Fall From A Star


Val drove us to the mall in silence. I knew she wanted to say something since her mouth kept opening and closing but she couldn't form a sentence.

She pulled into a parking spot and shut off the car. She opened her door and slowly got out. I followed her suit and shut my door.

We walked a slow pace to the door of the mall still in silence.

"Um Val." I said and she looked over at me. "Jimmy...it's just he doesn't look at me like everyone else does. I'm sorry..."

She stayed silent and watched her feet as she walked. "Its okay" she said and pulled me into a hug.

"I think you need a make over Julia."

"I think thats just what I need." I agreed and walked into a salon with her.

"So what do you want to do to your hair?" She asked looking through a magazine.

I shrugged and looked in the mirror. My blonde hair went a little past my shoulder blades. "I think I want to cut it." I said and Val looked up at me. "Not to short, maybe to right above my shoulders and add some black and purple streaks under my hair."

She smiled. "That would look so cute." I nodded and looked through a magazine till I was called to go back.

"Julia?" I looked up and saw a petite woman in her thirty's with red hair looking at me.

"Thats me." I stood up and followed her to her station.

"So what are you doing today?" she asked. I told her what I wanted and she began to mix the dye for my streaks.

About an hour and half later. She was blow drying my hair and straighten it.

"There all done." she smiled and turned the chair around so I could look in the mirror.

I looked in the mirror and what I saw was different from this morning. It wasn't the same lost girl anymore. I let a few tears escape my eyes that I tired to blink back.

"I'm sorry..um I'll go get your friend." the lady said. She thinks I hated it. But that was far from it. I loved it.

"Oh Julia are you okay?" Val asked and placed her arms around me.

"I'm sorry I can fix your hair-"

I shook my head. "No its okay. I love it. I'm just um." I said and looked back into the mirror. "I'm just happy."

When I looked deeper into the mirror, I looked behind the make up and I saw something I thought I lost forever.

My Smile

"Val." I said weakly and looked up at her. I pointed to my lips and asked "I'm- I'm"

She was crying happy tears to "I see it Julia. I'm so happy." she pulled me into a hug. I'm sure everyone thought we were crazy but they didn't know. They wouldn't understand.

She wiped away her tears and smiled at me. I returned it and she spoke "lets pay and get home"

"Can we stop at the CD store first." She nodded as she paid the hairdresser.

"What CD are you looking for?" she asked as we walked into the store.

"Um" I said and went over to the CD rack by the 'G's "Gone 'til November"

"Hm never heard of them" Val said. I picked up the CD and she looked over my shoulder. "Is that them?"

I nodded. We went to the cashier and paid for the CD and head back out to the car.

"Since their no Cd player, how about when we get home I'll listen to it with you?" she offered.

"I would like that." I said.


We pulled into the driveway and I ran inside immediately. I could hear Val laugh behind me as she followed.

The boys oddly, well not really odd, were still sitting in the living room.

"Hey Ju- Wow love your hair." Matt said as I ran to the stereo. I nodded my head quickly and turned the stereo on anxiously.

"Whats wrong with her?" I heard Matt whisper, I'm only guessing to Val.

I huffed in frustration as I tried to get the plastic off the CD but it was working.

"Here let me do it Hun." Zacky said as he grabbed the CD from my hands.

"Who's Gone 'til November?"

"Thats what I asked." Val laughed.

"Shh!" I hushed them. I skipped a couple of songs till I got to the one I wanted. I sat on Zack's lap and let him wrap his arm around my waist.

If you heard the voices in my head
Would you really listen
If you saw the hole that's in my heart
Would you wanna fill it up
If i was hiding in the dark
Would you wanna rescue me

Kiss me come on
I just wanna melt with you
Don't let me burn alone tonight
There's nothing i won't do for you
It's you or die
Do it now
Hold you down
I melt with you

If i told you once upon a time
Would you wanna touch me
If i asked you about tomorrow
Would you just walk away
If i told you i can't eat ou sleep
Would you wanna chill me out?

Kiss me come on
I just wanna melt with you
Don't let me burn alone tonight
There's nothing i won't do for you
It's you or die
Do it now
Hold you down
I melt with you

I just wanna melt with your arms around me
Is it too much to ask for
I just want it all,i just want it all
I can't sant it anymore

Kiss me come on
I just wanna melt with you
Don't let me burn alone tonight
There's nothing i won't do for you
It's you or die
Do it now
Hold you down
I melt with you

When the song finished I got up and turned the stereo off.

"Just one song baby?"

I nodded and looked at Val. She was smiling at me. And I couldn't help but smile back at her. She started to laugh at my smile and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

To everyone else we looked crazy. But me and Val knew we were laughing cause I was happy.

"I'm scared." Johnny whined. Me and Val stopped laughing at looked at him. He had a scared look on his face.

I looked back at Val we laughed again. I sat back in Zacky's lap trying to calm down.

Matt smiled at me, I could tell this was one of the best days of his life. I smiled back at him.

I looked at Brian. He looked just as happy as Matt was.

Then Jimmy. The boy who always had a smile on his face was smiling bigger than I ever thought possible.

When I turned to Zacky. At first he didn't have a smile. But when he saw mine he smiled. But for some reason, I could tell it wasn't like the first time.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay! for smiles C= _COMMENT?_

If you heard the voices in my head
Would you really listen
If you saw the hole that's in my heart
Would you wanna fill it up
If i was hiding in the dark

Would you wanna rescue me