. I brushed some of his hair out of his face. He smiled and pulled me closer to place his lips on mine.

I watched him close his eyes to sleep. I smiled as I closed my eye as well.


"Julia! Are you here?" a voice boomed into the house as the front door slammed.

I quickly shot up and looked over to the body sleeping next to me.

"Fuck." I said. I shook the body next to me to wake it up.

"Five more minutes, mommy." the body mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and pushed the body off my bed and on to the floor.

"What was that for!"

"That was for calling me your mother and the fact that Matt just entered this house"

His eyes grew wide and he ran around quickly pulling his clothes on. "Oh fuck. Fuck Fuck."

I slipped on some shorts and a tank top.

A knock came on my door and we both freezed. "Julia are you up?"

"Um yeah give me a second Matt. Just got out of the shower."

"Okay. Come down stairs when your done." Matt answered on the other side on the door.

"Alright." I answered. I waited till I heard Matt's foot steps going down the stairs before I turned my head. "Zacky what the fuck are you doing?"

Zacky was like a statue with one foot up tying to put on a sock as he was standing. He lost his balance and fell on to my bed. I giggled and walked over to him with his shoes.

"Here you go." I said as I placed his shoes on the bed next to him.

"Thank you love." he smiled and placed his shoes on his feet. "Did you have fun last night?" he asked with a wink.

I nodded and smiled. "I always have fun with you."

"You just remember how much fun you had last night when your with whats his ass tonight." he said as he stood up. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I placed mine around his neck.

"His name is Talon." I sighed. "And its just one little dance."

Zacky scoffed. "Julia its fucking prom, that isn't just one little dance. He'll want you in his pants."

I giggled and smirked at him. "Why are you jealous?"

"Um let me think?" he looked up and pretended to think. He turned back to me and said, "Of Timmy not really? Of him being able to touch you..then yes."

I ignored him calling Talon 'Timmy' and kissed his cheek to calm him down a little and his grip grew tighter around my waist. "Baby, I promise it wont go any farther than dancing."

"I know I trust you, its just..this whole situation sucks ass. I should be taking you to your senior prom not some weak ass, cocky ass, steroid taking asshole." he said.

I giggled "Thats funny I didn't know I was going to prom with Brian."

"Haha" he laughed sarcastically. "I wish I could take you." he said as he placed his forehead on mine.

"Me too but you know that Matt would kill you or worse" I gasped.

"What could be worse then killing me?" he asked.

"He'd tear off your manly hood." Zacky and I shuttered at the same time and laughed. "Thats make me sad. I like yours" I smiled and kissed his lips.

"I know" he smirked. "I'm like a fucking sex God."

"Something like that" I smirked back at him.

"Julia! Seriously how long does it take to get fucking changed?" Matt yelled up the steps.

I sighed. "We better get moving before Matt pisses himself."

"Right..that be kinda funny maybe we should wait, awhile" Zacky smirked.

"Or not." I smiled and kissed him one last time. "I love you."

"I love you too." he smiled and made his way to my window. "Hey Julia."

"Yeah?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"One day will be together without having to hide it."

"I cant wait for that day." I smiled and walked out of my room.

I walked down the steps and into the kitchen. "Morning Matt, Hey Val." I said as I grabbed a bowl and some lucky charms. "Whats up?"

"Why the fuck did it take you so long to get down. And why isn't your hair wet?" Matt asked drilling me with questions.

"Um A) why the fuck do you care and B) I blow dried my hair." I answered annoyed.

"Um..er right sorry." Matt said and he hung his head down. I hate seeing him like this.

I sighed and shook my head. "its all right."

His head popped up and his smile brighten' up my day with his dimples. I smiled back at him.

"Aw you both are so cute with you dimples." Val said as she pinched Matt's cheeks.

"Will you stop it woman." Matt barked and swatted her hands away. She kissed his cheek and I just rolled my eyes.

"Soooo Val. How are you?" I asked. I always loved Val she was like a sister to me, my best friend.

"Oh nothing much, are you excited for Prom?"

I nodded and took a bit of my cereal. "Cant wait. Your going to still help me get ready right?"

She nodded, "Mhmm, the boys are going to be practicing like all night, so ill be here."

"Good, I'll need someone to take all the pins out of my hair tonight." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"So what time is Timmy going to be here?" Matt asked. He knows his name is Talon, just Zack knows.

"Its Talon and like at 6:00" I answered rolling my eyes.

"Alright I'll make sure to have the gang here by then so we can harass him." Matt said evilly.

"Mattchew! You better be nice" I said with cereal in my mouth.

"Where just going to have a chat no biggie." he said innocently.

"You said you guys were going to harass him."

Matt rolled his eyes." Yeah will harass him...nicely" he smirked. Va punched him in the arm hard. "Ow. what the fuck."

I smiled. "You a dumb ass." Val said to him.

I got off the stool and placed my bowl in the sink and ran the water to clean it. After that I looked at the clock, it was 12, so I had 6 hours to get ready.

"I'll be outside, Val do you want to start at like three?" I asked as I grabbed my IPOD and a magazine off the corner.

"Sounds good." She smiled and her and Matt went into the living room.

I walked outside into our backyard. It was huge there was a swing set with a slide in the back when me and Matt where younger. There was a larger sized pool with a small water fall with landscape around it. Pretty much my heaven. I sat on a chair and placed my feet on top of another chair. I opened the magazine and began to read as my IPOD was playing music in my ears.


"Julia?" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw Val standing over me. "its 3."

"Oh right. I must of fell asleep." I smiled as I got off the chair and followed her into the house.

"Its okay, the guys just got here so Matt wont be bothering us." she smiled and we went up to my room. "So how do you want you hair?" She asked.

"I was think a half up. Curly of course." I smiled. She nodded and turned on the curling iron.

"You nervous?" she asked as she made a few curls.

"Kinda. But I think I'm more excited. I mean Senior prom! Going to be fun." I said excitedly. Prom would be a blast if I was going with Zacky, but you know.

"So do you like Talon?" She asked as she hair sprayed my hair. So much like a sister.

"As a friend yeah, anything more not really." I answered and it was 100 percent true.

"Are you going to post prom, because you know if you say your not and then something happens and your not back by at least 1, Matt is going to have a search party out for you." She said and unfortunately that was 100 percent true.

I giggled. "Then I better say I'm going to Post Prom."

She giggled and winked at me, "Remember to use protection."

I dropped my mouth and looked at her. "Haha your funny" I said sarcastically.

She laughed, "Matt said I should ask you questions if you and Talon were going to have sex and so I thought why not just add that in there."

I bit on my tongue and smiled at her. "You don't have to worry about that one, trust me" I smiled up at her.

She nodded and continued to do my hair. I opened up a bottle of light pink nail polish that matched my dress and began to paint my nails.

I blew on my nails as Val was hair spraying down my hair. "You think thats enough?" I coughed and wiped my hair around from all the hairspray fume.

"Nope." she smirked and sprayed two more times. "Now lets get on your dress, its like 530. Then more hairspray and perfume." she smiled brightly at me.

I rolled my eyes and went over toward my closet and pulled out my dress.
( http://www.partycloz.com/dress_pix/DSC04030b.jpg ) Val help me get it on and zipped me up. As she zipped I heard the door bell ring.

"Oh fun hes earlier." I said to myself and sat on my bed to slip on my shoes.

"Oh their not that bad." Val said as she sprayed my hair..again.

"Val, please, its Matt, Jimmy, Johnny, Brian and Zacky, thats like hell." I said sarcastically. She just laughed and applied some make to my face.

With one last lip gloss stoke she stopped and looked me over. She smiled and clapped her hands, "You look so pretty. Damn I'm fucking amazing."

"Or maybe I just have great genes and just look amazing natural." I smirked at her.

"Right....Why didn't Matt get any of those." she said.

I laughed. "Oh burn." She giggled.

"Well I'll go tell them your ready then you can make your entrance like in that movie, Shes All That.

"Okay." I giggled and looked my self in the mirror. Yep, I got all the sexy genes.

I opened my door and I could hear Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer, Val is such a dork.

As I walked down the stairs all the boys were lined up in the living room looking towards the stairs and Matt had his shoulder around Talon...oh boy. The line went. Val, Matt, Talon, Brian, Johnny, Jimmy, and my Zacky. It was kinda awkward to see him seeing I'm about to go to prom with someone that isn't mysecret lover boyfriend.

All the guys had their mouths dropped and were gawking at me. Jimmy, as usually was the first to break the silence. "Damn girl you are fuck sexy! Matt can I do her?" I saw Zacky slap him in the back of the head. "Ow! that fucking hurt, I just just asking."

Matt laughed awkwardly. "You keep your hands off her. Don't even think of her like that. That goes for all of you."Matt warned each of them. I swear he was about to pop a blood vessel. I smiled at them as they all nodded towards Matt, besides Zacky. He was just staring at me and licking his lips, like he wanted to pounce on me...and i wasn't going to keep him from doing it. "Earth to Zacky!" Matt snapped us both out of our trance. "I said stop picturing my sister naked."

Zacky smirked and looked at Matt, "Oh sorry."

"Well are you ready to go, Julia?" Talon asked me. I didn't even noticed he was there, until now.

"Oh right. Thank you so much Val." I said as I kissed her cheek. I kissed Matt's cheek and hugged him." Bye Mattchew, bye guys." I waved and Talon put out his arm for me to grabbed. I did and smiled at him.

"Hold it young lady!" Matt said as he grabbed my other hand and spun us around. "What time will you be back?"I looked at Talon and he shrugged."A shrug is not an answer do you got it Timmy?" Matt snapped.

"Its Talon and I'll be back at 2. Love you bye." I said quickly and walked to the stretch hummer with Talon.

Oh yes, tonight will be fun! Or so I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
{-Comment-Let me know what you think please!!!! }

Kiss me out of the bearded barley
Nightly, beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step

You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress.